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Suktas for the Day

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Yam Pravrajantham anupetham apethakruthyam

dwaipayano virahakathara aajuhava

putreti tanmayatano taravopinethu

tam sarvabhoothahrudhayam munim aanathosmi

(Srimad Bhagavatha Mahatmyam 1.1)


I bow down to that great sage Suka, who has entered the innermost reaches of the hearts of every living being. When he went away to the forest after renouncing worldly life, without being initiated to the sacred thread, Dwaipayana (Vyasa) became aggrieved and cried, "O my son!" to which all the trees, which had by then attained oneness with Suka, responded alike.


Tad ashmasaram hrdayam batedam

yad grhyamanai harinamadheyah

na vikriyetatha yada vikaro

netre jalam gatraruhesu harsah


It has to be a heart made of stone, that, even after chanting the holy names of Hari, does not change and become ecstatic, that does not cause tears to fill the eyes and the hairs to stand on end." (Srimad Bhag: 2.3.24)


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