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about the hugging "saint"

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HEy everyone, I met someone a couple of days ago that said she met this hugging saint and it made her feel divine. She said that she migh be krsna.


I was like "oh ok, interesting"


SO whats up with these people anyways, does krsna give them these powers to bewilder people who want to endevour on a cheap spiritual path or am i not understanding anything.


Also there are these people who say they can show you god in 6 months.


To me that sounds like god is quite cheap and why 6 months.


Anyways, let me know more.


hare krsna


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I felt divine when I had a chance to talk to some very pure Vaishnavas about Krsna consciousness...


I felt divine when I had a chance to seve Their Lordships Gandharvika Giridhari and then later take their Maha-prasad...


I still feel divine when I can participate in a powerful and melodious kirtan in the temple and the Maha-Mantra pulsates in my consciousness...


If you are lucky enough to have such divine experiences now and then, you will gradually purify your life. That is the real proof of spirituality of such experiences. Krishna gives many people a taste of the spiritual to encourage them to seek Him out. Spiritual bliss is not limited to our tradition only.


As to being able to see God in 6 months: It is mainly up to you and such vision is certainly not cheap. Are you really sincere? Do you have what it takes? Yes there are many cheaters, but if you are sincere Krishna will guide you to the right person and tradition. Hare Krishna!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't know why it is... I've had the same experience with Pujya Prema Panduranga and the local temple priest, but also with my husband, and sometimes with strangers. I try to remember these occasions, so perhaps one day I can reach the goal of practicing purushottama yoga perfectly... in other words, the Lord Sri Krishna really is present in others as the Self, though because of the combinations of the 3 gunas it's hard to see sometimes. According to me these instances are perfects examples of God's grace, as he helps us to finally realize Him in everyone.

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  • 5 months later...
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I was hugged by this woman saint and I felt nothing.

But when she meditated before her talk my connection with my GuruJi was strengthened.

My chanting sadhana improved from her darshan.

She did not come to take me away from my path.

She came by as a good Samaritan and helped my faith.


Now when I go to see her on her annual visits to this

country, I do not go for the hug.

It is enough to just be in her presence. I make a little donation towards her Indian charities.

She does not mind being labelled a "karma yogi".

She is doing her best and doing it simply.

She loves to sing about God.


This is not cheap, it is priceless.

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Are we talking about Ammachi of Kerala? I've never met her, but I would like to very much. Krishna can come to one in many forms (ideally, all forms!) and sometimes, you know, I really need a hug from Him, but you know, I do not have the courage to ask Him straight out. So a hug from such a luminous personality as Ammachi is a very valuable thing indeed.

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Pujya Prema Panduranga, has anyone heard her speak Rama-lila or Krishna-bhagavat?


she take the conciousness at a higher level. when i know she is in town i make a speacial effort to partake in sravanam of the holi name uttered from her lips.


comin from an iskcon background i was first a bit sceptical about goin to one of her classes. when i did go it was magical. truely inspirational. her command of english is very strong and powerful especially when she talks about the Supreme PErsonality of Godhead.



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  • 2 weeks later...
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Premaji is an excellent speaker. It is totally 100% because of her (and my husband letting me hear her tapes) that I have become so devoted to Lord Krishna. I heard her 1987 Muscat, Oman discourse. She has a voice that could, as they say, wake the dead. She is a full premika bhakta, so it's fitting that her name is Prema. After hearing her give a discourse before him, Srila Prabhupada told her "Go, gopi, preach to the world!" What a reccomendation!


When I'm in her presence, I really feel as if Lord Krishna is looking though her eyes. She chastises the audience, fills us with awe during the part of the discussion where Krishna shows Arjuna the Vishwaroopa, makes us laugh at appropriate times, and beyond that always speaks with utmost humility, though she is so strong and qualified a bhakta as to make people like me cower as she shatters our false pride.


Her unblemished prema for the Lord is contagious, and I swear to you the first heartbeat of True Bhakti for Sri Krishna that I ever felt was invoked by her discourse. She is a faithful channel of the Lord's Grace, and I highly reccomend her discourses for everyone from high-class devotees to someone who has never heard about Hinduism

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