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Sri Rama/Hanuman

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Ram asked Hanuman,


"Hanuman what attitude do you cherish towards me?"


Hanuman answered,


'O Rama, when I think I am the body, You are the Master and I am Your servant; when I think I am the jivatman (individual soul), You are the whole and I am a part; but when I have the knowledge of Reality (Atman), I see that You are I and I am you'.




This quote does not exist in rAmAyana of vAlmIki. It is a fabrication invented by some mAyAvAdis and quoted by people like Swami Chinmayananda in order to spread their propaganda. Please disregard it.


In general, if someone tells you that something comes from a particular scripture, but quotes no verse numbers or Sanskrit, it is most likely a fabrication.


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Guest, if you think your religion is superior, then just do it. Get the hell out of my life before you are destroyed.


But the truth is that you have no religion, no heart just empty words. It is all about trying to prove yourself superior to others to make up for your feeling meaningless.


We have proof someone like you can never understand. Be content in knowing that we are happy. Now be a good boy and try following your path in peace.

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I read several times here that True Devotee of God has no religion. Thanks for telling me that. I don't really have such religion, and if ever I will have one, obviously not like yours.


I have a heart that's why I pity people just like you who is worshipping a wrong God.


Maybe I could really not understand why you exchange your previous faith with Christ with such a myth.

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The true devotee is said to have no religion because his religion is beyond words, beyond rituals and rules. It is spontaneous pure love. Such a knower of God can see Him revered in all scriptures.


The expression "wrong God" is illogical since by definition there is only one God.


You need to ask yourself how you became so arrogant as to actually believe you can have opinions about such esoteric topics with absolutely no knowledge or realization. It is simply foolish, and you don't seem particularly foolish - just very arrogant and offensive.


But alas, we do not exist to provide you with your adrenalin fixes. If you ever become sincere about knowing about life by all means come back. Sincerity is the only requirement for success in the God game. That will automatically foster the humility you seriously lack as you put God into perspective with your own sweet self.

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"The expression "wrong God" is illogical since by definition there is only one God."



Yes by definition and there is only one True God, and this is the father of Christ.


Categorical syllogism:


True God is the Most Just and Merciful.


Rama is not Merciful and not just. (For he took away the life of Sambuka for no other fault than that of making penance)


Therefore, Rama is not God.


That's simple GHARI.


Wake up!




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You live in a world of words. They are at best liars.


It is not your mind that will find God.


You are simply licking the outside of the honey bottle. Without the taste of honey it is foolish to act like an expert. Can you not see that to us you are simply laughable? This does not wake us up; it bores us to tears, the insincerity of this world.


As far as Sambuka is concerned, what happened to him after he died? Do you know the whole story? Can you understand the mind and special mercy of God? You are too arrogant to even ask these things. This is why you don't know God.


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How would you know that Rama really exist? Isn't the story also like Homer's epic Iliad and Odessey?



Why would you think rAmA never existed? Is there any evidence in the rAmAyanaM to suggest that this is just a fictional story? Does the author suggest it anywhere that he simply made the whole thing up?


rAmAyanaM belongs to "itihAsa" class of literature, meaning "thus occurred." The default position is to consider it an historical, rather than fictional/mythological tradition. As far as I know, this has always been the position of the orthodox.



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  • 1 month later...

Rama is within every on of us so also Ravana and Sita and Hanuman.


If these human and universal traits are given a human character, then we can comprehend them. Hence Rama did exist and the Ramayana is a true story.... a strory in which each one of us participate daily and we act out all the characters and at appropriate time in our lives.

If we have to live like the " Uttamma Purasha" we must them comprehend the Rama story in its real form

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Rama is within every on of us so also Ravana and Sita and Hanuman.


If these human and universal traits are given a human character, then we can comprehend them. Hence Rama did exist and the Ramayana is a true story.... a strory in which each one of us participate daily and we act out all the characters and at appropriate time in our lives.

If we have to live like the " Uttamma Purasha" we must them comprehend the Rama story in its real form





It sounds to me like you are trying to say that rAmA is only real in an allegorical sense. The implicit sense of your words is that a real person by the name rAmA never existed, and that the story of rAmAyaNam is just one big allegorical tale representing our own battle with vice for virtue.


Where is the evidence from rAmAyaNam which instructs us not to believe in its historicity? Please quote the exact evidence.

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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

Ram is a true God, He is God and there is no God but Ram. Ram came down as man to show us the way to him. Like Jesus, Ram came to teach us what it means to be a true human.

Tulsidas Ki Jai

Hanuman Ki Jai

Ram Ki Jai

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