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Bee Infestation - HELP!

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For the first time in my years of living here, suddenly the bees (yellow jackets) have decided to bore a whole thru the wall outside which is causing some to come in, regularly! I have been stung 4 separate times (by accident as they did not attack me, they were defending themselves from my unknowingly putting something on top of them). I dont want to kill them. There must be another solution. I was wondering what would repel them? We tried spraying bug killer not on them, but in the area they hang around, but this did not work. I closed off all entrances I could find. They are still gettitng in. Often. Does anyone know a solution?

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I heard that there are these repellent that you plug into the wall and they emit a sonic signal that "pests" don't like (mice, spiders, etc.). I'm not sure if they work for bees, but it might be worth a try. You can find them at any store like Target. I've seen them for around $15 only, and they can cover an area like 1500 sq ft. I'm thinking about trying them for our apartment this winter because we always get mice then. Good luck! Haribol.


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Thanks prabhu,


They are not wasps. Actually, we do have wasps, but can't get rid of them cuz they have lived here longer than we have and they are imbedded .... in something deep. Yet they are not a problem. We have worked out a contract. They dont sting me, and I will open the door to let them out if they get stuck inside by accident. It works! Now allow me to explain. I once read, some magazine or book, how these very peace oriented persons were able to live even amongst the bees. It gave detail (basic tho) on how they did this. I tired it (long ago) and was successful! So 8 years of wasps = no problem, never got stung by them once. Maybe they are a little more intelligent than yellow jackets, I dont know.


And so it's the yellow jakcets that are stinging me, but not with intent. And yes, they are dying. That's why they are stinging me! :-) I dont want to wait for them to die off or winter to come and get stung a bunch of times more until I can plug the cracks. lol Although as of today, it looks like they are all gone. Its looked like that before tho, and they sneak back in. Unlike the wasps, who will actually go out the door if I open it, these yellow jackets throw their body against the window even as I stand two feet away holding the door open. Either its sickenss or stupidity, I dont know. ha

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Thanks. Yes, they are wasps too, but they are a different type then the other ones. They have entirely different types of bodies. Maybe they are a different family or strain.


As for medical value, I have heard this. Tho technically, I'm not allergic, I blew up for four days as well as began to itch in a very large area near the place stung. So I did a little research and read you could have never had an allergic reaction and then one day have a life threatening one! Mine was not life threatening, and only repeated itself each of the four times, but I don't want to push my luck.


Anyway, I hope folks remember this and it helps someone. Even if they are not allergic (to their knowledge) they could suddenly become allergic! Severely.

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