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Difference between University Students and Children

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Well Some big University Did a big test a few months ago to see the difference in understanding of questions asked to University Students and 6 year old Students.



This is quite mundane but fun.


There are 4 Questions, lets see how you do in this Test.


1 How Do you put an Elephant in a Refrigarator?


2 How do you put a Giraffe in a Refrigarator?


3 The Lion who is the king of the jungle called a meeting, all of the animals came execpt one. Which animal didnt show up?.


4 You are have reached a river which has no other ways to cross execpt to swim across, but the river belongs to hungry crocodiles, piranhas etc, How will you ever get across?


Lets see all of your answers.


One important thing to remember is that all 4 questions relate to each other.



Hope to get replies. Hare krsna


Hari Dham




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1. Tell the elephant it won't be that cold.


2. Tell the Giraffe the same thing.


3. The Lions wife.


4. Pretend you are a crocodile and swim across np.


Alternatively you could put the fridge with elephant

inside climb on top of the Girrafe, pretend you are

a crocodile and swim across with the lion chasing you.

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Well nobody even tried replying. Come on guys try remembering when you were kids and someone asked you these questions.



Here is the first one


Q How do u put an elephant in the refrigarator?

A You open the door and put him in.

(remember these are little children)


Q How do you put a Giraffe in the refrigarator?

A You open the door take the elephant out and put the giraffe in?(again they were testing for simplicity)


Q The Lion who is the king of the jungle called a meeting.All the animals came execpt one. Which one?

A The Giraffe because it was in the fridge.


Q You have reached a river which has no other way execpt to swim across, but the river belongs to hungry crocodiles, paranhas etc, how will you get across?


A You just swim across because all the crocodiles and paranhas are at the meeting.


THere we go.


Simple isnt it.


SO simple that a 5 year old could get it. Actually 5 year olds got them all right and the university students didnt get any.


Ahhhhh the simple times when we didnt have to make things so complicated. I feel and Avril Levine song coming up.


Hare krsna.


Hari Dham



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The elephant was looking for the ant. When he went near the refrigerator, then he understood that the ant was inside the refrigerator. The elephant did not even open the refrigerator.


So, how did the elephant know that the ant was inside?

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