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I have stubbled upon a few questions



if a soul is reborn, will the soul be reborn in this time, or in the far future or in the far past? Or is it up too to the karma the soul has been gathering in his/hers last live?


Does lord Krishna get bugged if we chant to much?


Does lord krishna encourage material science? evne trough it might not be perfect knowledge, it be still fascisnating to find out how krishna is manifest in this dimsion...


which dimsion does the jiva live? Which dimision does krishna live?


What is the next age after the age of Kalie?


Thank you so much


hare krishna


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I'll try and offer my opinions.



if a soul is reborn, will the soul be reborn in this time, or in the far future or in the far past? Or is it up too to the karma the soul has been gathering in his/hers last live?



From our present position we cannot evaluate the specifics in too much detail. Some general things we can know. Abortionists go into another womb to be aborted etc. But the details of when and where and other circumstances are left in the hands of certain demi-gods who, as their service, evaluate and reposition us properly into our next birth.





Does lord Krishna get bugged if we chant to much?



There is no such thing that I have heard of as chanting too much. In this world we sometimes must take time place and circumstance into consideration however so that we don't unnesscessarily disturb the minds of others and turn them against Krsna consciousness.



Does lord krishna encourage material science? evne trough it might not be perfect knowledge, it be still fascisnating to find out how krishna is manifest in this dimsion...



This is a very fasinating question that I hope others will take up. One thought is that it lies alot within the consciousness of the particular scientist. I mean one scientist may look into a telescope and see the galaxies upon galaxies and conclude that its all due to random chance. Then another may look and see the awesome workings of God and remember that all this wonderous beauty is just a spark of God's splendor and be brought to his knees in appreciation of Krsna.


The investigating acting of looking in the telescope was neutral.


What Krsna encourages is for us to always remember Him in love and devotion. For His elevated devotees everything reminds them of the Lord.



which dimsion does the jiva live? Which dimision does krishna live?



The jiva is always spiritual even when it dreams of being in the material dimension.


Krsna lives everywhere,in all dimensions.


Krsna lives everywhere, but some prefer Him in Vrndaban. He is right in front of you now as you read this post and with me as I write it. Our problem is since we don't have eyes anointed with pure love and devotion we cannot see Him.


Krsna is appearing us most clearly though in the mind, heart and person of His beloved devotees. If we seek Him there our endeavor will be more fruitfull.



What is the next age after the age of Kalie?



Satya-yuga is said to repeat again. 4 ages revolving, similar to the seasons.


Actually several of your questions could be threads unto themselves.


Perhaps somone will do that and provide us with more complete understanding.


Hare Krsna

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Dear Guest,

I will try to answer these questions to the best of my ability.


I wondered too about time and if a soul can be reborn in the past. I've concluded that since time is eternal, then I believe it is a possibility for one to be born in the past. However, this is just my humble opinion. However, it is up to the karma of the soul, but if that karma dictates that the soul be reborn in the past, then I believe it can happen.


I don't think that Krishna would get bugged by us chanting too much. Just the other day, I read something that George Harrison said. He said that the sankirtan (chanting the Holy names of the Lord) is constantly going on, eternally. However, we only sometimes take part in that. Krishna is very pleased when we do though.


I agree with theist's response regarding material science. Krishna wants us to get back to Him, and if by studying material science one comes back to devotion to Krishna, then that is good. Also, I am an engineer, and Krishna advises Arjuna in the Bhagavad-Gita, that one must perform his duty while surrendering the results to Him. Therefore, if material science is your duty, then yes, Krishna encourages that. However, He wants you to remember Him in the process.


In the Introduction to the Bhagavad-Gita As It Is, Srila Prabhupada says:

What is material nature? This is also explained in Gītā as inferior prakṛti, inferior nature. The living entity is explained as the superior prakṛti. Prakṛti is always under control, whether inferior or superior. Prakṛti is female, and she is controlled by the Lord just as the activities of a wife are controlled by the husband. Prakṛti is always subordinate, predominated by the Lord, who is the predominator. The living entities and material nature are both predominated, controlled by the Supreme Lord. According to the Gītā, the living entities, although parts and parcels of the Supreme Lord, are to be considered prakṛti. This is clearly mentioned in the Seventh Chapter of Bhagavad-gītā. Apareyam itas tv anyāṃ prakṛtiṃ viddhi me parām/ jīva-bhūtām: "This material nature is My inferior prakṛti, but beyond this is another prakṛti — jīva-bhūtām, the living entity."

