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Homosexuality in the eyes of the Lord

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I am a christian who believes that we have a duty to help God's children the best way we can, and if we ignore what's going on in the world with homosexuality than how do we deal with ot more importantly how do we stop it by ignoring it...just as they band together to get what they want so should we but under God's leadership.




I think the best way is to be firm and clear in your opposition to it but at the same time not to waste too much time on it.


Everybody should be welcome to congregational prayer worship and teachings but no one should be allowed to openly display such behavior in the group.


Ultimately the more light and love of God that we can attain the more we will be able to help others. The more we become fixed on praising the name of God and help others become so fix all these sinful habits whatever they may be will fall away.

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don't try and use spiritual personalities and there pastimes to rationalize the present mundane topic of material lust (homosexuality).


Obviously you do not understand vedic culture and the lords pastimes.


Homosexualtiy is not a qualification for any of the varnashrama caste's nor vaishnava's.


Homosexuality in vedic culture is seen in the outcaste part of society with prostitutes, but none the less still existed but outside of varnashrama.


Homosexuality has alway's existed just to what degree, in kali yuga the irreligious and immoral way of life is prominent therefore one by-product is a large homosexual community.



Vedic culture is the only real spiritual education we have in kali yuga and no compromises should be excepted.


That means no homosexual marriages of any kind......period


Srila Prabhupada did not agree with homosexuality


J.S das


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if say your a homo than your calling yourself a dog, a lusty dog and nothing else.


brahmins should not be homo's but human being means no more sex life, that is human being not animal conciousness, dog's also have homo sex, didn't you know that, then what is the difference.

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why read the bible, it's like a kindergarten book compared to the bhagavata gita, your not on a christian website here, your talking with people who study advanced spiritual literatures, don't spread ya bible here we don't need it and we don't need homo's trying to change our rule's and reg's either.

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The post was for the Mod. more than anyone else. But you obviously don't have a complete lack of interest or you wouldn't be reading and responding to this thread.

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This fellow is so embarrassing. He still owes the Christian an apology. Doubt that he has enough class for that.


Will he forever continue to use Krsna to build his ego and never get beyond this obnoxious mentality? I wish he would stop presenting himself as a vedantist. It's just too embarrassing.

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i will apoligize for nothing but stating the obviuos obnoxiuos mentality for killing cow's, if the christian admit's that killing cow's is sinful and abominable and apoligize's on behalf of his fellow bretheren christian's for this abominable activity i will gladly give up my pride and self righteousness for feeling sorry for mother cow.


do we have a deal


obnoxiuos or straight to the point as was prabhupada.............THOU SHALL NOT KILL....



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  • 5 months later...




I do remember I did get a hoot out of the story about when Lord Brahma had created some passionate men who indeed then turned on him with sexual agitation. Poor Brahma had to seek the help of Lord Krishna to fend off the perverts.


So, if we wonder what vaisnavas think of this topic we need look no further than to the very first vaisnava in our lineage. He didn't think much of it at all. Did he? Guess he was straight - the first homo-phob - adi-homo-phobia.


Wasn't it that their actual 'perversion' was that they wanted to have sex with their father? That they were demons for that - is clear in the incident - the homosexuality part - is another matter - less convincing.


Homosexuality is not incest - nor are they concomitant.


What about the sages - the male sages - that saw Lord Rama in the forrest and wanted to enjoy with Him in conjugal ways - so - we are told that He accepted this desire of their's and - they took birth as Gopis [milkmaids] in Krishna Lila?


I agree about not surrendering to one's lusty desires and - to rather surrender to Krishna - but - to border one's attitude with 'homo-phopia' [or any sort of thing like that] is nonsense.


One cannot lose one's family over ones skin color - but - one can lose one's family over this issue and - it can happen in any family - anywhere.


Most people know do others who are gay and who are not revealing it - due to the fear of the subsequent hate etc., that would follow. Is it anyone any of you know or are related to?


Society sould not encourge this [or any sex-life] nor should they make those who do end up gay feel like they are demons - an abomination.


I think that it's said that the men who are most homo-phobic are closet cases?


It would seem that some devotees would rather just take the most stringent of positions - when in their own lives things are not so puka either.


That interview [posted here in this thread] says that homosexuals care more about sex than they do about God and - that is an example of the 'hate' in action.


Clearly it's a generalization - one that makes people think that gays are demons. It's a generalization - no more.


I've known lots of straight people - who acted like sex is the reason to be alive and that's more than kinda gross but - are/were they demons? No!


