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do HK's participate in garba?

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Hare Krishna


"though you can teach people that praying to Garbha Maa or Ambha Maa for Krishna Bhakti is good."


This is only my view and a stupid one at that..

sorry about that..sometimes i should think

before i type!


Very bad preaching Govindaram (shame on you)


Jaya Nitai-Gaura haribol Jaya Prabhupada!!!!!



Ps.I think most people go to praise Garbha Maa

and Ganesha, out of respect which Krishna says

is ok.


Anybody know what Srila Prabhupada said on the



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Is there a need for HK's to have strong opinions on every festival?


Some people celebate these things and some don't. Certainly a much more cultured way of social interaction then what we have going in then west.


People who go to Garba and also go to Mahaprabhu's sankirtana should not be preached to and disturbed over it. Nor should devotees become attracted to go thinking it's ok because it's Indian and exotic.


If we concentrate on making the kirtans and feasts so ecstatic and joyous that others become too attracted to leave then perhaps we have fulfilled our mission.


Sure we can say that worship of the Supreme Person and His devotees will automatically satisfy the demigods as well and so there is no need for separate endeavor but we needn't make it a big point of contention.

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Hare Krishna


"Nor should devotees become attracted to go thinking it's ok because it's Indian and exotic."


You'd have to be a pretty ignorant to think this.


Esp if you are a Hare Krishna!


I think though for Vaisnava's practicing KC

under the guidance of a spiritual master

they should 'avoid' for the purpose

that it is not very beneficial for KC.




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You are more living in two worlds then most of us. Alot of us have just become so bored with Western culture. Silly fads come and go every year. Little endures. India has this long history that just awes us on its face. Dances and rituals that can be traced back thousands of years. On top of that all these mystical symbols with extremely subtle meanings behind them that we can't understand. I mean even hand gestures in Indian dances convey deep truths. We sense it but not really catching it.


Sometimes it just fascinates us and brings out the gullible child in us.


Even all the spicy foods seems exotic to us at first.


Later we start to earn to differentiate but it takes a while and even then we often carry this sense of being imitators culturaly in many ways.



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