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A Strange Problem

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These days I am going through some strange problem. Every sunday, I watch an episode of "Mahabharata Katha" aired on a private channel. But after watching the episodes, I become sad and introverted. I feel like meeting those characters, particularly, Arjuna, Vidura, Gandhari (and many others) and the Lord of course. I keep on talkig about these episodes, which my wife does not like a bit. She also does not like me to talk about these things to our children. What can this be called?

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I also feel like that whenever I watch religious serials on tv. I wish I could spend my whole life listening to the Lord's words and pastimes and talking and thinking about them. Everything else seems worthless and ridiculous to talk about. I just feel sorry for your situation. Just pray that one day your wife will feel the same as you.

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Dont worry, you are not alone. I am happy that there is another guy who feels like me. you talk about Mahabaratha, but I imagine ebing living in those ages with Krishna around me all the time. When I read Gita, I feel like He is telling me directly everything and showing the Vishwaroopa Dharshan which brings tears in my eyes uncontroallably. Fortunately I am not married so far for anyone to ridicule me. So I am careful in going only for a girl who has to be necessarily a person who is also like me, or else I am happy myself living with my friend SHree Krishna

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well this is when i was much younger. me, my dad, and my mom would watch the mahabharat and ramayan all the time. me and my dad have had serval discussions regarding important issues in each of these great epics. all i wanted to do when i was little was sit and watch mahabharat all the time and talk about it all the time. but i never had anyone i could share the joy i felt when i was watching or talking about it. then in my teen years i went through i rough time and...well, it just wasnt the same. but know that i am a little older i realize the importance of bhagavan in my life. i feel the same way..i dont have anyone really i can talk to, no one in my peer group really....but i know in my heart i am not alone

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Thanks for the reply..For the first time, I come across someone like this, simillar to me. My friends have ran away from me since I talk about Krishna all the time. Few of them stopped writing to me when I told them I have lost interest in materialistic life. Will you be my friend to talk about my Lord Shree Krishna. I am in florida. My pooja is decorated with His pictures. My heart full of Krishna and I am living a life as told by Him. I enjoy doing ashtotra pooja for Krishna and I dont ask Him anything unlike most people, All that I ask Him is Even if I forget myself, I should not forget chanting His name. If you are looking for a good friend, I am there. If whatever you have written about your innerself is true, I am really looking for a good friend like you as I have none now. you may write to me at ms_manohar@

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