We must know that all desire - is a subtle thing and - one can become infected by desires - just like any disease - and the worst way to become infected with the desires of others - is to be overly critical of them - it's true...

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God made man and woman to be together. Not man and man and woman and woman. I don't think that they are a part of society, they are outcastes. Inhumane.


Personally, I agree that homosexuality is an abnormality and a perversion of sex. But, to call them inhumane is wrong. Keep in mind, many of these homosexuals were probably the opposite sex in their last lifetime, and it has caused them to have confused sexual urges in this lifetime. Others may have been molested by a person of the opposite sex in this lifetime, that left them scarred to opposite sex relations. These issues are complex. And a little compassion and understanding, is needed. You will never help any homosexual by being so cruel.


Don't act like some holier than thou Christian/Muslim, who doesn't have any care for human weaknesses or the deeper issues that may cause these desires.

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Personally, I agree that homosexuality is an abnormality and a perversion of sex. But, to call them inhumane is wrong. Keep in mind, many of these homosexuals were probably the opposite sex in their last lifetime, and it has caused them to have confused sexual urges in this lifetime. Others may have been molested by a person of the opposite sex in this lifetime, that left them scarred to opposite sex relations. These issues are complex. And a little compassion and understanding, is needed. You will never help any homosexual by being so cruel.


Don't act like some holier than thou Christian/Muslim, who doesn't have any care for human weaknesses or the deeper issues that may cause these desires.


I wouldn't really say that homosexuality is a perversion of sex. While I do agree that it has to do with ones past life, i wouldn't say they are perverted. I know quite a few gay and lesbians and they never talk about sex and are not concerned with sexual desires when it comes to the opposite sex. Ofcourse it is sexual to some extent otherwise there would be no attraction but they are not perverted. They simply want to have a relationship with the opposite sex and it's not just for sexual purposes.

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homosex is demonic!


Such passion here in you! Why is it so?


Are homosexuals 'demons' by that explication?


“…In days gone by there were many sages in Dandakaranya. Dandakaranya is the name of the forest where Lord Ramacandra lived after being banished by His father for fourteen years. At that time there were many advanced sages who were captivated by the beauty of Lord Ramacandra and who desired to become women in order to embrace the Lord.… Lord Ramacandra remained silent, and His silence shows that He accepted the prayers of the sages…” [Nectar of Devotion ch. 16]


Were those sages demons?


If only you could think beyond the body and its activities...

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I wouldn't really say that homosexuality is a perversion of sex. While I do agree that it has to do with ones past life, i wouldn't say they are perverted. I know quite a few gay and lesbians and they never talk about sex and are not concerned with sexual desires when it comes to the opposite sex. Ofcourse it is sexual to some extent otherwise there would be no attraction but they are not perverted. They simply want to have a relationship with the opposite sex and it's not just for sexual purposes.


What I meant by perverted, is that homosexual relations are not the 'natural' order of things. In homosexual relations, there is no balance of yin and yang; no union of Shiva & Shakti; no possibility of reproduction; no spark of life that comes as a result of heterosexual union. The male and female pairing are the natural order of things. I mean, do you know of any gods or goddesses that have gay or lesbian consorts? Well, that which is above, is as that which is below, to quote the familiar Hermetic axiom. Heterosexual Unions are the Natural order of things, whereas gay sexual pairings are unbalanced and thus a perversion of the natural order.


I do not believe gays should be persecuted. Like I say, there are complex reasons why a person would have these feelings, and that must be kept in mind.


It would be interesting to get a group of 100 homosexuals and do past life regressions on them, to see how many were the opposite sex in their last life.

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REASWARAN: I have yet to hear of homosexuality in the animal world- a homo dog or a homo pig ?


I saw a study on television that said that there was homosexuality in the animal kingdom. Certain animals, when given the option of mating with the same or opposite sex, would repeatedly choose the same sex, even when multiple other sex partners were available. This would continue throughout the life of the animal. I believe the study was conducted with pigs, but I cannot remember.

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I posted these on another thread and - I thought that it would generate discussion here:


The question of ‘sexuality’ is one that is to be asked by almost every soul in the human form of life – no matter their particular so-called orientation.


We have to ask ourselves - what is the basis of this contentious issue and - how does it really relate to our actual existence.


Indeed - it has been mentioned in this discussion that one’s sexuality is ‘a state of being’. That is true.


