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Can Maya take the form of Anybody?

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Considering...after (5 minutes).


i have thought long about this and I say "NO" muahahah suffer my pretty souL!!! suffer in darkness!!!


Happy halloween.


-MAYA (sinical and evil laughter and screams in the background).


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Your mother and father are jivas, just as you and I are jivas. A jiva can act under the influence of Krishna or under the influence of the modes of material nature. When one acts under the influence of Krishna, he/she is acting in Krishna consciousness. When one acts under the influence of the modes of material nature, he/she is in Maya. We should take shelter of Krishna's instructions in the Bhagavad-Gita under the guidance of a bona fide spiritual master. Then we are always safe.


Your servant, Forrest

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from Bhaktivinode thakura


"At first I shall explain the eternal non-distinction and show the eternal distinction thereafter. God is, in His Nature, Sentience, Enjoyer, Thinker, Self-manifest, Manifestor of others, Soul acting at pleasure. The jiva has got all these characteristics. Being the Possessor of Plenary Potency, God has these properties to the utmost extent; whereas the jiva being the possessor of only atomic potency, these properties are present in him to a minute extent. Though there is a distinction regarding the essential nature and character, regarding the possession of those properties yet there is a want of distinction between God and jiva. Being the possessor of His own potency to the fullest extent, God is the Master of Svarupa shakti (natural potency), jiva-shakti and maya-shakti; potency is His servitor under control, He is the Master of potency, His potency acts at His will - this is the essential Nature of God. Though the jiva has all the properties of God in minute jots, he is subject to maya. The word ' maya's used in the Dasamula (vice its fifth shloka)- in the beginning of this chapter) does not denote only jada (mundane) maya, here it means Svarupa-shakti. From its derivation, viz., by which measurement is made, maya is the name of that shakti which makes Krishna known in the chit world, jiva-world and mundane world, as such, maya here denotes Svarupa-shakti and not jada-shakti. Krishna is the Master of maya, whereas the jiva is under her control.


So the Svetasvara Upanishad has said thus. "From all this diversity (which the Veda describes) the Master of maya creates the universe and the other (viz. jiva) is confined in it by maya. Know maya as His Prakriti (Nature) and the Master of maya is Supreme God. All this universe is pervaded by His shakti ". In this sentence of the Veda, the word. Mayee (Master of maya) denotes Krishna, the Controller of maya, Prakriti means plenary potency. These attributes as adored by all and the Nature are the special properties of God; they are not present in the jiva, even when liberated, he cannot get these attributes. The Brahma-Sutra says: "The free jiva souls are able to perform all things excepting the affairs of the universe,-viz., its creation, sustenance, restraint, etc." In it has been admitted that there is eternal distinction between God and the jiva. This eternal distinction is not imaginary, but eternally true, this distinction will not come to an end in any stage. On this account, just know it to be a fundamental statement that ' the jiva is the eternal servant to Krishna."


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I think it all depends Prabhuji.


If your karma entails you to have people in your life that will try to abtsruct your devotional path then just surrender to Krsna.


Personally I think your parents can either help you very much in your spiritual endevours or they can make it really hard.


For example my parents...enough said

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How can your relatives predict your life span when they do not theirs? About chanting, we should feel that earlier the better. In fact, my wife also says frequently, that she would start japam after 50 years of her age. She considers that, I am wasting my time and not attending to childrens' studies. Frequently we argue over these issues, uselessly! She expects me to be a saint overnight!!! How can this happen? There are Samskaras (impressions) on my soul of thousands of previous births, which cannot be wiped off that easily. Sometimes I get lost in all this struggle of life.

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