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What I've missed is not only the question, but the quetion mark too,

I found it. "Isn't it a type of hypocrisy?"


"Isn't it a type of hypocrisy? When the Vaishnavas condemn the breached in modestry and chastity,..."


Sorry Angekela,

now I think, I understand, you are attributing hypocrisy to the divine couple!

<font color="red"> Ok, this aparadha can be counteracted by the mercy of Nama Prabhu</font color>. So, you should hear and chant more. Is not so bad, you didn't do it out of malice.


Sorry Angekela.

I could not imagine that someone can say such a thing about the Divine Couple.


That is why one should here more from the ones that know the subject.


Not only my English seems to be poor.

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Everything is Ok.


Superfragmented is not bad, as long as we preach the same siddhanta (philosophical priciples).

But only a very few , that I respect, I admire and I love (somehow) wherever they are,

do this.



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Sorry Angekela,

now I think, I understand, you are attributing hypocrisy to the divine couple!

Ok, this aparadha can be counteracted by the mercy of Nama Prabhu. So, you should hear and chant more. Is not so bad, you didn't do it out of malice.




Angekela had a doubt as to why SrI Krishna performs certain amorous pastimes with the gopikas when these activities are not meant to be emulated by common men. Anadi, I do not believe you answered this question.


Angekela, not all of the activities of Lord Krishna are meant to set an example for others to follow. Some activites (such as His lifting of Govardhana-parvata on the little finger of His left hand, or His humbling of the Kaliya serpent) are clearly feats of superhuman prowess and can only be performed by nArAyaNa Himself.


As I understand it, gaudIya vaiSNavas consider the rAsa-krIDa or rAsa-lIla to be a highly worshippable pastime of Krishna, illustrating one of the five cardinal rasas (devotional moods) which He exhibits with His devotees. If Krishna were an ordinary human being, then certainly His conduct in this rAsa-dance would be inappropriate. However, as He is the Supreme Lord, He can certainly do whatever He wants. The devotee should look at such divine activities with reverence and love, rather than envy (i.e. "why does He get to that while I have to follow my dharma?").


Dharma is meant to regulate the attachment of senses to the sense objects. The living being in avidyA (ignorance) seeks enjoyment by unrestricted attachment of senses to the sense objects. In this way, he arrogates to himself the sense of overlordship which in reality is only found in nArAyaNa alone. Thus he becomes entangled in the guNas ("modes of material nature") which further cloud his judgement.


NArAyaNa does not have to follow any dharma, as He is completely unattached to matter and material enjoyment. His enjoyment with the gopikas only appears to be material in nature. Factually, however, it is not so.


Angekela and Anadi, you both should be aware that this very question was also asked by ParIkSit MahArAja of Sukadeva Rishi. Please note where it occurs in the BhAgavata:



saMsthApanAya dharmasya prashamAyetarasya ca |

avatIrNo hi bhagavAnaMshena jagadIshvaraH || 27 ||

sa kathaM dharmasetUnAM vaktA kartAbhirakSitA |

pratIpamAcarad.h brahman.h paradArAbhimarshanam.h || 28 ||


"The king submitted: 'It was in fact for establishing Dharma (righteousness) on a sound footing as well as for the suppression of that which is other than Dharma (viz., Adharma or unrighteousness) that Lord SrI KRSNa, (the Ruler of the universe) descended (in the world of matter) along with His part manifestation (BalarAma). How (then) did He, the Promulgator, Institutor and Conservator of ethical standards, commit a transgression in the shape of embracing others' wives, O holy one?' " (bhAgavata 10.33.27-28)


AptakAmo yadupatiH kR^itavAn.h vai jugupsitam.h |

kimabhiprAya etaM naH shaMshayaM chindhi suvrata || 29 ||


"With what intention indeed that Lord of the Yadus, who had all His desires fulfilled, perpetrate a repelling act? (Pray,) resolve this doubt of ours, O sage of sacred vows!" (bhAgavata 10.33.29)


SrI Shuka then responds to this by explaining that those who are bound by karma should never attempt such activities even mentally, for by doing so he would meet with ruin just as someone who drinks poison thinking of himself to be as powerful as Shiva. Krishna in these verses is compared to fire, which burns away all impure things; thus, insisting that He follow dharma (as if He were somehow impure) is absurd. The instructions of great devotees are always to be followed, and their example is to be followed when consistent with their instruction and not otherwise. The reason is that such bhAgavatas, despite apparently transgressing ordinary pious standards, do not actually accure any karma by such activities, which are themselves not motivated by materialistic considerations. This is unlike those of us who are in ignorance, who perform such activities for our own selfish interest, rather than to please the Lord, who is the actual master of all senses.