The Lord says:


Whatever state of being one remembers when he quits his body, that state he will attain without fail. [bG 8.6]


So of course - in terms of samsara or rebirth - there is a dichotomy for the soul created through their identification of their ‘identity’ - with sexuality – again - this is true - no matter the so-called orientation.


There should be a mention here in this posting that it is natural and 'normal' for some souls to appear homosexual and some to appear heterosexual - within this material nature - this is as a result of many karmic factors but - it isn't a perversion that one is gay.


That said - there are aberrations in expression within both of these orientations. Some asuric individuals - of both groups - choose to violate the hearts minds and bodies of others - [it starts with their contemplating of these sins within their minds] - to so-called express or otherwise gratify their aberrant sexual urges and they are of course - demons - whose activities aught to be fully checked. It is especially a violation for adult people to engage in sex of any kind - subtle or otherwise - with adolescent individuals - individuals under the age of 19! These offenders should especially be made an example of in severe reprisals from the State. Today's courts however are not serious enough about this issue yet.


I'm here not in any way discussing so-called adolescent sexuality - that is something - generally - which I think adults shouldn't even talk about.


Since age is an important part of the issue - in my opinion - if one is say already 45 years old - they have no business having sex with 19-30 year old people.


That manner of generation mixing - is so much maya - that older people shall have such connections - with much younger people - is a severely conditioning practice!


It cultivates a deeper bodily attachment within ones mind - for ones past younger body and - it thus makes for a greater mental suffering for such people - in being forced to see that a 25 year old body - is no longer their's.


This scenario becomes compounded as we age. Thus for their own good - people should - through life - thus act - within their own generation - in these matters. More could be said about this...


The thus 'normal' homosexual and heterosexual individuals have to at some point understand that we are not these bodies and related designations:


My dear King and hero, whatever you have spoken sarcastically is certainly true. Actually these are not simply words of chastisement, for the body is the carrier. The load carried by the body does not belong to me, for I am the spirit soul. There is no contradiction in your statements because I am different from the body. I am not the carrier of the palanquin; the body is the carrier. Certainly, as you have hinted, I have not labored carrying the palanquin, for I am detached from the body. You have said that I am not stout and strong, and these words are befitting a person who does not know the distinction between the body and the soul. The body may be fat or thin, but no learned man would say such things of the spirit soul. As far as the spirit soul is concerned, I am neither fat nor skinny; therefore you are correct when you say that I am not very stout. Also, if the object of this journey and the path leading there were mine, there would be many troubles for me, but because they relate not to me but to my body, there is no trouble at all. [sB 5.10.9]


Now we have designated ourselves on the basis of our bodily relationships. We think, “I am an American,” “I am an Indian,” “I am a brahmana,” “I am black,” “I am white,” “I am strong,” “I am weak,” “I am fat,” “I am thin.” These are all bodily designations. When one becomes free of these designations and thinks, “I am an eternal servant of Krsna,” one possesses real jnana, or knowledge. [DWT, 7]


There are scores of quotes that confirm like that – that we are spirit souls – we choose to identify with the body or – we choose to identify with our real identity as soul – as such – when we quit the present body – our subtle mind will have been creating our next body based on our desires and our merit as moved by our particular identifications – body or soul.


When we are in knowledge we see this:


We are after designations. Someone wants to become a son, someone wants to become Lord, someone wants to become the president or a rich man or a king or something else. As long as we are attached to these designations, we are attached to the body because designations belong to the body. But we are not these bodies, and realizing this is the first stage in spiritual realization. We are associated with the three modes of material nature, but we must become detached through devotional service to the Lord. If we are not attached to devotional service to the Lord, then we cannot become detached from the modes of material nature. Designations and attachments are due to our lust and desire, our wanting to lord it over the material nature. As long as we do not give up this propensity of lording it over material nature, there is no possibility of returning to the kingdom of the Supreme… [bG, Introduction]


The activities of the body, or the figurative city of body, are conducted automatically by the particular modes of nature. The soul, although subjecting himself to the conditions of the body, can be beyond those conditions, if he so desires. Owing only to forgetfulness of his superior nature, he identifies with the material body, and therefore suffers. [bG 5.13, Purport]


This verse is very important for an understanding of how the living entities transmigrate from one body to another. It is explained in the Second Chapter that the living entity is transmigrating from one body to another just as one changes dress. This change of dress is due to his attachment to material existence. As long as he is captivated by this false manifestation, he has to continue transmigrating from one body to another. Due to his desire to lord it over material nature, he is put into such undesirable circumstances. Under the influence of material desire, the entity is born sometimes as a demigod, sometimes as a man, sometimes as a beast, as a bird, as a worm, as an aquatic, as a saintly man, as a bug. This is going on. And in all cases the living entity thinks himself to be the master of his circumstances, yet he is under the influence of material nature. How he is put into such different bodies is explained here. It is due to association with the different modes of nature. One has to rise, therefore, above the three material modes and become situated in the transcendental position. [bG 13.22, Purport]


So it really is an adjustment to our thinking. What is it that causes the most attachment to the body and bodily identification?


