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108 sthal to attain Moksha

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Its not a crazy endeavour you crazy fellow. The alwars were the great Vaishnavas who were able to visit all these shrines. Din't you see the holy place Dwaraka. A true Vaishnava is one who appreciates and respects the Gurus of the past. Chanting Maha Manthra is certainly good, but Visiting the holy shrines is something that has its own effect and make one humble and egoless and primarily this is the purpose. Only if one become truely humble, he can reach the eternal abode, and not just by chanting His name and live with great ego.

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I understand that we should go to the holy places. I have been to Vrindavan and Dwarka. Still have to go to Jaganath Puri and Mayapur but you have to understand what I am trying to say.


All I meant to say was that You dont have to go to all these places because when you chant sincerely and without pride you bring them where you are. When I go to the temple in Vancouver I feel that I am in Vrindavan.


Not everyone can afford to travel to all these places. I can barely afford to go to vrindavan yet alone all 108.


I know many people who go to such places annualy but when they havent learned anything, they are still the same as they were before. I know some who were evil minded, decieving and had other bad qualities and when they go there sure they fold their palms and pray for a few minutes but after that they are the same as soon as they leave the temple.


So Keep chanting and work on improving your spiritual lifee.

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No need for crazy endeavours.





The vrata of visiting 108 divya desams is one that is taken very seriously by Sri Vaishnava devotees.


Your referring to this practice as a "crazy endeavor" is completely uncalled for, out of line, and unbecoming behavior of a Vaishnava.


You disgrace your own guru and sampradaya with behavior like this. I suggest you apologize - sincerely, for your ugly remark.


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The vrata of visiting 108 divya desams is one that is taken very seriously by Sri Vaishnava devotees.


Your referring to this practice as a "crazy endeavor" is completely uncalled for, out of line, and unbecoming behavior of a Vaishnava.


You disgrace your own guru and sampradaya with behavior like this. I suggest you apologize - sincerely, for your ugly remark.



Well, I do opologies but I dont think you understood what I meant. You should read what I stated in my second comment. Try to understand what I am trying to say.

I think what my guru and sampradaya would say is not for you to speculate on.


Oh and by the way, in the vedas it is stated that one can visit all the temples, bathe in the ganges a billion times but if they dont associate with the devotees that are there then its a complete waste.


Now I cant afford to go to such places, but I associate with devotees everyday. Am I DOOMED!


I dont feel that was an ugly remark, rather a remark I made from evidence and experiance.


Thank you

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I think you misunderstand the ppls that come to this forum (don't quote me on this at a later date (lol))


Going on this holy tirtha is a good vow to take, as you would meet many Vaisnava's on the way, i admit it would cost a bit of laxmi, still, seeing krishna in those temples would be blissful..haribol!

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I agree with you


I just think that if we chant and not go to all the places either because we cant afford it or just unfortunate then just chant.


I rather just go to vrindavan then any other place. I fell in love with that place. I loved dwarka too.


Pleae dont yell at meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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Oh and by the way, in the vedas it is stated that one can visit all the temples, bathe in the ganges a billion times but if they dont associate with the devotees that are there then its a complete waste.




I don't doubt that such a quote might exist. But I doubt very seriously that you could quote it if requested.


I have noticed that you attribute many things to the Vedas, even though you don't study the Vedas. Rather not unlike many Hindu mental speculators I have met.



Now I cant afford to go to such places, but I associate with devotees everyday. Am I DOOMED!




The original poster who gave information on the 108 Divya desams said nothing about one being doomed for not being able to visit all of them. All he provided was a list of the temples for those who wanted to see and visit them all.


It was YOU who started this nonsense by your *unprovoked* labeling of that tradition as a "silly endeavor."



I dont feel that was an ugly remark, rather a remark I made from evidence and experiance.




Your remark that the 108 Divya Desam vrata is a "silly endeavor" is neither based on experience nor evidence. For one thing, we have already established that you cannot provide evidence for anything if your life depended on it. For another, you yourself have just recently been introduced to devotional service.


I meet lots of youngsters like you every year, who, upon being introduced to Krishna-consciousness, become so very puffed up and start criticizing everyone who isn't from ISKCON. Do you know what happens to those puffed-up little youngsters, Haridham?


