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The Most Awesome Picture of God Ever!?

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You should not worship demonic idols like Narasimha (a violent manifestation of the black trickster Vishnu/Krishna, the deceiver).

Jesus Christ is the only true image of the invisible God.

He is the only true way to the Infinite Father, whose Word He is.

So repent and turn from the Devil-gods of Hinduism while there is still time to escape the fires of Hell to which they will lead you!

Love from Isadas.

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Dear loversoul,


So you are telling me that the Divine Father of Jesus Christ is you Lord Vishnu/Krishna, and that He is the One True God???

Perhaps you are right and I was wrong?


Love, Isadas.

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"Jesus Christ is the only true image of the invisible God."

••••how can the invisible have an image? do not use this false assumption.. you are not defending lord jesus christ, you are sustaining atheism..

(god is not invisible, he has infinite forms)


so shut up and learn the basics before coming to discuss

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"So you are telling me that the Divine Father of Jesus Christ is you Lord Vishnu/Krishna, and that He is the One True God???"




(you are ishadas.. or isvara das .. read this verse: isvarah (lord) paramah (supreme) krsnah (krsna's) saccitananda(all knowing, eternal, blissful) vigraha (form, aspect, manifestation)))


do not put useless quarrels among religion practitioneers... fight the ateism and the evil in the world, not the people who love god

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"So you are telling me that the Divine Father of Jesus Christ is you Lord Vishnu/Krishna, and that He is the One True God???

Perhaps you are right and I was wrong?"


yes, thats exactly right. Krsna is no other than the Lord of Jesus Christ. Just like Christ was His son. We are all His sons and daughters. The difference between Christ and us we that Christ realized himself to be what he was. Where as we donot realize it today. So, we should start realizing it through Chaitanya's method. chanting hare krishna and through devotion.

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I teach Sunday School at my temple, and I know that the fastes way to get the boys' attention to start in on Lord Nasrimhadeva, the boys especially adore HIM..Hari Bol, Krishna dasi

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Narasimba is an unreal image-presentation of God. It only represents that your belief allows the lower level animal like the lion is leading the people. God made man in his IMAGE and likeness , then that picture of your God Narasimba is such a mockery to HIS HIGHNESS, the true God. Those who worship this God is in real Maya.


I believe in Krishna but representing Lord Krishna (the real Krishna)like in the picture is an insult to His Majesty.


The real God is a Loving spirit and not a Beast!

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No need to advertise your ignorance so. We all know there is no authority for your claims just as there is no authority for impersonal brahman… authority must be personal. And where does personality find it's perfection… where it is most refined? Just compare the information and there is no debate.


You have to bluff us with something more than your ignorance.


You know presume to estimate that all the vaisnava acaryas of the past are mistaken about Lord Nrsimha's identity. You presume too much!


I wonder what your agenda is.


Are you God's spokesperson? Are you a prophet or what? Maybe you should officically introduce yourself or something. Yeah, convince us your not crazy.

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somewhere. But, the third and bonafide incarnation of Prahlad Maharaj was Shri Raghavendra Swami of Mantralayam (in Andhra Pradesh now). When Shri Raghavendra Swami wanted to wind up his work on the earth, he asked one of his followers to construct a Vrindavanam for him to enter into it for Samadhi. When the follower brought some stones, Shri Swamiji did not approve of them and asked the follower to accompany him. Upon reaching a solitary place (still in AP ) he asked the follower to dig the place. After digging, they found a YagnaVedi there. Pointing towards that, Shri Swamiji told the follower, that during his incarnation as Prahlad Mahara, he had performed a big sacrifice there and those stones only should be selected for constructing Vrindavanam. So Prahlad Maharaj must be somewhere from AP.

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Well.... reality bites, huh? The thing that I see is wrong here is the way you represent God. God has so many names, Visnu, or Yahweh, or Allah or Krishna, I have no problem with that but representing our God, the creator and the Merciful into that kind of horrible picture is such a mockery, really. Even telling us that God reincarnate with the Turtoise!!! What is this story? It's like Alice in wonderland? or Shakespeare's A Mid Summer Night's Dream?

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It comes down to this:


We accept as authority the Vedas and the personalities thereof who have produced this wonderful spiritual science…


Or we accept you who presume to know what God can and can't do.


I say you are a hypocrite to ask us to believe that your statements instead make sense.

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"I have no problem with that but representing our God, the creator and the Merciful into that kind of horrible picture...."