The highest benefit that can be awarded to a human being is to train him to be detached from sex life, particularly because it is only due to sex indulgence that the conditioned life of material existence continues birth after birth. Human civilization in which there is no control of sex life is a fourth-class civilization because in such an atmosphere there is no liberation of the soul encaged in the material body. Birth, death, old age and disease are related to the material body, and they have nothing to do with the spirit soul. But as long as the bodily attachment for sensual enjoyment is encouraged, the individual spirit soul is forced to continue the repetition of birth and death on account of the material body, which is compared to garments subjected to the law of deterioration. [sB 2.6.20, Purport]


We can see a very revealing instruction within the narration of Mohini-incarnation and Lord Siva:


While Lord Siva observed the beautiful woman playing with the ball, She sometimes glanced at him and slightly smiled in bashfulness. As he looked at the beautiful woman and She watched him, he forgot both himself and Uma, his most beautiful wife, as well as his associates nearby. [sB 8.12.22]


His senses being agitated, Lord Siva, victimized by lusty desires, began to follow Her, just as a lusty elephant follows a she-elephant. [sB 8.12.27]


Just as a maddened bull elephant follows a female elephant who is able to conceive pregnancy, Lord Siva followed the beautiful woman and discharged semen, even though his discharge of semen never goes in vain. [sB 8.12.32]


O Maharaja Pariksit, best of kings, when Lord Siva had fully discharged semen, he could see how he himself had been victimized by the illusion created by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Thus he restrained himself from any further maya. [sB 8.12.35]


In the Purport to this verse Srila Prabhupada says:


Once one is agitated by lusty desires upon seeing a woman, those desires increase more and more, but when semen is discharged in the act of sex, the lusty desires diminish. The same principle acted upon Lord Siva. He was allured by the beautiful woman Mohini-murti, but when his semen had been fully discharged, he came to his senses and realized how he had been victimized as soon as he saw the woman in the forest….


So we are given this episode from Lord Vishnu and Lord Siva – so that we might [in part] understand that as soon as we become ‘infected’ by desire we’ll chase after it - unless we train ourselves not to.


Somehow or other one must be enlightened about his past, present and future. One who is interested only in his present body and who tries to enjoy his senses to the fullest extent is understood to be engrossed in the mode of ignorance. His future is very, very dark. Indeed, the future is always dark for one who is grossly covered by ignorance. Especially in this age, human society is covered by the mode of ignorance, and therefore everyone thinks his present body to be everything, without consideration of the past or future. [sB 6.1.49, Purport]


One tries to enjoy the five sense objects, namely form, sound, taste, aroma and touch, not knowing the actual goal of life, which is to satisfy the Supreme Lord. Because of disobeying the Supreme Lord, one is put into material conditions, and he then tries to improve his situation in a concocted way, not desiring to follow the instructions of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. [sB 6.1.50, Purport]


One who is able to withdraw his senses from sense objects, as the tortoise draws his limbs within the shell, is to be understood as truly situated in knowledge. [bG 2.58]


While contemplating the objects of the senses, a person develops attachment for them, and from such attachment lust develops, and from lust anger arises. [bG 2.62]


We have to consider that mere abstinences are not real renunciations:


One who restrains the senses and organs of action, but whose mind dwells on sense objects, certainly deludes himself and is called a pretender. [bG 3.6]


We have to really transfer our primary attachment and - that is where this sex-life issue becomes the make or break point for an aspiring transcendentalist.


The enjoyment of the objects of the senses actually reposes within and culminates with - the sex act – of the senses it’s the sense of touch that is ‘wired’ to this attachment - touch being the most engaging of the senses.


We know from Gita that the mind and the senses are the sitting places of lust – in fact lust corrupts our intelligence - by keeping the mind engaged with so many sense objects and these interactions with the senses and the sense objects are the basic foundation for our attachments.