They all bloop in 2-3 years.


So try and maintain a little humility. Better yet, maintain a lot of humility. Eventually, for every finger you pointed at someone, there might be hundreds more in the future pointing back at you.


Getting back to the earlier example of the Sri Vaishnava devotee who posted the Divya Desam message:



The following link gives information on 108 temples of Sriman Narayana which if visited by one will reach the 108th place which is Sree Vaikuntam and never come back. But its very difficult for anyone to visit as they are scattered all over India.








The proper responses that would have been more becoming of a Vaishnava would either be:


(a) silence,

(b) discussion of what Divya Desams are,

© discussion of pilgrimmage in general, or

(d) discussion of any Krishna-katha


Please note: "criticism of devotional vows which I am unable to follow due to personal or financial weakness" is not on this list.


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I don't doubt that such a quote might exist. But I doubt very seriously that you could quote it if requested.


I have noticed that you attribute many things to the Vedas, even though you don't study the Vedas. Rather not unlike many Hindu mental speculators I have met.



wow, this is very interesting. I am sorry I am not advanced as you to quote things left and right.


Yes I dont study the vedas, but I am around advanced devotees all the time, even prabhupad disciples who are well versed in the vedas, now the reason I associate with them is because thats how I learn. You can imply that I am a hindu mental speculater all you want, but if I get information from senior disciples and such I surely have some basis to say what I did didnt I.





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It was YOU who started this nonsense by your *unprovoked* labeling of that tradition as a "silly endeavor


You have no clue what I meant when I said "silly endevour"


It wasnt trying to disrespect anyone. I was saying it to say that you can go to all these places but if you arent following your spiritual path properly then whats the point. Again in the vedas(no I cannot quote it) it is said that by chanting the names of krsna you bring vrindavan and all the holy dhams to you. I am not sorry for not being able to go to all these places.


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Your remark that the 108 Divya Desam vrata is a "silly endeavor" is neither based on experience nor evidence. For one thing, we have already established that you cannot provide evidence for anything if your life depended on it. For another, you yourself have just recently been introduced to devotional service.


Actually I know someone who has traveled to some of these places, he still eats meat, just recently had an affair, continues to drink and has no devotional inclination. He also didnt like me because I chanted and associated with the devotees, nor does he like the devotees and always blasphames prabhupad and his movement. I know a few others like that too. There is my experiance and evidence. I know one thing is and that is I rather chant Hare Krsna when my life depended on it then try to quote scripture.



oh and also I have been in the movement since I was 9 years old, have had close association with the devotees all my life. I have grown up around bramacaris and sanyassis. I am initiated by Gopal Krsna Maharaj.


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I meet lots of youngsters like you every year, who, upon being introduced to Krishna-consciousness, become so very puffed up and start criticizing everyone who isn't from ISKCON. Do you know what happens to those puffed-up little youngsters, Haridham?


They all bloop in 2-3 years.



Well I am proud that I am in Prabhupad's movement. I dont critize anyone from anywhere. I only critize those who critize and try to stop or blasphame prabhupad and his movement.



Well I must be over due for a blooping right. If you think associating with devotees, following the four regs and standing up for prabhupads movement is going to make me bloop then you are DEAD WRONG!



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So try and maintain a little humility. Better yet, maintain a lot of humility. Eventually, for every finger you pointed at someone, there might be hundreds more in the future pointing back at you.



Please teach me how to be humble. I can never be more humble then you. I just made a statement about how I saw things, I wasnt pointing a finger at anyone.



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The proper responses that would have been more becoming of a Vaishnava would either be:


(a) silence,

(b) discussion of what Divya Desams are,

© discussion of pilgrimmage in general, or

(d) discussion of any Krishna-katha


I am sorry I am not a Vaisnava. I wish I could become a better devotee one day, even like you but now I am not.


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Please note: "criticism of devotional vows which I am unable to follow due to personal or financial weakness" is not on this list.


I am not critizing. Please go back to the post and try to understand what I am trying to say instead of just being so high and mighty and putting people down.