••••but god is "terrible" also many times in the bible, seeing nrsmha deva i can easly imagine the god's face when he destroyed the two sinful cities Sodoma and Gomorra.... so a christian or an hebrew or muslim should not find so strange that god has also a terrible face for people who need to see him in this way..


krsna is also mrityuhara... the lord of the death

(who is in contro of life and death if not god?)


of course devotee are more attached to Vrindavan Chandra Krsna... but Narasimha Deva is also mercyful and sweet,,, read attentively Srimad Bhagavatam and you will be in love with this Nara(man)Simha(lion) form!!!

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This is like a fairy tale for me.


"seeing nrsmha deva i can easly imagine the god's face when he destroyed the two sinful cities Sodoma and Gomorra...."


So this Narasimba is such a product of those weird imaginations? No one has seen God. And I think it's not just to represent him such a form like this, or a turtoise or monkey... It's an insult.

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Why should anyone bother responding to Christians who criticize devotees of Sri Krishna, calling us idolators, or saying we should not worship the Divine Forms of God such as Narasinghadeva or Varahadeva.


In the Bible it says:

And the Lord said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live. (Numbers 21:8)


That's right. The God of Abraham and Moses, Yahweh, told the Israelites to worship the deity of a Serpent. But later on the prophet Hezekiah destroyed this deity made by Moses, and the Bible says God was pleased about that. But how do we know God was pleased? Because Hezekiah, who destroyed the deity made by Moses, told people God was pleased. Figure that out! I suggest that either Moses or Hezekiah were fake prophets.


Enough of this!!!


I understand that at Ahobilam there is the original pillar that Narasingha Deva jumped out of when he came to defend Prahlad. Ahobilam is in Andhra, I think. Maybe Tamil Nadu.


What I wonder about is that Hiranyakasipu's brother Hiranyaksa had a pastime just before that, where he was fighting Vishnu under the ocean, and Vishnu in the form of Varahadev lifted the earth from the bottom of the sea in that epoch also. I can understand that life on earth began after the waters receded from covering the earth, but I would have thought this happened many millions of years ago. Before the age of the dinosaurs, etc. How is it that the palace of Hiranyakasipu, which also built in that epoch is still existing in South India. Sri Jiva Goswami says that there are different manifestations of Varaha in different cycles of creation, so maybe the story of Varahadeva and the earth is in one epoch, and the fight between Varaha and Hiranyaksa is in another age of creation; that is, at the time of Hiranyakasipu.

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In the Bible it says:

And the Lord said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live. (Numbers 21:8)


"That's right. The God of Abraham and Moses, Yahweh, told the Israelites to worship the deity of a Serpent. But later on the prophet Hezekiah destroyed this deity made by Moses, and the Bible says God was pleased about that. But how do we know God was pleased? Because Hezekiah, who destroyed the deity made by Moses, told people God was pleased. Figure that out! I suggest that either Moses or Hezekiah were fake prophets."


Moses lifted the serpent bu he never said that serpent is the form of God. Enough of your vague enterpretation of the Bible.


"But how do we know God was pleased?"


But how do you know that Narasimba is the image of God?


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"This is like a fairy tale for me."


this is not a serious approach... if you study a science it is not too important what "appears" to you, so if you are not serious learning about spiritual subjects in a scientific way, it is also useless if you speak with us.


even if you are right, what help you can give if you say : "for me it is a fairy tale?"... i answer "who cares?(in italian "chi se ne frega")" and no one has give an help


so, if you want to save us from our false belief please do it better... please save us, if you can, but in a proper and scientific way


or are you only a fanatic who like to insult people covered by the anonimity of internet???



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"But how do you know that Narasimba is the image of God?"


i am very sorry, but there's not a way to explain this thing in a minute if not saying... "it is in the scriptures"


the only rationale things to say is : study vaishnavism from the beginning and it will be very easy to understand why, at least, it is perfectly possible that god can appear in a form like that.... and also why, in the bible, to worship god in a form appears to be forbidden... very easy.


but we cannot explain the university who is not ever in the primary school.... so, if you have a genuine interest there's a way, if you come only to show your ego.. bye bye!!

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"The real God is a Loving spirit and not a Beast!"


Is not God's Avatar Jesus a Lion/Lamb? cf. Revelations ch.5


5 And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof.

6 And I beheld, and lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth.



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Religions are often incompatible due to the differences in thier targets and the more superficial aspects of culture and rites.