We also learn for Gita that everything around us is covered by the modes of nature or the qualities of naturegoodness passion and ignorance – thus as we keep our senses engaged with objects and activities they are covered by any combination of these particular modes.


We know that we have to come to the mode of goodness - to be able to at last transcend these modes altogether.


If we choose to think that our passion-based sexuality is a part of our real identity - that is a great obstacle – no matter the so-called orientation concerned.


When we accept that we are the body we tend to accept that sexuality is a part of our identity – this affects everything we think feel and do.


Once we can begin to see this misidentification - the question of control derives first - in responding to or not responding to - our urges.


Without doubt as any activity is covered by the qualities of nature and as are individuals and objects - to engage in sex with - is to create karma with that individual – it’s a fact.


There is a subtle contamination that results from such interactions when they are merely sense gratification [not to produce children].


Lord Krishna says:


A person who is not disturbed by the incessant flow of desires—that enter like rivers into the ocean which is ever being filled but is always still—can alone achieve peace, and not the man who strives to satisfy such desires. [bG 2.70]


Without a doubt - in my own past I’ve realized how contaminating - to the mind and heart - it is to actually have sex!


Now for each of us such realizations are timed differently and - yes we all may not be able to be fully celibate – of course - in the question of celibacy there enters the question of degrees – so it is generally taken to mean that a celibate individual refrains from sexual activity with all other individuals – in the ultimate sense - it also includes all artificial gratification – but - where time and circumstances are concerned - there may be the question of the latter being the lesser of two evils.


So in this thread the question is about the relevant spiritual questions regarding the disputed propriety of gay relationships – including monogamous ones.


Just like any ‘straight’ relationship – within which there is sense gratification in the form of sex – ALL these types of relationships are based in illusion – really they are.


If in such a relationship - one cannot legitimately have sex then - what is the point of that relationship?


It’s better for the needs of companionship - to have good friends and - to not worry about playing house with someone.


If people choose to live this way [gay monogamous relationships] – that is their business and - we as devotees tend to respect people’s rights and seeming prudence in this connection – we do support their monogamous prudence – but not in practical convention - through changing the whole of the philosophical reality to suit it.


We are not going to see a time when same sex marriage arrangements are spiritually acceptable – it simply isn’t needed.


I don’t think that it’s good - even from the materialistic social perspective.


As an example - I note that recently here in Canada the Supreme Court decided on a precedent case - dealing with ‘sex clubs’.


On the whole - they decided that such sex clubs - were not in violation of the law and - that they should be permitted to operate [without restraints] – of course - what is the real impact of these sex clubs on individuals and society in general?


I think that it is interesting that the same Court decided that marijuana should stay illegal – saying that there is ‘no standing constitutional right to posses and use it’ – thus they ignored everything about the facts of the issue including the real science behind the issue and - they chose to make a capricious decision – maybe it's because they don’t smoke grass and they don’t want to – thus it stays illegal.<o></o>


However these sex clubs on the other hand – the justices decided what they did - because they themselves may one day like to ‘legitimately’ patronize such an establishment? I'm not trying to insult anyone - I'm just making a point.


Myself - I see that all these sex clubs [many of which existed in larger cities prior to this case] are degrading and seedy environments - where the propensity for unsafe sex and the spread of disease are engendered.


This new decision now seriously promotes a further degraded environment to spread everywhere. Like gambling VLT's - at first there were only a few here and there - now - there's tens of thousands of them - everywhere.


It now makes it possible for married people to commit adultery - so much like 'going for a beer' and - it makes fornication for unmarried individuals that much easier too.


Without a doubt this decision shall do much to erode family and societal morality.



They cannot justify their capricious marijuana ruling but thanks to them - this sex club thing may soon be moving to a neighborhood near yours!


How to control ones senses within such a society?


So back to the point - if gay people choose to live together and make some commitment that is their business – but they cannot expect to change spiritual traditions - based on a growing societal propensity - for inclusions of same sex marriages.


We cannot change these facts of scriptures - to suit our modern societal needs.


Of course Prabhupada says:


The sex demand is inevitable for everyone, but one who has a fixed wife is saved from the onslaught of the sense enemies. A man who possesses a good wife does not create a disturbance in society by corrupting virgin girls. Without a fixed wife, a man becomes a debauchee of the first order and is a nuisance in society… [sB 3.14.20, purport]


So I would tend to apply that to the same sex people too – while telling them the rest of what is written here.


Of course - I’m not beyond all these 'normal' sex issues too!


I myself have not had sex - for over ten years and - I don’t feel I’m missing out on anything good.