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It amazes me how iskcon devotees like this one will so willingly criticize others, only to pretend that they did nothing wrong and try to justify their behavior.


I am not at all impressed with this utter lack of humility or remorse. It makes me wonder what they are teaching in the temples these days.




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Haridam..I am the original guest who posted the link on 108 Divya Desams. I posted it with the view that everyone will get information about it and try to make a visit atleast to few places if not all. The link provides details on almost everything on how to visit the place also.

The purpose of visiting these Divya Desams is mainly to grow spiritually by experiencing several things. Most of these are situated in remote places and some are in villages where you cant even find a good hotel to stay. So when anyone tries to visit these temples, with a pure mind he or she would not mind about the comfort in their stay or about the cleanliness of the city or village in which the temple is situated. Their prime aim would be to see the Lord because in each of these temples or sthals He perfomed some miracle either directly or through the Alwars and thats why they were sung or in otherwords praised.


An indiviual should not look for how far he is wealthy and from clean place or from a wealthy country or background or knowledge and should not think about why shhould I visit these temples where there is no really elevated people etc etc. Real spiritual maturity is something to do with adjusting to any situation and be humble to everyone for the purpose of seeing the Lord.

While you have posted in other post, criticising the Hindus from India calling them as people whho lost culture and heritage and have nothing especially youngsters, what you have actually to thhe extent of criticising others. The way you have answered the previous guest who tried to explain you does not show any humility in you. It does not matter from whom you got initiated or how far you are in the movement. It matters how far you are matured spiritually. You are just like any other normal person who does everything to Lord in the form of prayer or chantiing His name and thinking that since he is always chanting His name he is eligible to be arrogant. These people normally call themselves also as straightforward while they are actually arrogant.

From the way you replied to the guestji who must be certainly elderly to you, it appears that you are no way different or little better than the Indian hindu guy whom you met in the temple after which you criticised all the Hindus abroad. First look youself in the mirror before you talk about others. When you look yourself, you will stop criticising others. Criticising others thinking about self as spiriutally matured is not maturity. A really matured person will certainly know that there is gradation in maturity of the soul in realsing God. Everyone cannot become Jagadguru, Ramanuja or Madhwa and thats why these Divya Desams are created by those people to help others to reach their level and finally attain moksha.

It is true one can bring Krishna to his home itself by chanting His name. This does not even need any initiation honestly. But all that is required is purity, humility, honesty and humbleness in mind. These punya sthals are created primarily for every individual soul to give up its ego bbecause of the materialistic contamination it faced by living in this society. So by visiting these places, you happen to meet different kinds of people from atheist to theist to real gurus or sanyasis's, family people who follow bhakthi yoga, people who are attached to Lord, still by bbeing in materialistic world, people who want materialistic possessions out of which they pray to lord, people who does not want anything other than reaching Lord, etc etc. One get the experience of meeting different gradation of people and yet if he still does not bother about all this and keep worshipping the Lord, which he would certainly get if his aim is only to realise Lord, then yes He can reach Vaikunta. The capital "He" is used for the indivual human soul in my sentence, becausse I want to stress that a soul that is matured spiritually and reach Vaikunta merges one with God.

It is really not a joke to control oneself especially the ego and anger and hunger when you travel across in a big country with the aim of seeing Lord in different places when you come across such different people. So it is essential for all humans to visits atleast few of them to train themselves and practice how to be humble at all situations and help others to elevate to their level of thinking and spiritual maturity.

This is the purpose of these Punya Sthals.




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Well guys, Hare krsna and I would like to say I take your ciritizm of me constructivly.


I wasnt planning on it to become this big of a thing. I just pointed out my view and opinion. I wasnt out to critize anyone. Nor was I out trying to critize any dham. I frankly think we have a communication problem but I should keep things to myself from now on. All my other posts I have done is because of observations and experiances.



If anyone is offended I am sorry. I know I am not humble and I cant take back what I said but hey I just posted something I felt was correct. I cant speculate on what others have said or think. I know I am not a good disciple and NOOO I am not trying or pretending to be humble, I just think we think differently and I do have to learn more and respect the guests that come here.


I opologies to everyone or anyone that I offended. I still feel the way I do, wether be out of ignorance or whatever but like I have said I know people who go to these places and dont have that change you talked about then...i dont know...is there a reason to go.