I hope this helps.




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Thanks gHari,


Actually, I admit that I am just a mouse in this forum compared to devotees like you and Anadi that likely have mastered the in and out of HK philosophies. I know I am so low and innocent to Krishna's teaching, but this site really helps me a lot.


But, I must be very careful also, scriptures aren't always what they seem (literaly).


Thanks for everything Prabhus!


God Bless!


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Dear Angekela,


Raghu (Raman) Prabhu has already explained very nice that we should not imitate the Lord or the pure devotee because we are conditioned, but they are beyond this conditioning of maya, they are in Suddha sattva (pure goodness)

As still I am in England I have the opportunity to associate with advanced devotees from the Bhirmingam Temple (Handsworthwood Road) and I've heard nice stories from intimate disciples of Srila Gour Govinda Maharaja.

One remembered that as he first started his service and was put to clean the toilet of Srila Gour Govinda Maharaja after he was passing "stool" he realized that in the closet was smelling only like sandal wood. When he asked the personl servant of Srila Gour Govinda Maharaja if he put incense in the closet, he was told that Maharja would beat him, if he would do this.


In this context, we may cite the following verse from Srimad-BhAgavatam (10.33.30):

naitat samAcarej jAtu manasApi hy aniSvaraH

vinaSyaty Acaran mauDhyAd yathArudro ‘bdhi-jaM viSam


The word samAcarana (behaviour), when divided into its constituent parts ( samyak + AcaraNa), indicates complete behaviour. Here it has been used to indicate total prohibition of such activity. Therefore, the purport is that such behaviour should not be adopted even to the slightest extent.

What to speak of performing such activities through speech or the senses, one should not even mentally conceive of such activities.

The word hi indicates that this certainly must not be done. If one were to behave in that way, he would be completely destroyed. The significance of the word mauDhyAd (stupidity) is that if anyone, being ignorant of the Lord’s omnipotence and his own incompetence, foolishly adopts such behaviour, he will be utterly ruined, just as if anyone other than Lord Siva were to foolishly consume deadly poison, he would be instantly destroyed. But Lord Siva, in spite of drinking poison, is not destroyed; to the contrary, he attains even greater fame and splendour as NilakaNTha, he whosethroat turned blue from drinking poison.



Srila KRSNadAsa KavirAja has clarified this topics (of hearing hari katha) by quoting the following verse from Srimad-BhAgavatam (10.33.36):

anugrahAya bhaktAnAµ mAnuSaM deham AsthitaH

bhajate tAdRiSiH kriDA yAH SrutvA tat-paro bhavet


“In order to bestow mercy upon the devotees as well as the conditioned souls, BhagavAn Sri Krishna manifests His humanlike form and performs such extraordinary pastimes ( rasa lila) that anyone who hears them becomes exclusively devoted unto Him.” (quoted in Cc, Adi lila 4.34)

Here KRSNadAsa KavirAja points out that the verb bhavet in the above verse is in the imperative mood. This means it is compulsory for the jivas to hear such pastimes, as explained in the following Sloka from Caitanya-caritAmRta (, Adi lila 4.35):

“bhavet kriyA vidhiliN, sei ihA kaya

kartavya avaSya ei, anyathA pratyavAya


In the above verse, the verb bhavet is in the imperative mood. Therefore, this certainly must be done. To not do so would be a discrepancy.