I have nothing to worry about - as far as disease unwanted pregnancy and relationships with their baggage – it is liberating.


I have had the overwhelming sex-desire struggle in my own life – and I think there are degrees of renunciations and - we each find them as permitted by our own sincere desires - one way or the other.


There was a time that I too embraced my sexuality - as though it were God created and natural – I dismissed [as outmoded morality] the parts of scriptures that made my illusory identity feel uncomfortable.


However as the scriptures tell us – trying to satisfy our lusty identity only results in frustrations.


So the choice then was to understand that either choice [to have or not to have sex] may make one uptight and frustrated – i.e.: ‘why cannot I find a good relationship and be happy’ - or - ‘let me tolerate this urge and let it pass then I shall see that that engagement is a perpetual downer’.


As noted - the issues - the transcending of sexuality and - the attainment of full celibacy must [for some] also include the factor of personal artificial ‘satisfaction’ of ones sexual urges.


We must never forget the understanding that we are to see these urges - for what they are and - not give in to them - as far as possible – now that may take time - depending on many factors but – in such a scenario – better that one makes an end to these urges oneself - without involving any others?


Of course that too is contaminating and - not conducive to our liberation from the noted bondage to bodily consciousness – but doing away with the urge that way may stave off the propensity to fornicate long enough - to realize these things in proper perspective.


Too often in trying to satisfy ones urges - one goes into the worst of associations and one spends time and money – one really spends too much - over-endeavoring for one moment of so-called bliss – it’s hardly worth the chase.


I do not want anyone to think that I’m endorsing a certain practice but - the alternate behaviors - as discussed in this thread - are more contaminating and are thus more acutely going to check ones spiritual progress.


As we go through the day what are we thinking about? Krishna? The soul? The body? What? It is up to us to program our minds to not engage the senses with this sex desire - at every appearance of the urge to do so.


If we want to try to be happy here in our delusional sexual reality - we can forget all about this and - the delusion and suffering never ends…


If we are serious about serving God and becoming pure enough to be liberated – then we shall accept what scriptures tell us about these things.


If we are having sex with 'other individuals' - we are going to be more attached to those 'others' [mostly the bodies of] than we are to God. It's a very subtle point - but in that regard - so too are its inevitable results - complete forgetfullness of our primary connection - our connection to God.


In our original uncontaminated nature we are existing for His satisfaction.


He is the Enjoyer and the souls are the enjoyed.


By nature - God is the Energetic Supreme Masculine and - we souls are all the inferior feminine energy. In the basic understanding - when we wish to have sex we - the enjoyed - wish to imitate God as - the Enjoyer.


We also must know that these urges are connected to a bodily function.


This bodily function is connected to procreation - if the truth is told - in a God-centered marriage relationship - the focus isn't on the bodily function of procreation - it's supposed to be an association meant to regulate our senses.


By nature's design the natural consequence of sex is the formation of new bodies - children. If we produce children it is a great deal of material and spiritual responsibility - this result is intended to curb the unrestricted indulgence of sex in a marriage relationship.


Of course - humans have sought out many calculations to check this natural result - i.e.: birth control and abortion.


Physical nature is known to be endlessly mutable. Thus when we calculate in this way - so also does material nature - thus we can see the increase of sexual diseases [physical and otherwise] as a 'natural consequence' of sex - instead of the begetting of children.


That said - we have to see that the base matter is the same for all of us - man or woman and even irrespective of gay or straight - the matter is the same - we are eternal souls - that are not any of these designations - that the choice to build so much around this bodily function - is so much illusion.


Forgive this very simple crude example - we can look at it like this – sex like urination - is a bodily function – do we ‘build a life’ around that bodily function? No.


Heterosexuality is not looked upon as an aberration – and yet - it is an aberration - for the eternal unchanging soul - as the soul is neither straight nor gay!


We must consider too that for one who has heterosexual urges – the subtle sexual identity illusion may be even harder to overcome - as one [and society in general] doesn’t see sexual urges in general and heterosexual urges in particular as unnatural – where for one who has no attraction for the opposite sex [and thus no desire to produce children] - it may become easier to see this over-all unnatural point about sex – if they can see the homosexual urge as unnatural - as the last 'normal' snare of maya - as another calculation - where sex life is concerned.


We tend to ignore that maya is working on us – presenting our minds - with anything [psychological and emotional] that we might accept – to just accept our illusory identity of body and just forget God and who we really are – and as far as sex goes - that’s the greatest allurement there is.


