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And if one does not like malas ...?

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Hello, I am looking for your advice. I like chanting merciful Krishna's names but I just don't get along with a mala. Everytime I try to use mine I get a feeling as if I was counting money and then I begin to feel petty and stingy and so very guilty that I drop it altogether. At least I *think* Krishna doesn't count when doing good to me so why should I count when doing good to Him if it does not make me happy?


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I think the mala is helpful if you want to count, and aids with helping concentration. At first it may be hard for a devotee to chant the whole 108, let alone multiple rounds. But if you are so much into chanting that it no longer feels like a duty but a joy, then if the japamala hinders you, I say leave it behind! In other words, it's an means and not an end, so don't let it worry you.

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should not tell such excuses while doing spiritual austerities. Use of Japamala is enforced, so that, our mind with one pointed concentration would be engaged in chanting and listening to the holy name. Apart from this too, we can chant while doing other chores, but that is additional. But chanting without mala might lead to wavering of our attention to whatever we are engaged in doing. The analogy between Krishna not counting His mercies shown to you and your counting His holy name is not appropriate. It is escapism. I sincerely think, you should continue using mala.

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