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Krsna helps those who get caught helping themselves.

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Well, inlight of these recent events in my life I think I have managed to keep krsna in the centre. I finally understood I wasnt in control of anything and ofcourse neither were the people who thought they were in control. Of course they still think they are in control when its actually Krsna who is the controller.


Thats what happens when you dont keep krsna in the centre.


I have always kept krsna in the centre and did things in a manner that is best in serving krsna's desire which is to use everything in his service.


Sure some might say "God(krsna)helps those who help them selves" So we should help ourselves towards krsna. When we forget krsna and just go for immidiate sense gratification without realising that what I am doing is for my own sense gratification and not serving krsna then we will suffer. So yeah, then krsna helps those who get caught helping themselves.


We dont even think abou krsna when we are about to do our nonsense but once the remifications occur all we do is ask krsna for help. If only we had asked krsna first to begin with.


For sure I understand that we will "suffer" even though krsna is in the centre but that suffering is a purification process of all the past karma that we have commited. Just like the fan analagy. By keeping krsna in the centre we are turning off our fans but once the plug is pulled the momemtum slows the fan down to a stop, it doesnt stop right away. So krsna is helping us pull the plugs of millions of fans when we surrender unto him.


If we keep trying to gratify our senses without the thought about the consequences then as krsna pulls the plugs we keep putting the plugs back in.


So whatever we do if we dont keep krsna in the centre and dont realise that because of our imperfect senses we will do what is eventually going to make us suffer we will never be able to progress, then yes Krsna will help us when we are caught helping ourselves.


Hare Krsna

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using everything for krsna's service. Always remembering krsna ofcourse and doing everything while thinking of krsna.


Dovetailing everything in krsna's service. Krsna should be the reason and purpose of you doing things not just your sense gratification.


I mean we can use the internet for sense gratification or we can use it serve him.


Did you seriously not understand what that meant or were you trying to ask me to define what keeping him in the centre meant?


Hare Krsan Govindaram Prabhu.


What did you think of the article anyways.

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I am not a verses guy prabhu. I am sure there are plenty of verses that talk about that though.


I mean Prahalad Maharaj kept krsna in the centre, Prabhupad always kept krsna in the centre, Radharani kept krsna in the centre. Now I am sure there are some verses there but I am talking about devotion and common sense right.


For a devotee i think its common sense to keep krsna in the centre. I do really think that I should read more and memorise some verses.


Hare Krsna

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Excert From Purport by Srila Prabhupada:

Lord Vishnu should be offered everything, and His prasada should be distributed to all the demigods. This practice is still followed in the temple of Jagannatha at Puri. There are many temples of demigods around the main temple of Jagannatha, and the prasäda which is offered first to Jagannatha is distributed to all the demigods. The deity of Bhagalin is worshiped with the prasada of Vishnu, and also, in the famous Lord Siva temple of Bhuvanesvara, the prasäda of Lord Vishnu or Lord Jagannatha is offered to the deity of Lord Siva. This is the Vaishnava principle. The Vaishnava does not deride even ordinary living entities, including the small ant; everyone is offered proper respect according to his position. The offering, however, is in relation to the <font color="red"> center </font color> , the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna, or Vishnu.


I got it like feeding the stomach!! /images/graemlins/grin.gif

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