As for Vedic literatures and sexuality – you’ll find what I’ve said here is quite the logical.


It’s not that homosexuality is a sin and that God hates anyone who is thus orientated – it’s much broader than thatsex is all about a world of phantasmagorias and our particular designations and dispositions in interacting within this world.


God hates our sins - only because they make us forget Him - sex for sense gratification - is sex - straight or gay. Unless one uses sex as perscribed - to beget children - there shall be all sorts of psycological emotional and physical results and sufferings connected to it.


When we give these things a serious thought we must see them outside our attachments to them.


As the Lord says - we need a balance:


He who does not hate illumination, attachment and delusion when they are present, nor longs for them when they disappear; who is seated like one unconcerned, being situated beyond these material reactions of the modes of nature, who remains firm, knowing that the modes alone are active... [bG 14.22-25]


For those molding their lives to please God - it is natural that one might want to reduce these attachments - and thus check the ill results to this issue as far as possible.


For one who worships Me, giving up all his activities unto Me and being devoted to Me without deviation, engaged in devotional service and always meditating upon Me, who has fixed his mind upon Me, O son of Prtha, for him I am the swift deliverer… [bG 12.6-7]


If one wishes to remain within bodily consciousness then they are not even going to have read all this posting? [hint hint] wink.gif


So as this is sounding like a long [bad] lecture now I think its time to sign off this posting….




As a last side note:


...development of conjugal love for Krsna is not manifested in women only.


The material body has nothing to do with spiritual loving affairs.


A woman may develop an attitude for becoming a friend of Krsna, and, similarly, a man may develop the feature of becoming a gopi in Vrndavana.


How a devotee in the form of a man can desire to become a gopi is stated in the Padma Purana as follows:


In days gone by there were many sages in Dandakaranya. Dandakaranya is the name of the forest where Lord Ramacandra lived after being banished by His father for fourteen years.


At that time there were many advanced sages who were captivated by the beauty of Lord Ramacandra and who desired to become women in order to embrace the Lord.


Later on, these sages appeared in Goloka Vrndavana when Krsna advented Himself there, and they were born as gopis, or girl friends of Krsna. In this way they attained the perfection of spiritual life.


The story of the sages of Dandakaranya can be explained as follows.


When Lord Ramacandra was residing in Dandakaranya, the sages who were engaged in devotional service there became attracted by His beauty and immediately thought of the gopis at Vrndavana, who enjoyed conjugal loving affection with Krsna.


In this instance it is clear that the sages of Dandakaranya desired conjugal love in the manner of the gopis, although they were well aware of the Supreme Lord as both Krsna and Lord Ramacandra.


They knew that although Ramacandra was an ideal king and could not accept more than one wife, Lord Krsna, being the full-fledged Personality of Godhead, could fulfill the desires of all of them in Vrndavana.


These sages also concluded that the form of Lord Krsna is more attractive than that of Lord Ramacandra, and so they prayed to become gopis in their future lives to be associated with Krsna.


Lord Ramacandra remained silent, and His silence shows that He accepted the prayers of the sages. Thus they were blessed by Lord Ramacandra to have association with Lord Krsna in their future lives. As a result of this benediction, they all took birth as women in the wombs of gopis at Gokula... [The Nectar of Devotion, Ch. 16]


So that would appear to be an interesting narration. I think that it speaks for itself on these issues - however - this 'mood' does have its perverted expression in those 'men' who dress as 'gopis' and call themselves such.


These are a version of 'drag queens' - and from what I've read - they may beset a wedding for instance and - to make them go away - they must be given alms - or they'll make a further disturbance - in one way or another.


Obviously - these expressions are not what is being referred to here in this narration.


But it does go to show an important point.


So for all those macho-men who are so proud of their own man-body - beware - you too may become more attracted to Krishna and His Form - than you think!


We can see another interesting narration in Srimad Bhagavatam Canto Nine chapter one.


In this chapter we see the narration of King Sudyumna - who was born as a girl - then transformed into a boy - then the boy grows into a man and - he later with his ministers - becomes a woman - by the entering of a certain forest.


We are told that it was - "by the grace of Lord Siva, Sudyumna received the benediction that he would live one month as a woman and one month as a man" - there of course was a special purpose behind this.


So as we can see from these two examples - this issue is broader than one might think.


I should mention that the point often advanced against gay people from the Bhagavatam is the narration where Brahma produced some sons and they went after after him to molest him and he had to take shelter of Lord Vishnu for protection.