The words anugrahAya bhaktAnAM mAnuSaM deham AsthitaH indicate that the Supreme Lord Sri KRSNa appears in His original humanlike form and performs various pastimes in order to bestow favor upon His devotees. Therefore, although KRSNa is satisfied in Himself ( AptakAma), His display of kindness toward the devotees is quite appropriate. This is the distinctive characteristic of viSuddha-sattva (pure goodness). The Lord is always prepared to reward the devotees with a result

consistent with their performance of bhajana. The favor shown toward King RahugaNa by JaDa Bharata and the Lord’s favor toward me (Sukadeva) illustrate this.

In the verse under discussion, it is said that the Lord manifests His form and pastimes in order to bestow favor upon His devotees. The word bhakta used here refers to the vraja-devis (the gopis), the vraja-vasis (residents of Vraja) and all other VaiSNavas past, present and future. In order to bestow favor upon the vraja-devis, Svayam BhagavAn Sri KRSNa lovingly executes such pastimes as pUrva-rAga (the attachment in anticipation of meeting KRSNa prior to their union). To bestow mercy upon all the residents of Vraja, He enacts His birth and other pastimes, and by all His activities, He bestows favor upon past, present and future devotees through the medium of hearing lila-katha.



Preface to Sri Venu Gita by Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja


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in the Bhagavatam(second canto) Prabhupada explains

that Krsna lila when performed in the material world

is only giving a slight hint,a glimpe of the

the eternal realm, Specifically the pastimes with

the cowherd boys and girls are shown to attract the conditoned souls to bhakti yoga, Prabhupada, when he says this means that the lusty lila of Vrndavana attracts

the conditioned soul to want to participate,and in

trying to fullfill that desire he/she will engage

in Bhakti yoga to attain that highest real, to enjoy it.


That is the purpose of the display of rasa lila in the

material world, to attract the lusty conditioned souls

to engage in Bhakti yoga by promising the eternal

pleasures of Vraja as incentive.


Those pastimes are not to be imitated, but by gradual(depending on effort) step by step ascension of consciousness through the practice of Bhakti yoga,

those pastimes are revealed to the devotee,

Sridhar Maharaja would say, Mahaprabhus service

is the entrance to Krsna lila, it's like buying

a ticket at the train station, you put your money

in one slot, the ticket comes out from another,

so like that by engaging in Sri Caitanyas pastime of

Sankirtan, one finds him/herself living in Vrndavan,

both of these lilas are eternal and they are non different, by serving Mahaprabhu one buys a ticket

to Vraja.


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The following article will examine, one by one, the points made in some paper,

in the light of scriptural evidence

and the statements of Srila Bhaktivedanta Svami Prabhupada himself.

Statements of that person in the position paper will be referred to as OBJECTIONS,

and ours as REFUTATION.


OBJECTION 2 : Srila Narayana Maharaja encourages the reading of

literature Srila Prabhupada restricted for his disciples or even dismissed as unimportant or tinged with impersonalism. An example of the former is the intimate writings of the GosvAmis, or the latter Tulasi dAsa’s RAma-carita-manasa.



REFUTATION 2 : The scriptures written by our previous acaryas, the Gosvamis, are relevant to different devotees at the various stages of their spiritual development. If Srila Prabhupada has forbidden a disciple to read a particular scripture in 1969, when he was in the beginning of his devotional practice, it does not mean that that particular disciple should not read that scripture in the year 2000, when he comes to a higher stage.

The essential point to address herein is that an aspiring devotee requires the guidance of an advanced VaiSNava who can prescribe the appropriate reading matter in accordance with the level of his progress on the path of bhakti.

This has been expressed by Srila Prabhupada in the following words:

“In this way, after developing a taste for such things, one should try to live in VRndAvana and pass his time constantly remembering KRSNa’s name, fame, pastimes and qualities UNDER THE DIRECTION AND PROTECTION OF AN EXPERT DEVOTEE . This is the sum and substance of all instruction regarding the cultivation of devotional service.” (Nectar of Instruction: Text Eight)



Our gurus: "One in siddhanta one at heart"

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***&#8220;In this way, after developing a taste for such things, one should try to live in VRndAvana and pass his time constantly remembering KRSNa&#8217;s name, fame, pastimes and qualities UNDER THE DIRECTION AND PROTECTION OF AN EXPERT DEVOTEE .


