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breaking gov's law but following god's law

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Hare krishna prabhu,


I think it is OK for a person to take bribe from rich persons and donate that money to Krishna' service.


I think it is also right for a devotee to travel without ticket in train and use that money for Krishna's service.

So up to what extent a devotee is allowed to commit this illegal act. Can he kill a rich miser and use his money to build a temple for Krishna .


Hari Bol

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There have been devotees in the past that thought like that. But, Srila Rupa Goswami has instructed that devotees should be honest and respectible in ordinary dealings. If some miser has some money that is his karma. Taking it from him by force of murder is nothing that has been sacntioned by the great acharyas. In fact Bhaktivinode Thakur was a district magistrate in charge of punishing criminals who broke the secular laws.

Committing crimes in the name of God gives a bad name to religion and does a disservice to God. God does not want that. God can give you the intelligence to make that money honestly if you want to make money for his cause.


Committing crimes in the name of God is a big offense to the cause of dharma and religion. Look at the fanatic ISLAMIC terrorists and you can see where this kind of thinking ends up.

It is not sanctioned by God. He does not want blood money stolen from murdered misers. He gave that money to the miser. Let the miser keep what God has given him.


It is foolish and ignorant to think that you can please God by killing misers. If God wanted the miser dead the miser would be dead immediatly. Don't try to play God with the life of anyone, even a miserly fool.

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Whenever you accept a bribe, whether it is as an official, or a judge, etc., this usually involves hurting somebody. And you WILL incur karma for that, regardless of what you do with that money.

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Let me exp. this q. from the angle of a gov.. Perhaps the majority of this q.'s cause is your disregard of the gov.'s status & function. Now I tell you it is indeed as sacred as your reli., or it would inevitably be washed away by history just like a declined reli.. Looking back into history, you will find out that any social org. was subject to the same rules.



Esdras 2


9:3 So when there shall appear in the world earthquakes, tumult of peoples, intrigues of nations, wavering of leaders, confusion of princes,


9:20 So I considered my world, and behold, it was lost, and my earth, and behold, it was in peril because of the devices of those who had come into it.


13:30 And bewilderment of mind shall come over those who dwell on the earth.

13:31 And they shall plan to make war against one another, city against city, place against place, people against people, and kingdom against kingdom.


15:14 Alas for the world and for those who live in it!

15:15 For the sword and misery draw near them, and nation shall rise up to fight against nation, with swords in their hands.

15:16 For there shall be unrest among men; growing strong against one another, they shall in their might have no respect for their king or the chief of their leaders.

15:17 For a man will desire to go into a city, and shall not be able.

15:18 For because of their pride the cities shall be in confusion, the houses shall be destroyed, and people shall be afraid.

15:19 A man shall have no pity upon his neighbors, but shall make an assault upon their houses with the sword, and plunder their goods, because of hunger for bread and because of great tribulation.

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