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Muslim and a Hare krishna?

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Can some one be a Muslim and a Hare krishna together? It is true that both Allah and Krishna are the same, then can some one still go to a mosque and chant hare krishna and go to a temple at the same time? Is it prohibited?

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A more relevant question would be, is it in keeping with the spirit of Krishna's instruction to be both His devotee and a devotee of another religion?


Krishna does say in Bhagavad-gItA "sarva dharmAn parityajya mAm ekam sharanam vraja" etc. It seems pretty ludicrous to suggest that by "give up other religious principles," He was referring only to traditionally Hindu practices (yoga, karma, jnAna, etc) but not other religions as well. So, we should only give up practices mentioned in Vedas, but not non-Vedic practices? And that too, after Krishna has finished explaining in chapters 7 an 17 that ultimately these very Vedic sacrifices are ultimately worship of Him?


Anyway, do as you like. I can guess what most others will say. One can find a verse or sentiment that apparently justifies anything one wants. However, I would leave you with this thought: the point of Krishna-bhakti is not to do as one wants (even what one wants in the name of religion), but to find out only what Krishna wants and do that only.


good luck





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Prabhu, read the Sri Caitanya Caritamrta for the pastimes of Srila Haridas Thakur.


If you chant Krishna in the mosque, they will most likely get mad.


As for chanting Allah in the temple, I guess it would depend on which temple.

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lets consider it another way..


can one be a muslim and a christian?

can one be a muslim and a buddist?

can one be a muslim and a hindu?


Then.. can one be a muslim and chant The glorious names of Rama and Krishna?




You tell me?



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Krsna consciousness is the very refined essence of all religions. Pure love of God without personal motivation. Such a perfect goal.


Mixing customs and religions may produce some difficulty around others though so use your intelligence when around others.


Myself I have some attraction for Lord Jesus Christ. That I choose to keep and nurture although I accept the Gita as being a higher understanding than the Bible and avoid most (if not all )Christian assemblies.


And from the otherside if some Hare Krsna's don't like Jesus I choose to avoid them like the plauge as well.


Krsna consciousness is transcendental to all religious and sectarian viewpoints.


Hare Krsna

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Why keep changing the question or keep considering it some other way? The question is very clear.


Yes, anyone can become a devotee of Krishna and still be a Muslim. There may be problems with others accpeting it from you, or customs, & I dont recommend going to Mosque and chanting Hare Krishna (only because others won't understand or accept), but in your heart you can know Allah and Krishna are the same. No problem.

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can one be a muslim and a christian?

can one be a muslim and a buddist?

can one be a muslim and a hindu?


Yes you CAN (people might not agree with you, but what do you care what people think?)

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And from the otherside if some Hare Krsna's don't like Jesus I choose to avoid them like the plauge as well.




In my experience, it's not the existence of Hare Krishnas who "don't like Jesus" that are a problem, but rather the existence of Hare Krishnas who point out the extremely arbitrary nature by which some devotees place their faith in some things (like Koran or Jesus).


Truthfully, a lot of devotees do make claims about other religions which lack even a reasonable standard of supporting evidence. One example of this is the one Gosvami who claims that Jesus is an incarnation of Balarama.


Needless to say, those who point out the problems with making such claims will always be labeled by the childish as "anti-Christian" or whatever. That is always the result when someone tries to encourage others to think deeply about what they say before they say it. It's a fact that some individuals prefer the status quo, and are threatened by anyone who would question it. I suppose such hostility always conceals deeper insecurities.


A point I've seen come up again and again, is that if other religions are really cent-percent bona fide, then why is cow-protection not also maintained as a principle in those other scriptures? The rather disturbing response I have seen from Christian and Muslim apologists among the Hare Krishnas is that cow-protection is just an "external,Hindu" principle. This coming from a group that worships a God who considers cows dear to Him! This very rightfully drew criticism from other Hare Krishnas and Jndas pointed out that cow-protection is itself a part of the Sanatana-dharma, rather than something external.


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And from the otherside if some Hare Krsna's don't like Jesus I choose to avoid them like the plauge as well.




I am not saying that everyone need worship Jesus. I wouldn't say that about any avatar. The souls attraction for God is that soul's business alone. I am not referring to one's mental speculation or some mundane sentiment.


But I run into "devotees" who are actually hostile to Christ. These people dispite the dhoti tilak and all the beads obviously have no real connection with Prabhupada so why should I take siksa from them?


Prabhupada said many demons have entered into this Krsna conscious movement and their association should be avoided. This has been proven to be the case in the most dramatic of ways.


Beware of wolves in sheeps clothing.


I find it sound advice.


Hare Krsna

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But I run into "devotees" who are actually hostile to Christ. These people dispite the dhoti tilak and all the beads obviously have no real connection with Prabhupada so why should I take siksa from them?



Perhaps if you stopped trying to see them as offering "siksa," your interactions with them would be less troubled. One can imagine all sorts of character flaws in a person so as to give oneself an excuse to ignore them. The old "oh, you have no real connection with my guru" is a favored one. A more mature approach would be to see if what that person says has any merit, and deal with it as such.


The reality is that most Vaishnavas (specifically, most of those regarded as bona fide by Hare Krishnas) do disagree with Hare Krishnas about many things. If you feel threatened by someone pointing out the arbitrary nature of some Christian sympathies, you are going to erupt like a volcano when presented with the differences of opinion other Vaishnava elders have regarding some Hare Krishna beliefs.


I believe that one who has conviction will not feel threatened, and will not feel the need to put down anyone who disagrees with him. This is also why I think most bona fide Vaishnavas do not vocalize their differences of opinion with respect to Hare Krishnas.


Everyone should be honest about what they can and cannot back up with scripture, rather than presuming that their beliefs are the best because of scriptural basis, and then ignoring the fact that some of their beliefs are based on faith only and not scripture.



Especially about wolves in sheep clothing.


Prabhupad said that nobody from the outside can stop the movement but demons will enter the movement and then ruin it.




This is exactly what I mean by devotees threatened by any difference with respect to the status quo. A little thing like thinking, and suddenly they are labeled as "demons" who are trying to "ruin the movement."


But perhaps my pointing this out is just my own demonic tendency manifesting...

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