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Stave Churches

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What qualities should a Radha Krsna Temple have? Part of my interest in modern and old churches/temples is that I'm searching for a "style" of building that properly captures the mood one desires when worshiping the Supreme Lords. I like the stave church design partly because it is all natural, and I think a closeness to nature is consistent with the mood of worship of Radha Krsna.


So what qualities do you think should be in a temple?

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it is very difficult... you have to study the vastu shastra..


everything from how to choose and "prepare" the land to wich colours, symbols, decoration have to be done to properly welcome the deity are discussed


extremely scientific, complex and difficult .. a kind of sadhana in itself, a meditation on the coming of god in the earth

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What are your thoughts. If you have to choose, must a temple for Radha Krsna look like an Indian temple? Can it look more western in western countries, more asian in asian countries? I always thought it would be interesting to have a temple with dragons and pagoda style with a Japanese rock garden, in Asian areas.

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the main thing is to have a room to chant the holy name in congregation..... that's enough...


but if we want to make the things as the shastra say i think that the more important aspects are on proportion, orientation, opportunity to build in that place etc.. not in the decoration


but i am not at all an expert


(an example of REGULAR vishnu temple with more eastern flavor is the famous Angkor vat in thailandia(?))

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