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translations of Gaudiya Vaisnava Acaryas

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I found a webpage that has some books that seem pretty interesting. I'm wondering if they're worth it though. They are translations of the original works of Gaudiya Vaisnava Acaryas including the Six Goswamis of Vrndavana edited by Kusakratha. Has anybody here ever heard of him? Does he know what he's writing? Is it worth it to throw some money down for these books or should I just stick to Prabhupada? Thanks for your input. If you want to check them out they're at http://www.rvc.edu/store under the book section.



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Kusakratha is a solid (and very unusual) devotee. I've known him since 1970. Does he know what he's writing? Well, yeah. I remember going to see him once when he lived in LA. He was so excited about the work he was doing on Gopala-champu, he started telling me stories I wasn't really qualified to hear. His translations are often not the most graceful, but you get the idea. As for whether or not you should just stick to Srila Prabhupada's books, that depends on how well you've assimilated what's there. Many of Kuskratha's books are more suitable for those who have made some discernible advancement in realizing what Krishna conscoiusness is. These books of the Gosvamis and other acharyas are mostly best appreciated by devotees whose hearts are rather free from anarthas. But they're not a waste of money.

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Krsna's mirror is named Saradindu and His fan is named Marumaruta. His toy lotus flower is named Sadasmera and His toy ball is named Citrakoraka.


Krsna's golden bow is named Vilasakarmana. The two ends of this bow are studded with jewels and it has a bowstring named Manjulasara.


His glistening jewel-handled scissors are named Tustida. His buffalo-horn bugle is named Mandraghosa and His flute is named Bhuvanamohini.


Krsna has another flute named Mahananda, which is like a fishook that captures the fish of Srimati Radharani's heart and mind. Another flute, which has six holes is known as Madanajhankrti.


Krsna's flute named Sarala makes a low, soft tone like the sound of a softly singing cuckoo. Krsna is very fond of playing this flute in the ragas gaudi and garjari.


The wonderful sacred mantra He chants is the name of His dearmost Radharani. His cane is named Mandana, His vina is named Tarangini, the two ropes He carries are named Pasuvasikara and His milk bucket is named Amrtadohani.


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His two armlets are named Rangada, His two bracelets are named Sobhana, His signet ring is named Ratnamukhi and His yellow garments are named Nigamasobhana.


Krsna's string of small bell is named Kalajhankara and His two anklets are named Hamsaganjana. The tinkling sounds of these ornaments enchant the deer that are the minds of the deer-eyed gopis.


Krsna's pearl necklace is named Taravali and His jewel necklace is named Taditprabha. The locket He wears on His chest is named Hrdayamodana and within it is a picture of Srimati Radharani.


Krsna's jewel is named Kaustubha. In the Kaliya lake the Kaliya serpent's wives gave this jewel to the Lord with their own hands.


Krsna's shark-shaped earrings are named Ratiragadhidaivata, His crown is named Ratnapara and its crest-jewel is named Camaradamari.


Krsna's peacock feather crown is named Navaratnavidamba, His gunja necklace is named Ragavalli and His tilaka marking is named Drstimohana.


Krsna's garland of forest flowers and leaves, which reaches down to His feet and contains flowers of five different colors, is called Vaijayanti.


The eighth night of the dark moon in the month of Bhadra, when the moon rose together with its dear companion, the star Rohini, is the sacred time decorated by the birth of Lord Krsna in this world.



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Mangala, Pingala, Ganga, Pisangi, Manikastani, Hamsi and Vamsipriya are the most important of the surabhi cows, who are all very dear to Lord Krsna.


Padmagandha and Pisangaksa are Krsna's pet oxen. Suranga is His pet deer and Dadhilobha is His pet monkey.


Vyaghra and Bhramaraka are Krsna's pet dogs. Kalasvana is His pet swan, Tandavika His pet peacock and Daksa and Vicaksana His pet parrots.



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(I should have mentioned that all of this info is also from Srila Rupa Goswami's Radha-Krishna-ganoddesha-dipika.)


The best of all places of Krsna's pastimes is the great garden known as Vrndavana forest. Another important place of the Lord's pastimes is the beautiful and opulent Govardhana Hill. This Hill is very appropriately named for it nourishes (vardhana) Krsna's cows (go) with its grasses.


On Govardhana Hill is the cave known as Manikandali and the river-landing place named Nilamandapika. On the Manasa-ganga river is the famous landing place named Paranga.


The boat named Suvilasatara remains at this Paranga landing place. Another important place is Nandisvara Hill, Krsna's home, where the goddess of fortune is personally present.


On Nandisvara Hill is the splendid white stone house where Krsna grew up. This house is named Amodavardhana because it is always filled with (vardhana) the pleasant fragrance (amoda) of incense and other aromatic substances.


The lake near Krsna's home is named Pavana and on its shore there are many groves where the Lord enjoys pastimes. Also near Krsna's home is the grove named Kama Mahatirtha and the jeweled pathway named Mandara.


The splendid kadamba trees named Kadambaraj and the king of the banyan trees named Bhandira grow in the forest of Vrndavana. On the sandy bank of the Yamuna is the pastime place named Anagaranga-bhu.


On the shore of the Yamuna River is the sacred place known as Khela-tirtha, where Lord Krsna eternally enjoys pastimes with His dearmost Srimati Radharani.


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Yes, as you've kindly shown. I intended merely to give a hint of what we can find in Kusakratha's translations. I just think it's so cool that even His milk bucket has a name. But, being much more magnanimous than I, you've decided to share even more.


But don't let me stop you. Such posts are the antidote for much of what ends up on this forum.

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I have most of the Sandarbhas published by Kushakratha and a few Upanishads. None of what I have is in the rasika class - just straightforward philosophical stuff like Prameya-Ratnavali, Tattva-Viveka, Amnaya-Sutra, Sandarbhas, etc.


Main problem with Kushakratha's books are the large amount of typos. But that's not his fault, I guess it's the fault of the publisher.


The other problem I have had with them is that (my impression) I often find the translations to not be very smooth. For example Kushakratha often refuses to retranslate verses already quoted by Srila Prabhupada; but sometimes Jiva Gosvami is trying to quote the same verse to say something slightly different and Kushakratha's refusal to retranslate makes that concept difficult to understand. As a result, some of the more philosophical works which he translated do not read as smoothly, IMHO.


However, it's better to have Kushakratha's books than nothing. I plan to buy some more for the time being. I understand that he is now dying in Vrindavan of throat cancer. I can only imagine how much he must be suffering. I wish him well. Despite the minor flaws, his service is exemplary. Hopefully more devotees will take up his example.


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