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Reconversion is very important in India. Many tribals, dalits and Adivasis have converted to Christianity/islam, our of sheer hatred for the upper-castes. Naturally, it only seems fair that we should help them get back home. We must make them understand that it wasn't Hinduism, but rather some of the "self-righteous priestly" ones that trampled upon their basic rights. This might help them understand the broad nature of Hindu Dharma.


Having said that, this alone wouldn't be sufficient. Years and years of mental anguish and suffering couldn't be wiped away by a series of lectures. These people need to feel "proud" and "part" of Hinduism. Then their reconversion would have deeper meaning, otherwise it would remain merely formal.


In order to achieve this objective, we decided to reconvert peacefully and non-violently a bunch of tribals in AP. At first, these people had no clue, quite frankly they couldn't care less if Sanatan Dharma was coolest. Those tribals were so firm in their conviction that Christianity was superior that they didn't even bother to listen. One man had the temerity to say, "Christianity was given to us by the white people. What could be more sacred than that?" I was puzzled and asked, "Are you saying that anything given to you by white people is superior in quality?" He replied with a nod. "Whatever white people do must be far superior. They are the masters." All of a sudden, a white lady appeared out of a hut and I was shocked. All these people had fallen at her feet. Some of them were even clinging to her clothes and singing praises. The white lady looked up at me and winked, as if to say, "Enter single white woman, and these inferior freaks can be enslaved with relative ease."


I learned a valuable lesson that day that this is how tribals and dalits are being converted. It is not just the money and bribes (read social service), but also the skin. It is a psychological technique. Since these people have coal-black skin and suffer from terrible inferiority, they seem to accept whatever the white gives as a blessing. Once a slave, always a slave.


So my friends, anybody willing to display their color, so I could get on with my job in backward districts of Orissa and UP?!

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it is very sad that teh hindus malpracticed hinduism in the past. so now we need to practice it very correctly according to krishna's message in gita.


<< Years and years of mental anguish and suffering couldn't be wiped away by a series of lectures. >>


true, and we also must no forget how much we have suffered over 1000+ years from the muslim invaders in india.


jai sri krishna! -madhav



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