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The Golden Age has begun...

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I heard, or read, somewhere that when one reaches Krishnaloka, he lives there forever eternally, never falling back to material planets.

Does this mean that all that are not on Krishnaloka have never gotten as far as to Krishnaloka? Is it that when one reaches Krishnaloka, all he cares about is Krishna, Krishna, and Krishna and nothing else, thus never falling down again?


Another question: we are all part and parcel of Krishna, even if that means in dimension to be 1/1000 the tip of a hair. It is a feeling of such belonging that one should brag about, feel proud about(no abhimaan), and even get joy from. When Krishna destroys this cosmic manifestation, what happens to the living entities living within it?

The age of darkness, Kali, began in 3102 B.C. It's point of reaching 5,000 years was around 1898(with the difference in calender, or such, i think). After this, the golden age begins, and lasts for 10,000 years.(http://www.prabhupada.com/Bhaktivedanta%20Archives%20-%20Vision,%20Goals,%20Activities.rtf download and open with MS Word.).


A great coincidance with this is that Srila Prabhupada was born in 1896, just about in time to start the Golden Age. Does this mean that there will be no good in this universe after the 10,000 year period? Seriously, when people say that they can not make it to Krishna in this birth, they need to do some serious thinking. All they mean(maybe and no offence) is that, without probably realizing, they are not completely interested in reaching Krishna, that is, they still want to 'enjoy' the so-called 'enjoyments'. the question about not thinking that one can reach Krishna in this age: when one thinks this, he or she does not try their best to reach Krishna; what about this: since you have got to this material planet, you commited some mistake, and thus have been put into this low, non spiritual loka. what chance do you have that you will not commit another mistake when are granted another body? Try your best to get to Krishnaloka as soon as possible.


And when Krishna says to Arjuna, "My devotees are never vanquished." what does he mean? that no bad thing can happen to his devotees, or that his devotees never die, or his devotees never fall down? because souls, which we are, never die.

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about what Krishna means when he says his devotees will never be vanquished. By this does he surely doesn't mean you will never lose your physical body does he? Did Arjuna grow old and die or did Krishna come and get him in his physical body? Arjuna's fame still lives on and Arjuna undoubtedly lives with Krishna now but I assume he is in a spiritual body?

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Does this mean that all that are not on Krishnaloka have never gotten as far as to Krishnaloka?

•••yes (we come from the spiritual world, but from a zone of existence/consciousness called tatasta (marginal)


Is it that when one reaches Krishnaloka, all he cares about is Krishna, Krishna, and Krishna and nothing else, thus never falling down again?



When Krishna destroys this cosmic manifestation, what happens to the living entities living within it?

•••the single living entities became, for some time, unmanifested... then, when the universe is created they continue their karma path


A great coincidance with this is that Srila Prabhupada was born in 1896, just about in time to start the Golden Age.

•••the golden age starts with the advent of the golden avatara sri chaitanya mahaprabhu in 1496


Does this mean that there will be no good in this universe after the 10,000 year period?

•••yes, almost... krishna never leaves the world wthout bhakti, without vaishnavas, but it willl be almost impossible to find them


Seriously, when people say that they can not make it to Krishna in this birth, they need to do some serious thinking.

•••oh yes.. krsna does not want us to waste the birth in a human form, it is very rare... but it can be also extremely difficult to go back to godhead in the same life when we start to practice krsna consciousness


the question about not thinking that one can reach Krishna in this age: when one thinks this, he or she does not try their best to reach Krishna

•••you have to understand when a devotee sayis it because he's humble and when he says it because he's lazy... or when he's "mixed"


Try your best to get to Krishnaloka as soon as possible.

•••please, you are a vaishnava, pray krishna to give me the necessary devotion


And when Krishna says to Arjuna, "My devotees are never vanquished." what does he mean? that no bad thing can happen to his devotees, or that his devotees never die, or his devotees never fall down?

•••everything you said falls under this "law" ... a devotee (real, pure, fully realized, uttama adhikari) is protected under all the aspects

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"And when Krishna says to Arjuna, "My devotees are never vanquished." what does he mean? that no bad thing can happen to his devotees, or that his devotees never die, or his devotees never fall down?

•••everything you said falls under this "law" ... a devotee (real, pure, fully realized, uttama adhikari) is protected under all the aspects."


Reply: This can also be understood as an assurance that our natural inherent devotion cannot be destroyed, much like the eternal soul. When properly nurtured and directed through bhakti, accumulated benefits remain, birth after birth. One need not become perfect in realization to feel protected by Krsna.

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Please accept my humble obeisances.


Hare Krishna

thank you yasodanandana. your answer was very helpful sorry i haven't replied in a while. i really admire your way to answer, it tells us exactly what you are talking about, without confusion. Hare Krishna.

and, is this ok: sometimes, i get the feeling that he doesn't want to worship him? i know that i must and do my best to keep faith in him. however, sometimes i get the feeling that he doesn't want me to have faith in him. today, i was chanting the maha mantra in the morning (i do only 2 rounds as of now). i normally chant silently, but today i was chanting loudly. when my mom heard this, (as i am in a body that is only 16) she started telling me to chant 'swaminarayan' not hare rama. i don't think she heard me chanting the whole mantra. but anyways, i have heard that one must say the mantra and hear it to get benefit from it. but it is times like this that make me feel that Krishna doesn't want me to worship him.


so, my question is "is this ok, or should i take it seriously that Krishna doesn't want me to worship him?" or should i think of it as nothing, and continue advancing in Krishna consciousness? it's just a question that has gotten into this mind. i do have faith in Krishna, and think that everything is going as He wants it, thus i am asking this question, because since he is ishvara-supreme controller-why does he do this to me when i am trying to devote my life to him. for some reason my mom doesn't understand that even swaminarayana said to worship Krishna. i am going to try to explain this to her, many thanks unto Govindaram for advicing me on this.



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should i take it seriously that Krishna doesn't want me to worship him?

•••no prabhu.. we have chosen to leave krsna and to fall in the realm of maya. Maya is necessary for the conditioned soul to forget krishna, he wants us to be free and he, kindly, gets out from our life to let us imagine to be ourselves god. So when, after millions of life in this world, we express a little desire to come back to vaikuntaloka , maya is in charge for testing us, to know if we are serious, to be sure that we are really determined to quit the material world.

So krsna wants you come back to him, but he wants you to be free, convinced and serious


so "protect" your chanting, do not make others, annoyed by your practice, doing useless offences.... chant softly, increase your rounds if you can and chant everytime you have your mouth not engaged in eating or speaking


if you became a devotee, you'll be happy and your happiness will attract others to practice krsna consciousness to became themselves happy like you


this basically is preaching as an acharya, with the behaviour, the example, not necessarily with the words

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