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Looking back, how I came into iskcon

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Hare krsna everyone.


As I am about to turn 25 later this month, and as there are issues I am going through I looked back and realised how fortunate I really am that I have iskcon and Srila Prabhupad in my life. I thank krsna every day for my Guru Maharaj and wondeful association. I also remembered when I first came to an iskcon temple.


Well, just after my 'darshan' of Sai 'afro' baba, I came back to fiji and felt what is this all about anyways. I used to love watching this Movie called "SriKrsna lila" I knew in my heart of hearts that he was God. Something about him and such. I used to watch that move everyday. I didnt know much back then but when krsna ate dirt I used to go out and do the same, except there was no universal form in my mouth when my mother chastised me. lol. Just a few days later my life would be changed for ever.


I always went to local hindu temples where the priestes thought i was possesed by a demon and every week she would find me no matter where i was sitting and pull my hair in order to get the demons out. This got preety dramatic for a nine year old. Anyways, I hated going to the temples, yet I knew there was something else for me.


Now, my dad used to smoke and drink and even though I didnt know much about philosophy and krsna consciousness at the time i knew I would never do that as it disturbed my mother and there was no natural attraction to it.


Across the street from me, lived an old man. Kinda scary yet different this 9 year old thought. Always intrigued me. I saw him once talk with my dad and ofcourse at that moment my life is about to change yet i didnt know it.


So that sunday, we were on our way to the temple which i hated going, the crazy priestes was going to pull my hair again so why bother combing it. We took a different direction.


"wait a minute" I thought to myself, "where are we going" was the thought in my mind. I didnt want to say anything because anything was better then going to a so called temple with a so called priestes who did actually pull my hair.


Well we arrived near a dirt road, middle of nowhere. There was a church. I have noticed since then that most isckon temples always have a church near by or across the street.


It didnt feel like going to a hindu temple, the atmosphere was different. It felt genuine, "where was I" I thought to myself. As I went further I saw the old man that I was accustmed to seeing everyday. He was sitting down and giving some sort of talk. I sat down and for the first time in my whole life I felt at home. "Che, che che che" the kartels made the sound and all of a sudden "Jai Radha Madhava Kunja Bihari was vibrating through my ears and my heart. For the first time ever I cried at hearing such a beautiful song. I didnt understand it but something told me to stay and listen.



For the next 45 minutes I heard the most beautiful class about the blue boy named Krsna that I first saw in the movie "Sri Krsna lilawhat was this"I said to myself. Nothing had captured me quite like this before. Why am I so blisfull. Was this it for me.


When the class ended I didnt move. I just sat there looking at this old man who was my neighbor. I didnt know what to do, what happens next, do we go home, i didnt want to go home.


They all stood up and I was like "oh greattheir gonna sing Jai Jagadisha Hare" But no. "Nama Om Visnu Padaya....I thought this song was beautiful. I didnt know what to do. All of a sudden "Hare Krsna Hare krsna.....and my ears bled for more.


The whole temple which is filled with 60 or 70 devotees was dancing all of a sudden. SO was I. Why was I dancing was the question when I caught myself. I stoped but not for long as a devotee just grabbed me and through me with all the dancers. It was the most amazing feeling. I had never seen or experianced anything like this.


IT stoped! "whymoremore", they loved my enthusiasm.



Funny I saw this black bodied gentleman who later preached to me and made me realise we arent these bodies. My first reaction to him was "he is not indianhe is black""whats he doing in my culture" He made me realise what I was doing in my culture. The old man just kept smiling. I miss that smile.


Nothing has matched it since then. I am almost 25 now. Just a couple of weeks I guess but I remember those moments like it was yesterday. 16 years in this movement and I woudnt leave it for anything. Many things have happened. Innocance and love was questioned, my faith was questioned but Srila Prabhupad I never questioned. I had never heard of or met anyone since joing the movement doing what he has done.


Where is that old man? Where is that black bodies gentle soul


Where am I?


Srila Prabhupad has built a house in which the whole can live in. How can I leave my home. Despite all that is happening I have my faith will which help me triumph.


Hare Krsna.


Anyone have any comments or their experiances please do tell.


I love my devotees.


Hare Krsna.

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