Why not Govinda Maharaja EXPERT DEVOTEE?


Yours organisation not follow SP then why you speculate in words SP?

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There is also little doubt

that Srilla BV Svami PrabhupAda desired all his

followers to study the books of the GosvAmis as they became



rUpa-raghunAtha-pade haibe Akuti

kabe hAma bujhaba se yugala-piriti


When shall I become very eager to study the books left by the six Gosvamis, taking shelter of rUpa-raghunAtha-. ? Then I shall be able to understand the conjugal

pastimes of RAdha and KRSNa (yugala-piriti). (Sri Caitanya-caritAmRta,

Madhya-lilA 25.271)



One should first learn the meaning of anugatya, and than talk about following.

Srila Gour Govinda Maharaja cannot give anymore personal direct guidance.


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Regarding the Sri RAma-carita-mAnasa by Tulasi dAsa:

Objection 2 states that the Sri Ama-carita-mAnasa nasa by Tulasi dasa is tinged with impersonalism. Let us read Srila PrabhupAda’s opinion:


“This is a verse composed by a GREAT DEVOTEE, Tulasi dAsa. He was a devotee of Lord RAmacandra.” (Montreal: August 30, 1968)


“So he became a GREAT DEVOTEE of Rama, Tulasi dAsa. His book, RAma-carita-mAnasa “Thinking Always of Rama,” is a very famous book, and it is the only IMPORTANT LITERATURE in the Hindi language: RAma-carita-mAnasa.” (New York: April 12, 1969)


TulasI dAsa is respected by all VaiSNavas of all sampradayas. It is true that many speakers of his book are tinged with mAyAvAda, as are many speakers of the Srimad Bhägavatam. This does not mean, however, that the Sri RAma-carita-mAnasa of Tulasi dAsa is contaminated by mAyAvAda.


Tulasi dAsa has written:


ISvara aMSa jiva avinASi, cetanA amala sadA sukha rASi


The living entity, who is forever conscious and full of bliss, is eternally an indestructible part and parcel of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

This verse is diametrically opposed to mAyAvAda. There is not even one verse of a bona fide translation of Sri RAma-carita-mAnasa which has the slightest tinge of mAyAvAda.


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"Yours organisation not follow SP then why you speculate in words SP? "

if this is your answer you surely not follow "


who is SP?, he's not your friend, have respect and say the complete name of the Acharya:


Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada


... please

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anadi bhaiya,


aapaki post se muze bahut khushi hoti hai.

ye achchha hai ki aap yaha.n likhate hain.


kripa kara ke aapa ke naam ke bareme.n kahiye.


ye anadi shabda aadi shabda ka virudhdha shabda hai,

ki hindi ka anadi shabda - jaise rajkapoor ka anadi film thaa - vo shabda hai?


kitna sundar likha hai tulasidas ji ne, jo aapane bataayaa:

ISvara aMSa jiva avinASi, cetanA amala sadA sukha rASi


jai sri krishna! -madhav


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You know, one fundamental question that arises every time this topic comes up always needs to be addressed: What is the origin of this idea that one must be free of "mundane desires, sensuality" and so forth before one can apreciate the rasa-filled topics of Krishna and the Gopis?


Consider this:


vikrIDitaM vraja-vadhUbhir idaM ca viSNoH |

zraddhAnvito yaH zRNuyAd atha varNayed vA ||

bhaktiM parAM bhagavati parilabhya kAmaM |

hRd-rogam Azv apahinoty acireNa dhIraH || (Bhag. 10.33.39)


"Anyone who faithfully hears or describes the Lord's playful affairs with the young gopis of Vrndavana will attain the Lord's pure devotional service. Thus he will quickly become sober and conquer lust, the disease of the heart."


Trying to believe that one must be free of desires before one hears rasa-katha is a bit like saying a person must wait to take a medicine for a disease until the disease is cured? Why not acknowledge the disease and take the medicine to cure it? After all, the Acharyas have advised us to take this medicine.

