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-Inappropriate thoughts-

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hi, I am having trouble with inappropriate thoughts while chanting. They are not quite inappropriate, they are mostly anger, frustration. Could be something like kicking deities in the face. Sorry, I really feel horrible. I don't want to offend any one. I just want to be honest. Please help me.


-loversoul character-


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hi, I am having trouble with inappropriate thoughts while chanting. They are not quite inappropriate (mostly not inappropriate exactly), they are mostly anger, frustration. Sometimes completely inappropriate, Could be something like kicking deities in the face. Sorry, I really feel horrible. I don't want to offend any one. I just want to be honest. Please help me stop these thoughts.


-loversoul character-

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Is more chanting. Eventually these ideas will go away.


If you lose concentration then recite the Panca Tattva mantra and then begin again with the mahamantra.


You can use the knowledge presented by Lord Krsna in the Bhagavad-gita about anger. It comes from contemplation of the objects of the senses, which leads to attachment, which when not satisfied becomes anger. He suggests that we withdraw the senses from their objects like a tortoise withdraws its head and limbs into its body.


But continued chanting will lead to the final clearing of such inattentive ramblings of the hurricane mind. You will find the eye of the storm in Sri Krsna.




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"If you lose concentration then recite the Panca Tattva mantra and then begin again with the mahamantra."


In the middle of a round of japa, you can chant pancha-tattva mantra, wow i did not know this, i seem to be having the same problem as loversoul, that verse from the Gita really helps, anger is such a *****, i also keep thinking in my mind about determination in the mode of goodness, to continue chanting, you know i didn't have a problem not chanting so much when i was so materially absorbed, just shows how little attraction i have for krishna, when i thought i actually liked krishna, huh, 0 attraction.




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I will continue to chant, I was hoping for a purificatory method, but the other mantra will do I guess. I really wish the thoughts that come into my head would just leave.




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purport: The age of Kali is called the fallen age. In this fallen age, because the living beings are in an awkward position, the Supreme Lord has given some special facilities to them. So by the will of the Lord, a living being does not become a victim of a sinful act until the act is actually performed. In other ages, simply by thinking of performing a sinful act, one used to become a victim of the act. On the contrary, a living being in this age is awarded with the results of pious acts simply by thinking of them.


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at all. These bad thoughts are called as Vikalpa and they rise more and more in your mind, because now you have started to cut their roots by using the Harinam, a powerful weapon. When hot water is poured into the anthills, snakes come out! similarly, when you chant the holy name, these horrible Vikalpa's come out to disturb you, so that you would stop chanting, and they would live in your mind forever! Don't get disturbed at all, God will not mistake you at all. Continue chanting and you will notice that, gradually, these thoughts would vanish and would not come again.

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This is authourized Bhaktivedanta Siksa on Nama-Bhajan

for the sincere sadhakas on the Bhakti marg to Prema for Sri Sri Radha and Sri Sri Krishna who have descended in this age as

the Sri Krishna Sankirtan

Thank you kindly for bringing souls to chanting the Holy Names

Hare Krishna

Hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna

Hare Hare

Hare Rama

Hare Rama

Rama Rama

Hare Hare




The Cure and Penance For Inattentive Chanting

Is more chanting. Eventually these ideas will go away.


If you lose concentration then recite the Panca Tattva mantra and then begin again with the mahamantra.


You can use the knowledge presented by Lord Krsna in the Bhagavad-gita about anger. It comes from contemplation of the objects of the senses, which leads to attachment, which when not satisfied becomes anger. He suggests that we withdraw the senses from their objects like a tortoise withdraws its head and limbs into its body.


But continued chanting will lead to the final clearing of such inattentive ramblings of the hurricane mind. You will find the eye of the storm in Sri Krsna.



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i do have a similar problem and it certainly is annoying, but i have realized the fact that we are trying to surrender our selves to the Krishna and hence it is upto Krishna to help us get rid of those distrubing thoughts and filter is onto better human beings. Do not worry, just go on chanting.

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I have heard this analogy. A room that has not been used for along time may gather very much dust. This dust becomes a great problem to the sweeper who starts to clean it away because it flys up everywhere, interfering with sight and breath. But the only way to solve the problem is to keep sweeping.


Eventually and gradually the room will become from from the dust altogether.


The dust was not recognized as a problem until one started to sweep, so things may appear to get worse before they get better. The clearing stage in chanting is like this right? I mean it took the maha-mantra to show me what an a__hole I have become. But this is necessary to develop a contrite and humble heart before the Lord. Now if we can tolerate the turmoil until the air clears, then we will be able to see ourselves and the Lord in a true light.


As hard as it may seem there really is no sane alternative but to continue on.

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Hare Krishna,



hi, I am having trouble with inappropriate thoughts while chanting. They are not quite inappropriate, they are mostly anger, frustration. Could be something like kicking deities in the face. Sorry, I really feel horrible. I don't want to offend any one. I just want to be honest. Please help me.


-loversoul character-





This is what God will do. Laugh at thoughts like this.


Do not worry. You are not alone. I sometimes feel like slapping Lord Krishna(please nobody should take any offense). Being human we think that we are suffering unduly and that Lord should help us. At times it crosses our threshold.


GOD helps when he wants to help us. Just have the knowledge that HE is always righteous and gives what each of us deserve.

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natural is to remain in spiritual world

unnatural is to come here suffering

more or less everyone has difficulties chanting hare krishna, they are codified in the famous ten offences..


so chant.. and try to be happy to chant

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Chanting rounds is hard. It certainly makes you feel of all the impulses and drives within.


Surrender to the Holy Name.


Just decide you are going to do it. Humility is a must. Just make a determination to accept whatever stress or disturbance that comes from within.


This cleansing is not exactly free. There is a mental price to pay. You get what you pay for.


Also, remembering Krsna's pastimes and qualities help immensely. The chanting and remembering are so compatible. Stop chanting and read Krsna-katha, then come back to chanting.


You can also utilize prayer at this time.


ancient paztriot

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What helps me lately, is to think i am spending quality time with Krishna. So i can appreciate it more.


ancient paztriot suggestion about remembering krishnas qualities is great, in the Nectar of Devotion, the 64 qualities of Krishna are mentioned, pastimes also interelate with krishna qualities,


so you are doing both, at once, hare krishna.



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This was copied from the Newletyters and Journals section. I didn't know this. Should be inspiration to us outside.


Prabhupada: Yes. Anyway, follow the instruction. That is required. Follow the instruction. Wherever you remain, it doesn't matter. You are secure. Follow the instruction. Then you are secure anywhere. It doesn't matter. Just like I told you that I saw my Guru Maharaja not more than ten days in my life, but I followed his instruction. I was a grhastha, I never lived with the Matha, in the temple. It is practical.

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