I wasnt trying to critize anyone when I wrote my thing about why indians are loosing their culture or whatever, I am just writing what I see. I know I need improvements. I never said once I was better then this fellow or anyone else.


I still love Prabhupads movement and wasnt trying to be puffed up when i said i was initiated.


If any of the regular or other devotees have any input in what i said or ways i can improve myself please let me know.


Hare Krsna

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from vaisnava philsophy the soul would never want to merge with god, but rather serve god(krsna)


one more thing, I know i might come off like a whatever on this posts but get to know me a little in person. I am not some crazy psycho.


I am glad I have found this site though, a vast array of people to share and talk with come here.


I just think some are just bent on believing whatever they want to and get offended because they dont understand certain posts especially if they dont agree with it.


I like to say thank you to all anyways, this just helps me become a better person and I can learn more about myself and where I need to make adjustments and improvements.

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Don't be discouraged by Haridham's behavior or get the wrong idea about Caitanya tradition. Srila Prabhupada and Sri Caitanya both toured all over India and visited many famous temples outside their sampradaya, including some of the Divya Desams. I know for a fact that they both visited Tirupati, for example. Other temples visited by either one or both of them include Sri Rangam, Simhachalam, Mathura, Dwaraka, to name a few. They set the proper example when it came to visiting the Lord in Holy Places and offering respect.


Unfortunately, no sampradaya seems wholly immune to the new "enthusiastic, means well but fails to think before he speaks" recruit phenomenon. How much more so this will be true of a missionary movement which seeks to convert people raised in mleccha society. Some of these individuals do quite impress me with their transformation, even if so many more seem uncultured and curt. I guess we just have to tolerate or ignore the latter.


I for one, welcome you to continue posting information like this.





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I just think one thing of that comment and that is first try to understand what Caitanya movement is about and see what the hard working people are doing for his movement and what actually is Caitanyas movement.


When you call someone something make sure what you say about them is actuall fact.


Sure you can say anything about me you want, I dont care because it is obvious you havent understood what I am trying to say and also you say this is because partly you feel something similar about yourself.


Sure you have believed and followed something since you were a young child(stuff your grandfather told you right??? ofcourse your grandfather can never be wrong right?) but you cant take it when its get challenged. First read prabhupads books, chant hare krsna, dedicate your life to serving krsna then say who is a mleccha and who isnt.


Some of us arent to busy making money to focus on our spiritual lives.


Yes I am the biggest mleccha but I am a mleccha chanting Hare krsna but unfortunatly there are many mleccha's out there that claim to be of perticular positions and religons but are honored because hey quite frankly.....


....the blind lead the blind.


Hare Krsna

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You do what you want. Every author has something different to say when they write commentaries on Gita and Bagavatham. Prabupadaji too is no exception. He too has used the phrases and sentencs of Shankara but quoted them in differennt way. He has not challenged any of the old vaishnavite tradition. He taken them to west and for the westerners who are not exposed to these traditions Prabupadaji simplified them and asked them to follow his rules so that they dont get confused. He did not challenge anything honestly. But it appears like that and I dont know why he is getting bombarded like this.

He too visited good number of different temples in India before he finally landed in US. He never mentioned not to visit any temples or holy shrines. Probably you need better understanding of him.

What I observe in you is constantly criticise others for nothing when you yourself does not know many things and does not understand manything. First look yourself in the mirror and if you feel fine look again until you feel something different in you and correct yourselves and understand.

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I am not interested in replying to you anymore as you are not someone who is well knowledgeable, and someone who would try to understand with self analysis and self thinking with any respect for others. So write whatever you want and do whatever you want. YOu have no job than writing many things without proper understanding. So its of no use explaining. I dont what have you understood in all these years of association with the movement. This shows that youa are actually blind.

Sarvam Shree Krishnarpannam

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Ok, well its clear that things are unclear so lets leave it at that.


I will take your constructive critizm but I also understand certain things about certain people so I just want to say just chant hare krsna.


You are set up on what you believe so go ahead but I am not going to critize you on that. You should stay fixed in whatever you do and I will try to improve myself as a person.


