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Verse One...

"A sober person who can tolerate the urge to speak, the mind's demands, the actions of anger and the urges of the tongue, belly and genitals is qualified to make disciples all over the world."


A very small excerpt from Prabhupada's purport of this verse...


Similarly, the demands of the body can be divided into three categories--the demands of the tongue, the belly and the genitals. <font color="blue">One may observe that these three senses are physically situated in a straight line, as far as the body is concerned, and that the bodily demands begin with the tongue.</font color> <font color="red">If one can restrain the demands of the tongue by limiting its activities to the eating of prasada, the urges of the belly and the genitals can automatically be controlled.</font color> In this connection Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura says:


sarira avidya jala, jadendriya tahe kala,

jive phele visaya-sagare

ta 'ra madhye jihva ati, lobhamaya sudurmati,

ta 'ke jeta kathina samsare

krsna bada dayamaya, karibare jihva jaya,

sva-prasada-anna dila bhai

sei annamria khao, radha-krsna-guna gao,

preme daka caitanya-nitai


"O Lord! This material body is a lump of ignorance, and the senses are a network of paths leading to death. Somehow or other we have fallen into the ocean of material sense enjoyment, and of all the senses the tongue is the most voracious and uncontrollable. It is very difficult to conquer the tongue in this world, but You, dear Krsna, are very kind to us. You have sent this nice prasada to help us conquer the tongue; therefore let us take this prasada to our full satisfaction and glorify Your Lordships Sri Sri Radha and Krsna and in love call for the help of Lord Caitanya and Prabhu Nityananda."


So, yes, the tongue is most difficult to control but without the control of the tongue we cannot control the other urges.





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Hare Krishna


I looked it up, i had no idea Sri Upadeshamrita is 'The Nectar of Instruction'.

Here is the Link for all to read: Full Puport etc!


<font color="red"> "Sri Upadeshamrita" (The Nectar of Instruction) </font color>



<font color="red"> Bhaktivedanta VedaBase Network </font color>




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The foods we eat certainly do affect our consciousness. I'm of the belief that eating meat makes one more passionate. So there would be a direct link to meat eating and an increase in sex desire. I also believe that an increase in sex desire causes one to want to achieve more material wealth (because a wealthier person is relatively more attractive to the opposite sex all other things equal). Thus the countries that are the biggest consumers of meat (Western countries, and America at the top) are the wealthiest countries. Is it a perfect correlation? No, but I think it is a factor. I believe Srila Prabhupada made this connection first.

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