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"One should also always meditate upon the affairs between Radha and Krsna in the transcendental world. One should think of Radha and Krsna twenty-four hours a day and eternally engage in Their service.. By following the mood of the associates and friends of Radharani, one can ultimately achieve the perfectional stage and be transferred to Goloka Vrndavana, the transcendental abode of Krsna." - Teachings of Lord Caitanya, chap. 31


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Dear Madhav Prabhu,

Dandavat pranama

although I would like to call you bhaiya, I think you too are my Prabhu.

Would you please give a translation word for word for your quote, please?


aapaki post se muze bahut khushi hoti hai.

ye achchha hai ki aap yaha.n likhate hain.


kripa kara ke aapa ke naam ke bareme.n kahiye.


ye anadi shabda aadi shabda ka virudhdha shabda hai,

ki hindi ka anadi shabda - jaise rajkapoor ka anadi film thaa - vo shabda hai?


kitna sundar likha hai tulasidas ji ne, jo aapane bataayaa:

ISvara aMSa jiva avinASi, cetanA amala sadA sukha rASi


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Dear Gaurasundara Prabhu, dandavat pranama, in two weeks I am again in England.

Until than you can write an Email to Gour Goovinda Gaudya Math in 32 Handsworth Wood Rd. Birmingham Email gourgovinda@homail.com and say that anadi krishna dasa told you that an Indian devotee, which is disciple of Srila Gour Govinda Maharaja, is still there, and you would like his Email address as well as the Email address from Raghunata Bhata dasa, the disciple of Srila Gour Govinda Maharaja that usually comes for Sunday feast from Manchester.


You can also get in contact with Srila BV Damodara Maharaja bvdamodar@purebhakti.com who was previously a disciple of Srila Gour Govinda Maharaja, previously known as Radhannatha dasa.

I know him as Radhanath das Prabhu personally, last year in Vraja mandala Parikrama and

this year in Germany I had his personal association.


Some of his comments on Srila Gour Govinda Swami And Sripad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja


>Offering pranam to the lotus feet of Hari, Guru and

> Vaisnavas, I wish to submit for their pleasure, this

> brief summary of my experience with Srila Gour

> Govinda Maharaja, and his transcendental

> relationship with Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana

> Maharaja.


> I had the good fortune to stay with Srila Gour Govinda Maharaja almost continuously from mid 1994 up until his departure in early 1996. Several times, the topic of Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana

> Maharaja was raised.


> In June and July 1995, I was with a group of his disciples and well wishers who were collecting funds in Singapore and Malaysia for the completion of the Bhubaneswar project. While in Kuala Lumpur, I had the good fortune to meet two disciples of Srila Prabhupada, who were at that time inspired by the teachings of Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja and were serving him there. I was impressed by their devotion and faith in him.


> After some weeks, Srila Gour Govinda Maharaja arrived in Singapore, en route to America for his

> preaching tour. At that time he was staying in a hotel, so we all got the chance to get his darshans during his stay.


> At the end of his class, I asked: "Srila Gurudeva, many people are leaving Iskcon and going to Srila Narayana Maharaja, what is your opinion of that?" He immediately took on a very grave tone, and pointing his finger at me, he loudly exclaimed: "What is the meaning of Iskcon, and who is a member of Iskcon? Iskcon means the Internacional Society for Krishna Consciousness, and that devotee who is 100% Krishna conscious, he is a true and actual member of this society. You are thinking Iskcon and non-Iskcon, but this has no place in vaisnavism. If you get the chance for his association, you should definitely run there."


Commentary from Gopaldas (in this forum): And the moon is made of green cheese.


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OBJECTION 3 : Srla NArAyaNa MahArAja says that Srila

PrabhupAda’s work is unfinished because he did not provide us with intimate rasika literature and methods of rAgAnuga-sAdhana.

Srila PrabhupAda described his unfinished work as the fact that varnasrama-dharma had not yet been established in his Society, that sets of his books had not yet been placed in every home, that people were still going hungry within ten miles of ISKCON temples, that the Lord’s holy name had not yet been heard in every town and village, etc.


