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Solving the Matrix Equation

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<img src=http://canoeparts.ca/KINGDOM/code.gif width=184 height=92><img src=http://canoeparts.ca/KINGDOM/code.gif width=184 height=92><img src=http://canoeparts.ca/KINGDOM/code.gif width=184 height=92>


Now with Agents Smith dead, my fear is dissolved and I can reveal the key to the Matrix.


The machines are demigods, headed by Mother Durga and the architect, Brahma. Together with other demigods who produce rain and all other effects, they create the maya Matrix temporary world into which souls are perpetually 'born' as slaves to their endless conditioning.


These countless souls conditioned forever by Matrix maya can be freed from the influence of maya and regain their true free identities. Souls liberated from the Matrix can cut the ropes that bind the conditioned souls to the Mayatrix.


Please accept this red pill, and I will show you the world of the REAL. But having once known this truth, you can never go back. The choice is yours.




<img src=http://canoeparts.ca/KINGDOM/code.gif width=184 height=92><img src=http://canoeparts.ca/KINGDOM/code.gif width=184 height=92><img src=http://canoeparts.ca/KINGDOM/code.gif width=184 height=92>

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It's nothing. The only good part is when Agent Smith gets confused at the end; his good acting had me in stitches. Rating out of ten the three in order: 10, 11, 6. Lots of bummers, no heavy dialogue, and minimal plot leave it flat; except for a few touching love subplots. I don't see it getting better than three reels out of five anywhere, and I am its greatest fan who saw it opening moment, having stolen my laundry quarters again to buy a ticket. I made a .wav file of the audio if anyone is interested (11Meg).


My 6 rating must be seen from the viewpoint of one who sees only one movie a year at great financial tribulation, but I'll likely buy the DVD used just for posterity and closure.



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What is the Matrix? That's an old question. The real head-scratcher is WHEN IS THE MATRIX?


Using background culled from the three movies and Animatrix shorts, The Associated Press compiled an estimated timeline of the war between men and machines:


2010-60 -- Humans create humanoid drone robots with artificial intelligence to fill jobs as construction laborers and servants.


2069 -- The hovercraft transport ship Nebuchadnezzar, later to be captained by Morpheus, is constructed in the United States.


2075 -- AI programs evolve and some robots began to resent their human overlords.


2077 -- In the first case of a machine rising up against its owners, the butler robot B166ER slaughters two humans, leading to B166ERs eradication and a backlash against robots and artificial intelligence.


2080-85 -- Rioting and violence against machines prompts robots to flee major cities and establish their own community -- known as Zero One -- in a remote part of the Middle East.


2085-2095-- Zero One thrives, creating superior vehicles, computers and weaponry and decimating the economies of many human nations, which now lack the machine-based labor that made them strong.


2096-- United Nations officials refuse to accept the robot civilization of Zero One as a sovereign nation. A trade blockade of robot goods leads to war.


2097 -- Zero One survives a nuclear attack -- its inhabitants are impervious to the heat and radiation and casualties are quickly replaced. Counterstrikes launched against humans.


2098 -- As cities fall beneath the might of mechanized forces, desperate military leaders attempt to block the main source of energy for the robot city: the sun. The plan destroys the atmosphere and fills the sky with choking black smoke -- but does not stop the machines.


2099-- Machine forces overtake human armies and capture survivors and civilians for experimentation, determining that human bio-electricity can be harnessed to replace the sun's energy.


2100 -- Machines create the Matrix, a dreamlike world set in 1999, to extend the lives of the comatose human batteries.


2105 -- The first human known as The One, locked in bondage inside the Matrix, learns he can manipulate the world through thought and manages to break free. Seeks sanctuary in the underground human stronghold of Zion.


2105-2150 -- Zion resistance movement created, although The One later dies under unexplained circumstances.


2161 -- Morpheus born in a Matrix womb; freed in childhood.


2167 -- Trinity born in a Matrix womb; freed in early childhood.


2175 -- The Oracle prophesizes that Morpheus will discover the second coming of The One.


2199 -- Trinity and Morpheus discover Neo, a hacker in the Matrix. They free him and do battle with Agent Smith, a program designed to rid the Matrix of humans who detect its flaws.


2201 -- The Osiris, another human rebellion ship, discovers machines drilling through the Earth above Zion. Crew members send a message through the Matrix to their compatriots shortly before being destroyed.


2201 -- Now living in Zion and working with the rebellion against the machines, Neo encounters The Architect, the artificial intelligence program that created the Matrix.


2201 --The Architect reveals that the Matrix places rebellious humans in Zion, which it then targets for destruction, thus eradicating bugs in its system. He states that Zion has been destroyed five previous times -- suggesting the Matrix may be much older than he thinks.


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From an amateur review:<blockquote>Let me first say I PROMISE YOU WILL LOVE THIS TRILOGY IF U READ THIS.


I apologize if my email does not follow the rules of this forum, but I felt I could offer you a very clear explanation of the Matrix series in light of reading your reviews of the Matrix Revolutions. The bottom line is people don't understand it. So this is a crash course for anyone who wants answers. Real one's, not some fanboys idea of what it's about. Please note, SPOILERS ARE ALL THROUGH THIS REVIEW.


Here we go with the basics.


Zion is real! The Matrix is not.


The Matrix was designed to provide a mental stimulus for the human bodies connected to the machines as a source of power. This is the sixth version of the Matrix. There have been multiple versions of the Matrix because of a flaw in the program (kinda of like Windows). That flaw is giving individuals the ability to choose.