Chant Hare Krsna and you will be happy.

If you havent started please try it.

I will hopefully go these holy places one day but also chant for the rest of my life and even while I am touring these places.


Hare Krsna


Vancha Kalpa.

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Thank you, I know I am not knowledgable, how can I be right when I rather read and chant and listen to Prabhupad instead of someone's grandfather.


Yes I am blind, but even though I am blind I will still chant hare krsna.


So should you, just start chanting hare krsna.

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I just think one thing of that comment and that is first try to understand what Caitanya movement is about and see what the hard working people are doing for his movement and what actually is Caitanyas movement.




Here is a typical neophyte attitude. He mistakes criticism of himself (which he had coming) with criticism of Gaudiya Vaishnavism.


Thus it goes without saying that Haridham has no intention of realizing his mistake or changing his ugly behavior.



Sure you have believed and followed something since you were a young child(stuff your grandfather told you right??? ofcourse your grandfather can never be wrong right?) but you cant take it when its get challenged. First read prabhupads books, chant hare krsna, dedicate your life to serving krsna then say who is a mleccha and who isnt.




This is a typical ISKCON prejudice. "Oh, he is an Indian following his own sampradaya. So he is only doing it because he was born into it. He can't handle a philosophical challenge."


My experience for the past decade has been that there are few, initiated ISKCON devotees from the rank and file who could handle themselves in a scriptural debate with some of the learned Sri Vaishnavas I have met on the internet. I am quite confident that some of the brahmins who frequent the Bhakti List could easily run rings around even some of the more senior devotees in ISKCON. I've seen it before, actually.


What is the ISKCON idea of debate, anyway? Haridham claims that MS follows his tradition blindly, as opposed to ISKCON devotees who are apparently more enlightened according to him. Obviously, Haridham has no clue as to the reality in ISKCON. When approaching an ISKCON guru with a polite doubt about the way Prabhupada has translated a verse, what is the likely answer that guru will give you?


1) the guru will indicate that one should not doubt, but instead just chant Hare Krishna.

2) the guru will explain why it's important to follow Prabhupada (and ignore the doubt expressed)

3) The guru will rail at the person asking the question as insincere and unfaithful (because he asked a question which the guru could not answer)


Anyone who has been in ISKCON long enough knows that "all of the above" is the correct answer. ISKCON gurus don't try to convince based on scripture unless the doubt is elementary. But if you doubt something like Caitanya's divinity, or why it is that jivas fell from Vaikuntha, or what the evidence is that there is an impersonal Brahman, you will not get an answer that is based on objective scriptural evidence, but rather a series of accusations to the effect that you are not humble and "submissive."


MS, when an ISKCON devotee says you are not "submissive," what this means is that you have asked a question which challenges their level of knowledge.


This is how ISKCON devotees maintain the illusion that they know more than you - by socially ostracizing anyone who is more knowledgeable in scripture than they are. In the end, only the sentimentalists and fanatics are fooled by this illusion - the intelligent ones are eventually pressured to leave ISKCON.


ISKCON leaders often speak of "loyalty." In fact, what they mean by this is that even if you have doubts, and you realize that ISKCON leaders cannot convincingly satisfy those doubts, you should still follow them. This is a perfect example of demanding blind obedience. There is no feeling in ISKCON that doubts should be refuted based on scripture, I am sorry to say.


And while we're on the subject of blind followers, I should say that it is obvious that Haridham could not handle himself in a debate based on scripture if his life depended on it. His every posting reeks of sentiment. He makes all sorts of claims about the Vedas which he cannot support, and then pretends that his inability to do so is some kind of virtue. In that regard he reminds me of many mayavadis who also like to make up quotes from the Vedas, and then cry foul when asked to show proof.


In fact, the truth is that Haridham does not follow ISKCON out of conviction. He has NOT made a comparative study of all other Vedanta systems and come to the conclusion that acintya bheda abheda is best. Instead, he has decided that Caitanya's movement is best because he can enjoy himself by chanting and dancing in it. He does not chant and dance for the Lord's enjoyment, but for his own, like most other neophytes.


