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Sudden Severe Allergic Reactions...

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It does not happen to me often but several times in my life I have had a very sudden severe allergic reactions to something and the latest one was just about an hour or so ago.


I never know what will bring them on and it causes the throat to start to close up. The first two times (years ago) that it happened I ended up in the emergency room on oxygen and being injected with muscle relaxers because I could not breath.


I have learned to very quickly take benedryl (I always carry some with me) and usually in about 15 mins or so the throat thing is eased up and I am left with a feeling of being on the edge of bronchitis for the next several days.

Sometimes this does cause me to get bronchitis.


This last episode occurred after eating some mixed seeds - sunflower, poppy and some others so I am left not knowing which seed I have very suddenly developed an allergy to and can never eat again.


The weird thing about these sudden allergies is that one day no problem with the offending agent and the next day it is life or death.


This has only happened about six times in my life. The last time (before today) was a few months back when on antibiotics for a tooth infection. I had to take benedryl non-stop for two weeks after that until the antibiotics left my system. Beware of antibiotics as this happens more often than people relize and it can kill you.


Anyway, does anyone else here have this problem and how do you deal with it?


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Not sure this will help but here are a few things I have leanred, the hard way.


1-Allergies are ultimately a break down of the immune system. Strengthen the immune system. It probably wont stop or reduce allergies that have all ready show up (tho it might), but alleriges usually get worse, or one can lead to another, so its important to strengthen the immune system.


2-Have you considered mold? I can handle pollen (tho slightly allergic to it), but when it rains out, myeyes are so swollen and red and other horrible things I rather not mention! The doctor explained to me the reason I get so bad when it rains is because rain "stirrs" the mold and mildew, which I am therefore allergic to! In any case, you do need to go to an allergist and figure out exactly what you are allergic to, and this takes time but may save your life. Also, consider NAET.


3-Benedryl works less and less as time goes on. At one part it hardly worked for me at all anymore! It can damge the liver too. After I had not used it for a period of time (due to no allergy attacks), my body apparently got enough of a break that the next time I used it, it worked. However, very quickly it did not work again. Of course if you only use it once in a blue moon it will always work for you. Just that my (limited) experience has been that allergies don't automatically get better, they automatically get worse, and the meds needed for them don't automatically keep working, they also automatically begin to work less and less.


Now that I have you totally distraught :-) dont worry, something can be done, but it is extremely important to spend the many hours and appoitments going to an allergy specialist. They won't quit until they figure out what it is you are allergic to.


Hope this helped, somehow.



Prtha dd


P.S. I once read in a Holistic Health book that poor digestion and gunk inside the body can lead to alleriges and that taking digestive enzymes can actually help allergic reactions over time. Cant hurt, might help. And leads to the idea of a fast/liquid diet/detox?

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Pet Peeve: Posters who come in as guest day after day and ruin threads by arguing just for arguments sake. Second Pet Forum Peeve: Multiple identity posters.



LOL LOL Well, I DID sign it. lol And no argument here. lol



Prtha dd

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Allergies are almost always connected to adrenal weakness. Strengthen the adrenals. Ginseng, for example. And certain vitamins and minerals, aminos. This is an important point I nearly left out. Treat the adrenals. Though do make sure this applies to you individually.



Prtha dd

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