We are the jivas and our enternal identitiy, or dimension we belong in, is purely spiritual. However, because we are superior prakrti, we are sort of stuck between two dimensions- the spiritual and the material. We have the choice to live in either one, and right now, we have chosen to be in the material dimension. However, this is not where we belong. We belong with Krishna, who is in the spiritual dimension. Although Krishna created the material dimension, he does not dwell in it. He is transcendental, or apart from it.


As far as the next aga after Kali yuga goes, I think the cycle just repeated again, forever. Therefore, that age would be Satya-yuga.


Haribol Prabhu!

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"if a soul is reborn, will the soul be reborn in this time, or in the far future or in the far past?"

-the soul does not die, so there's not moments when soul take birth or rebirth... when the body dies we take another body, it could happen in a very short time or extremely long. And the length this "bodyless" period depends from our karma. It is extremely painful, being not spiritually realized we have many desires in our mind (eating, mating, communicating, drinking etc.) but we have not the body to satisfy them


"Does lord Krishna get bugged if we chant to much?"

- No , krsna is extremely satisfied when we chant.. if we chant without offences we see krishna, the associates, goloka vrindavan, prabhupada and so on.. actually we go back in the spiritual world, and krsna is very happy if a soul come back to him after millions of lives of suffering


"Does lord krishna encourage material science? evne trough it might not be perfect knowledge, it be still fascisnating to find out how krishna is manifest in this dimsion..."

-every activity is performed because krsna gives us the energy ... there's 3 assistants of krsna for this purpose: shiva gives the energy for acting in ignorance, brahma for acting in passion and excitement, vishnu for acting in goodness. Up to you to understand wich scientific study or discovering is done with ignorance, passion or goodness. They are both biological science, but to make penicillin is surely different than to make anthrax.


"which dimsion does the jiva live? Which dimision does krishna live?"

-both are ATMA.. soul.. existence.. krsna and his parts and parcels live in the spiritual world, that is basically a state of consciousness, not a place with the current meaning that we give to the word "place"


"What is the next age after the age of Kalie?"

- like the four season after winter comes spring... so after kali yuga we'll have satya yuga






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Prakrti is always subordinate, predominated by the Lord, who is the predominator. The living entities and material nature are both predominated, controlled by the Supreme Lord. According to the Gita;, the living entities, although parts and parcels of the Supreme Lord, are to be considered prakrti.



With keeping your statements in mind, can we say if a jiva is having a terrible life it is because of the supreme lord? Sorry, but doesn't that sound to you that God is a big dictator and he punishes you and makes your life miserable if you don't worship him?

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It's a matter of choice. God gives us freewill, so we have the choice to either use that in order to serve God and be happy, or we can serve ourselves and be miserable (the current state we are in). It is true that we have to suffer the results of our karma, but I don't consider God a big dictator. Rather, he is the most just and we have brought everything upon ourselves.

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"With keeping your statements in mind, can we say if a jiva is having a terrible life it is because of the supreme lord? "

- no it is a service that god offer to us, this suffering makes more easy for us to listen to "messengers" from the spiritual world offering to us a system (the religion) to go back in a home of eternity(sat) consciousness(cit) ananda (bliss) .. vaikunta


if we were happy in this world no one would want to escape


these sufferings, and the death of course, do not affect our real self.. only the body (a dress) is affected

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the death (of the body) and the next birth depends on how much the soul was earthbound. That is, how strong were the desires of the soul, to "meet" his/her relatives, manage business etc.etc. If the desires were too strong, then after a year, the soul takes rebirth. There are ample examples of this. Otherwise, the soul can remain in other Lokas, like Brahmloka, Chandraloka, Indraloka etc. In these lokas, the soul remains in a blissful condition till it exhausts its good merits (accumulated punya), but cannot add to it. After exhausting the good merits, such pious souls take birth in families, where there is great devotion to God. This period can be anywhere between 200-500 earthly years. For souls, one earthly year is equal to one day.

I do not think, Krishna encourages Material Science, it is we people who do it for our comforts and needs. There can never be "too much chanting" due to our fickle mind. If anybody can ever achieve such a state of constant chanting, then it is assured that, he/she is definitely on the path of Moksha.

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