What we are being warned of here is incest and molestation - clearly that is the issue. Of course such activities are demonic for anyone who thus engages in them.


Of course all through Prabhupada's Vani we read examples of this and that and it is important to see the over-all reality of the message.


We must see that Prabhupada is as terse with so-called straight people about sex - as he is with gay people - when it involves the cracking of their false ego's - where it involves setting-out the same standards - for all to measure-up to to get out of this place...


I like this letter he wrote to "name withheld" on December 17, 1972:


Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated November 30th, 1972, wherein I am so shocked to hear from you that you have left your good wife for some time to have sex-life with another girl, who is also a devotee, and that she is now pregnant with your child. That is most disturbing to me. But I know that all big leaders are falling victim to sex-life. So let her live in New York and you live in Paris with your wife, what can be done? But you should not ever see or correspond in any way with her again. That will be the worst example. If you are leader, how you can do these things? If someone will have her, she may get herself married and be happy in Krsna consciousness--I do not want that she shall go away from shame. But you must have nothing more to do with her. Just like [another devotee] has done. He was like the sifter, full of holes, and he was finding fault only in others: Oh, just see that needle, he has got a hole. Now he has made one girl pregnant and they were found out, so he has left me as my personal servant. That is the common practice: full of holes, yet they are accusing others, "Oh! He has got one hole! Our business is to raise ourselves to the highest status of life as preachers of Krsna's message, and one should behave himself rigidly, then he should instruct others. Two things: Be himself exemplary, then teach others to be exemplary. If one has not come to that high standard, he cannot judge or criticize others. There is one saying from Bible: 'Judge not, lest ye be judged.' So how we can preach unless we are able to make judgements? That will not be possible. Only those who are above suspicion can judge others. One must himself act in such a way that he is always above suspicion. Then he can judge, then he can preach. But now you have no power to instruct. One who is not following himself, how he can instruct others?


If you are repentant, that's all right. You have got your wife, so if you are sexually inclined therefore you should always be with your wife. You are repenting, so Krsna will excuse you. But never do this again. Rather you should stop sex-life altogether, make this your austerity. Do not eat nicely, chant always sixteen rounds, and pray to Krsna to excuse you for your great offense. You are one of the senior devotees, therefore if you behave like that then the whole Society will be at risk. By their nature, gestures, dress, women are lusty--that is their habit. In the Srimad-Bhagavatam it is stated that when a woman comes to serve you, you must be very careful, especially for sannyasis and brahmacaries."




We should also think that for a woman it's the same - there is one nice story I once read - about an ashram - that was being visited by one nice woman - who was seeking enlightenment - so in any case - when she came to the ashram the men who were living there complained to their leader - the head of the hermitage - that she was serving as a distraction for them - that she was agitating their senses - they wanted her to go away.


So their leader told them that they aught not be so petty as there was only one woman to distract them - but there were all these men - to distract the one woman! If she could tolerate that and try to control her mind - why couldn't they?


So let's not forget that we may all be a source of bondage for each other or we can be a source of liberation.


There is this nice verse within the Bible in this regard - about being good association for one another:


It is good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor [do] any thing whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or is made weak. [Romans 14.21]


We must not do anything as a bad example?





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Here is a good thought:


Spiritual realization and sex pleasure go ill together. [bG 5.21, purport]


Of course that means both go ill - so - we really cannot pursue sex and find a great spiritual life - nor can we pursue a spiritual life and find a great sex life - it really is logical.


I think that when people associate and meet for the first time what are the thoughts? Do we wish to meet people for the Lord's enjoyment or - our own.


That seems to me to be the worst of things - to make another individual soul attached to another individual soul - based on this desire to enjoy one another. It's a subtle thing but - it really is the stumbling block - we must love God more than anyone and thus we must be more attached to Him in our hearts and minds.


Prabhupada gives this example:


...a married woman’s attachment for her paramour. The wife always thinks of her lover, even while doing her household chores. In fact, she does her housework even more carefully so that her husband will not suspect her. In the same way, we should always remember the supreme lover... [NBS 37]


Then Krishna says too:


Always think of Me and become My devotee. Worship Me and offer your homage unto Me. Thus you will come to Me without fail. I promise you this because you are My very dear friend. [bG 18.65]


So there it is - where you're [that's each of us!] concerned God is all - "I Me and - MINE"...a better way to see the 'first commandment' - is this way - "you shall have no other [in your heart] before Me"...

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