Man cannot create true religion. We choose what's available. We cannot mix and match them. It is a matter of faith.


I think when we observe a self-righteous guest blasphemy all in the name of religion, we should carefully consider his position. Motive can be hard to ascertain, but we have to wonder what he hopes to achieve by persisting? It does appear to be acts of dissention.


Sometimes people's faith is so poor, it is hard to even deal with them.


Why can't a discriminating man see the depth and beauty of vaisnava religious philosophy? Because he has an agenda.


I too think it is a waste of time to entertain the insincere. The dull-witted materialists can take up your whole day with their useless speculations, but they will not even try a simple thing like chant Hare Krsna. Many of us know the faith and knowledge is rooted in the practice.


We have limited energy. Let's not waste it on sel-assuming guests… or rascals.

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The topmost devotees of Srila Prabhupada's lineage understand Lord Narasimha Deva to be The Lord God of Hosts, Yahu-Sabbaoth the wrathful form of the God of Israel.


You should notice that in the temple at New Vrndavana, the star of David appears in the shrine enclosing Lord Narasimha Deva.


This article should be read sincere devotees:





"Regarding the Christian's Trinity, I believe it is called God, the Holy Ghost, and the son. Person in Krishna Consciousness accepts this by the name Visnu, Paramatma, and Jiva. God is a Person, the holy spirit or the supersoul is a person, and the living entity is also a person. Also, Mary is the representation of the energy of God. Either as internal energy Radharani or as external energy Durga, the energy of Godhead can be considered the mother of the living entities. But there is no clash between the Bible and the Vedas, simply some people formulate their personal ideas and cause quarrelings. Letter to Sivananda NY April 19, 1968"


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"Regarding the Christian's Trinity, I believe it is called God, the Holy Ghost, and the son. Person in Krishna Consciousness accepts this by the name Visnu, Paramatma, and Jiva. God is a Person, the holy spirit or the supersoul is a person, and the living entity is also a person. Also, Mary is the representation of the energy of God. Either as internal energy Radharani or as external energy Durga, the energy of Godhead can be considered the mother of the living entities. But there is no clash between the Bible and the Vedas, simply some people formulate their personal ideas and cause quarrelings." Letter to Sivananda NY April 19, 1968


The following quotations are from Sri Chaitanya-Charitamrita by Krishnadasa Kaviraja Goswami, translated into English, with elaborate purports given by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Bhakti Ananda Goswami's comments are in UPPER CASE and/or brackets .


Introduction to Adi-Lila, Chapter 5, The Glories of Lord Nityananda Balarama

Text 10 Purport


"Sri Balarama is the servitor Godhead who serves Lord Krishna in all affairs of existence and knowledge."




Text 18 Purport [Regarding the original and highest Paradise of Gokula, the Catholic BUCOLIC Paradise, BOKOLION OF HELIOS, and GOKURA of HARIH AMITHA BUDDHA, THE ADI PURUSHA in Pure Land Buddhism, are related to the Vaishnava revelations of the transcendental and Earthly GOKULA and GOLOKA.]


"That transcendental abode exists by the energy of Sri Baladeva, who is the original whole of Shesha, or Ananta. The tantras also confirm this description by stating that the abode of Sri Anantadeva, the plenary portion of Baladeva, is called the kingdom of God."


Text 41 Purport [For more important discussion of Lord Balarama as jiva, see especially numbered points 1 and 2 on page 170 regarding refutation of Adi Shankaracharya’s teaching that Sri Baladeva as jiva is the ordinary living entity.]


"Sankarshana, the second expansion, is Vasudeva's personal expansion for pastimes, and since He is the reservoir of all living entities, He is sometimes called jiva."




Text 41 Purport, continued


"In the spiritual sky there is a spiritual creative energy technically called shuddha-sattva, which is a pure spiritual energy that sustains all the Vaikuntha planets with the full opulences of knowledge, wealth, prowess etc. All these actions of shuddha-sattva display the potencies of Maha-Sankarshana, who is the ultimate reservoir of all individual living entities who are suffering in the material world. When the cosmic creation is annihilated, the living entities, who are indestructible by nature, rest in the body of Maha-Sankarshana. Sankarshana is sometimes therefore called the total jiva."


Text 42


"There the personal feature of Balarama called Maha-Sankarshana is the shelter of the spiritual energy. He is the primary cause, the cause of all causes."


Text 45


"There is one marginal potency, known as the jiva. Maha-Sankarshana is the shelter of all jivas."

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