The first Matrix was designed as a perfect uptopia (see pt. I - Smith explains it to Morpheus; pt. II - The Architect explains it again) but humans did not accept it as real so they just kept waking up. It was redesigned to reflect our civilization at it's last stage before it was taken over by the machines (the year 1999).


The Architect's problem with this new design (the anomoly)of the Matrix is that it require individuals to think freely, i.e. choice. It was the Oracle that suggested he redesign the Matrix in this way. But since humans have choices, so must the programs sent to watch over them, i.e. The Agents, thus bringing us the problem that is Mr. Smith. In Reloaded, The Architect continues to speak of the anomoly he is unable to get rid of, which is why at some point, he feels the only solution is to destroy the Matrix and those who are aware of it (the people of Zion) and start from scratch again.


The Oracle says it clearly in Revolutions. Mr. Smith is the result of the anomoly trying to balance itself. Mr. Smith began to think freely (see part I where he is freaking out while interrogating Morpheous) and the result was a negative one. Realize this, he is a similar program to the One so he is far more dangerous than a normal individual who makes bad decisions. Mr. Smith's virus like behavior happened in EVERY VERSION OF THE MATRIX. The result would always lead to the same thing -- a system crash if they didn't quickly reboot the system. The same knee jerk reaction you have when you realize someone has sent you a virus.


The One program was created to solve this problem. But each version of the One ultimately failed. Neo is different, in Reloaded he choose the door that led to Trinity, not the door that RESETS the program. Note: The Architect even noticed that Neo's experience in the Matrix was different than all the rest, realizing he was the first of them to fall in love.


Onto Revolutions:


Neo's choice has changed everything. The system is still threatened by Smith's behavior, so the Oracle makes a new choice; one she has never done before because no version of the One has ever chosen the difficult path as opposed to easy one of just resetting the system. She allows herself to become merged with Smith in the HOPE that she'll be able to help Neo when the time is right.


Neo makes another unique choice. He goes to the machines and asks for PEACE as opposed to simply destroying the system by going through the opposite door as all other versions of the One did. It was a simple as that to save Zion. Machines don't need very long to process that this may be a better idea than just constantly resetting the system.


At the end, Smith says to Neo the movies tagline - "Everything that has a beginning has an end," as the Oracle is speaking to Neo through Smith. Neo realizes it all along, the only way to end this is to sacrifice himself. The Oracle noted that Neo and the Source (the computer mainframe, the Architect they're all one and the same so don't get confused) are connected which is why he can control machines outside the Matrix. He uses this connection to his advantage. He becomes a Mr. Smith and since all the Smith's are connected, the Source now has a lock on Smith and simply deletes him. Pretty simple huh?


For those that like to dig deeper, than note the biblical references throughout the series. Heck, the French Man (Merovigchian) is the Devil, just read the elevator button Morpheous presses when he goes to see him for the second time. The Architect represents God - i.e. the creator of the world and its destroyer whenever things don't go as he wants. He even has you to chose a select group of people to restart Zion again sort of like Noah's Ark. Neo is Jesus, the one who realizes that peace and love is the answer, not war. And the Oracle represents the Holy Spirit - the conciousness that resides in all of us. It's a deep trilogy if you PAY ATTENTION. </blockquote>

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The masses who view THE MATRIX are having the arrogant complacency in their belief that they know what is going on in this life shaken to varying degrees. Is the Matrix real? Am I in the Matrix? The mind is shaken, as well it should be.


The Matrix Trilogy has people everywhere talking about various religious thoughts and philosophical ideas of reality's purpose and nature. All religions have hooks into the movie and plot; it is bringing everyone back to a more noble thought. In fact, there are hooks for just about everyone, from the kung fu action addict, to the sci-fi fan, to the classic celluloid buff who may one day begin to see the higher messages of the fantasy.


THE MATRIX will live with us for centuries, and raise the consciousness of the world.


Hare Krishna,



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Another amateur review:<blockquote> The Wachowski brothers wanted the whole world to share the bitterness of the Jewish disappointment with prophecies, Massaiahs and Cruel supepower.


Here is description of the jewish Zion 200 years before and after Christ. Merciless empires, Greeks then romans, were enjoying rich civilization that lived off taxes taken from poorer countries. Free jews who had their own rightful religion, rejected this status, and started building cities underground. Old testement prophecies were promising the jews that a messaiah sent from god with unlimited power will save them and destroy the poweful opressors.


Jesus had some talents, and some jews expected him to be the real messaiah, and welcomed him with food and gifts when he entered jerusalem. He asked god many times , do I have to do this??? as if he was not sure of his mission. He faced off with the romans, and gave up his life to end the war in a fifferent way. By defeating satan, and thus liberating human from sins, and satan. Not liberating jews from Romans.


Jews were Disapppointed. disappointed, disappointed with Jesus, exactly the same way you felt when you left the theatre without seeing neo blowing up the machine city( Rome).</blockquote>

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  • 4 weeks later...


the freemasons call God the Architect of the universe.


the freemasons believe in a divine lineage ,a holy bloodline, called the merovingian bloodline.


the freemasons supposedly secretly control the world

while everyone is oblivious.


the freemasons want to take back Zion,the temple mount

in jerusalem, from the current occupants,underneath it

is their most sacred place.




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