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Krishna Consciousness

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"Please help me how , to chant and remember Krishna when Mind wonders like Wind"

- you simply continue chanting.. there's no need to make separate efforts to remember krishna or to remain fixed, chant hare krishna mahamantra, if the mind wanders, when you feel like that... CHANT


" How to overcome the Maya ?"

-chanting and associating with people not in maya.. devotees


"and how to get inspired from books of Srila.Prabhupada."

-reading them and discussing them with devotees



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the offences to the holy name...


chanting hare-Krishna cannot give you love of

god if u r chanting with offence.


so I would say learn about this more.


also avoid discussions with devotee who have

the propensity to criticize (a lot)


also endeavour to serve a pure devotee,

beg for a guru.


I have found more than anything that

Having association with devotees,

i.e. in person/on the web/ is essential

so you can talk about your feelings etc.


Srila Prabhupada and other Vaisnavas always stress the importance

Of devotee association and now I am beginning to see why as well.


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Here is some divine instructions from Srila Prabhupada:




Somehow or other, be in touch with this temple, with the holy name, with the Vaisnava. In this way, by constant association, by association of devotees, you become a Krsna devotee.


Actually it is happening. The Europeans and Americans, say, ten years before the beginning of this movement, did not know Krsna, every one of you. That’s a fact. How are you now mad after Krsna? It is simply because of association. So association is such an important thing. You boys and girls in your country, you were living so luxuriously . Why you have left everything and you are after me, a beggar sannyasi? It is the association. The association is so strong. Therefore Narottama dasa Thakura says, “Let me engage myself in the service of the Goswamis and associate with the devotees. I do not want anything else.” And Bhaktivinoda Thakura said, "Better to remain as an ant with the association of devotees than to become a Brahma without any devotee’s association." This is Bhaktivinoda Thakura's hankering.


So some way or other, we are propagating this association, Krsna consciousness, International Society for Krsna Consciousness. Why we are establishing so many centers? Just to give the people in general the chance of association. Association is a very important thing. So some way or other connect with Krsna. (Class by Srila Prabhupada Sept. 17, 1975)


O my Lord Hari! Within my mind I will honor and consider as my own relative one who naturally avoids the offense of bad association and sings Your holy name, be he formally initiated or not.


I offer obeisances to that devotee who is initiated and worships Your lotus feet, and I will faithfully serve, O Hari, a devotee who is fixed in unalloyed devotion to You.


I consider myself greatly fortunate to even see that devotee who regards all living beings equally. Obtaining his association I consider myself fortunate, for I know that I have become successful in life.


When will I give up the company of those who are addicted to the company of materialistic women and those who are averse to You? And when will I cultivate the constant association of Your devotees, O Lord?



When will my attitude toward the Vaisnavas become simple and innocent? And when will I cross over this ocean of worldly existence and reach Your transcendental abode of Vraja? (Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura- Saranagati)



Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

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When a man in the material world takes more interest in the materialistic way of life than in Krsna consciousness, he is considered to be in a diseased condition. The normal condition is to remain an eternal servant of the Lord. This healthy condition is lost when the living entity forgets Krsna due to being attracted by the external features of Krsna's maya energy. This world of maya is called durashraya, which means “false or bad shelter.” One who puts his faith in durashraya becomes a candidate for hoping against hope. In the material world everyone is trying to become happy, and although their material attempts are baffled in every way, due to their nescience they cannot understand their mistakes.


This Krsna consciousness movement is being spread all over the world just to remedy this gross ignorance. Nescience is compared to the disease called jaundice, which is caused by bilious secretions. Attacked by jaundice, the tongue of a diseased person cannot palatably relish sugar candy. Rather, a person with jaundice considers something sweet to taste very bitter. Avidya (ignorance) similarly perverts the ability to relish the transcendentally palatable name, quality, form and pastimes of Krsna. Despite this disease, if one with great care and attention takes to Krsna consciousness, chanting the holy name and hearing Krsna's transcendental pastimes, his ignorance will be destroyed and his tongue enabled to taste the sweetness of the transcendental nature of Krsna and His paraphernalia. Such a recovery of spiritual health is possible only by the regular cultivation of Krsna consciousness.


In the association of pure devotees topics of Krsna become palatable. When the sages headed by Shaunaka Muni were hearing Srimad-Bhagavatam from Suta Goswami, they exclaimed “You are reciting about the glories of the Supreme Lord and His activities, so please continue. We are not yet satisfied. The subject matter is so nice that we want to hear more and more.” As you go on hearing you become purified. Krsna-katha, the Lord’s name, fame, quality, entourage, all these things are very sweet. To whom? Those who are liberated from this jaundice of materialism. For them it is very sweet. So as you feel the sweetness of Krsna-katha, you should know that you are becoming liberated from this material entanglement. Those who are suffering from jaundice, they are prescribed by a physician to take sugar candy water in the morning. And by drinking that sugar candy water, gradually he tastes the sweetness of sugar candy. So similarly, Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam or anything where the topics of the Supreme Personality of Godhead are discussed, if you feel it is interesting, that means you are getting out of the jaundice of this material disease. Yes. This is the test. If you don’t feel interested, then you must know that the jaundice of material disease is there. (Nectar of Instruction, CC Lecture Jan. 4, 1967)


Dear Lord, as a fatigued man feels refreshed by dipping into a reservoir of water, so the conditioned soul who is very much disgusted with material activities becomes refreshed and forgets all the fatigue of material activities simply by dipping into the transcendental ocean of Your pastimes. And eventually he merges in the ocean of transcendental bliss. The most intelligent devotees, therefore, do not take to any means of self-realization except devotional service and constant engagement in the nine different processes of devotional life, especially hearing and chanting. Pure devotees seek only the association of great liberated devotees, so that they can continually hear and chant about Your glories. (The Personified Vedas Krsna Book 2.32)


Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

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