This Haridham was considering a divorce from his wife not too long ago. And now he has the nerve to criticize Sri Vaishnavas, and for what? For the sin of following the Vaishnava traditions of their ancestors. Haridham's logic is that if you are born into something and follow it, it must therefore be that you don't follow it out of conviction.


Well, better a blind follower of dharma, than an ignorant fanatic who actually considered divorcing his wife.


I feel bad having to bring up ISKCON's dirty laundry like this. Actually, these things are not even considered "dirty laundry" by ISKCON leaders. I have not even touched upon the child abuse, the gurus who became degraded, the wife-beating, or other horrible evils that have manifested in this society.


The point is, ISKCON devotees like this Haridham should not be arrogantly criticizing other Vaishnavas, period. Because in the short time ISKCON has existed (28 years), almost every major sin has been committed by an initiated ISKCON devotee at one time or another while in ISKCON. Haridham is clueless about these things, so he looks at ISKCON through rose-colored glasses and thinks it is the ideal which everyone else should follow.


In truth, Sri Prabhupada had a wonderful vision, but sadly many of his followers have corrupted it beyond belief. There are still a few who remain humble and actually cultivate brahminical culture - many even who are not born into Vedic culture. But they are a minority. I have the good fortune of calling a few of these individuals friends, and I do have a full set of Prabhupada's books (which I suspect, I have read more of than this impudent Haridham).


I suspect you could put this upstart back in his place if you wanted to. I respect the fact that you have chosen not to. Perhaps I should be similarly tolerant of such blatant hypocrisy.





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This Haridham was considering a divorce from his wife not too long ago. And now he has the nerve to criticize Sri Vaishnavas, and for what? For the sin of following the Vaishnava traditions of their ancestors. Haridham's logic is that if you are born into something and follow it, it must therefore be that you don't follow it out of conviction.



Whoa now! Before I get get to replying your other statements I must tell you there is no where I put up the post that you are question that I ever WANTED A DIVORCE.


I never even considerd that option. Maybe you should look and read that post again. I think you should. That post was about the betrayel I felt of my father and how HE wanted me to get a divorce and I was fixed on my wife. The issue with that post is that I wanted to figure out a way she can get here as my father wasnt helping me sponser her.


I dont know where you got the idea that I wanted to get a divorce, this subject that you accuse me of has torn me apart emotionaly and to use that agaisnt me is the worst thing you could have done.


There is no point in me replying to your other comments as the above shows me what kind of person you are and how low you will go to prove your point.


You might as well tell me to kill myself or get a gun and shoot me as I have spent countless sleepless nights and days figuring out how much I love my wife enough to give up my rich family and status.


All I can say about your other posts is that when people are envious of something they will find whatever way to bring it down. No matter how many great things someone or something has done people will always maximize such things.



You are envious of Prabhupads mission and its followers, I am sorry if this comes as a shock to your ego and surprise to you but its true. You say nice things about Prabhupad and say you have his books and read them, well thats great. First try to understand his books or else there is no point in reading them. You havent understood his books or most of the stuff you mentioned you woudnt have mentioned.


All of the nasty things that have happend is because people like you dont understand the movement or its people and come in the movement to fullfill their own desires. Its people like you that are the reason for iskcons nasty past.


You can call me impudent after reading prabhupads books but it just shows you havent understood a word of Prabhupad.


Up until now, I have tolorated everything but when you went low as to say I wanted to divorce my wife that hurt. My wife is the only one for me.


The reason iskcon guru's say just chant hare krsna is because you are not qualified or ready to understand the answer. When I asked my guru certian questions a few years ago, yes he told me to just chant Hare Krsna. But the same question I asked him a few months ago he answered. He knew I was ready to understand.


So first try to realise what you are saying. I made a small mistake which I admitted and you still dig at me for that adn even bring my wife into it.


No, ofcourse I dont know vedic verses but so what. I am around prabhupad disciples and devotees all the time who are my vedas.


All I want to say is that please dont ever bring up my wife into this. She has nothing to do with you or this conversation. Yes I am not as advanced at you but please try distribiting Srila Prabhupads books on the street then you will truly find out the meaning of Humble.


Case closed, the end. Have a nice life.


Hare Krsna.

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