REFUTATION 3 : Although the establishment of varnasrama-dharma is part of the KRSNa consciousness movement, it is an external objective, whereas the progression into the higher realms of bhakti is the vital and internal objective of SrIla Prabhupäda and his mission. Both of these points are evident from the following coming statements:


“The kRSNa consciousness movement is therefore very much eager to reintroduce the varNASrama system into human society so that those who are bewildered or less intelligent will be able to take guidance from qualified brAhmaNas.” (Srimad-Bhägavatam10.8.6)


“Simply by following the rules and regulations of the varnasrama system one can worship ViSNu. ViSNur ArAdhya... nAnyat tat-toSa-kAraNam.

There is no alternative to satisfy Him. This is an authorized statement. But Caitanya Mahäprabhu said, eho bAhya, Age kaha Ara, ‘ THIS IS EXTERNAL. THIS IS NOT A VERY IMMPORATANT THING .’” (Lecture in New VRndAvana: <font color="blue"> May 23,1969 </font color>)

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***Srila PrabhupAda described his unfinished work as the fact that varnasrama-dharma had not yet been established in his Society, that sets of his books had not yet been placed in every home, that people were still going hungry within ten miles of ISKCON temples, that the Lord&#8217;s holy name had not yet been heard in every town and village, etc.


O your guru maharaja do this mission?

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***Although the establishment of varnasrama-dharma is part of the KRSNa consciousness movement, it is an external objective, whereas the progression into the higher realms of bhakti is the vital and internal objective of SrIla Prabhupäda and his mission. Both of these points are evident from the following coming statements:


***&#8220;The kRSNa consciousness movement is therefore very much eager to reintroduce the varNASrama system into human society so that those who are bewildered or less intelligent will be able to take guidance from qualified brAhmaNas.&#8221; (Srimad-Bhägavatam10.8.6)


ANY work may do in level prema bhakti. One may establishment of varnasrama-dharma in level prema, another may only speak about "prema", no has prema.


ISCKON establishment of varnasrama-dharma for ANOTHER people, not for himself. Devotee ISKCON not needs establishment of varnasrama-dharma it is dp for you anadi, you needs establishment of varnasrama-dharma. /images/graemlins/smile.gif


Real devotee Lord do in PLAN Lord Caitanya, they himself in level raganuga devotion.

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***There is no alternative to satisfy Him. This is an authorized statement. But Caitanya Mahäprabhu said, eho bAhya, Age kaha Ara, &#8216; THIS IS EXTERNAL. THIS IS NOT A VERY IMMPORATANT THING .&#8217;&#8221; (Lecture in New VRndAvana: May 23,1969 )


But YOUR guru maharaja follow sanyasa? What needs? Sanyasa it is part varnasram. If &#8216; THIS IS EXTERNAL. THIS IS NOT A VERY IMMPORATANT THING .&#8217; what needs follow warnasram?

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***"One should also always meditate upon the affairs between Radha and Krsna in the transcendental world. One should think of Radha and Krsna twenty-four hours a day and eternally engage in Their service.. By following the mood of the associates and friends of Radharani, one can ultimately achieve the perfectional stage and be transferred to Goloka Vrndavana, the transcendental abode of Krsna." - Teachings of Lord Caitanya, chap. 31


Hmm...It is from Prabhupada? SP teach AS meditate, in as mood meditate. You understand? SP no teach sahajiya.

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***And this rAsa-lila, being fully imbued with madhura rasa, is eminently distinguished even from the Lord&#8217;s other pastimes. Like a jewel, a mantra or a powerful medicine , this rAsa-lila is endowed with such indisputable, astonishing potency that by hearing it , all persons in the human form become devoted to the Supreme Lord . Therefore, all varieties of devotees who hear the descriptions of these pastimes will become successful and obtain supreme pleasure.


Yes, only needs hear from pure devotee and His followers. Needs follow mood SP - pure devotee Lord Caitanya. First person may understand who is Radha-Krisna and then needs follow SP - top spiritual life.


Real no need hear sahajiya, no needs any sahajiya.

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***The pastimes of KRSNa with the gopis are not all on the same level .


No, it is materialism. God absolute. SP write - anyone who discriminate in lila God - is sahajiya.

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