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Suitable for Vegetarians

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Hare Krishna


I try and eat only prasadam and so does my family, but this

RASCAL VEGETARIAN SOCIETY, preaches that EGGS are suitable for vegetarians, and now even 'safe' item like potato chips are untouchable, the most absurd food items contain egg, to the point where even vegetarians are eating food containing eggs , just out of disbelief, and theres nothing we can do about it.





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Are you saying that in the UK, they are even putting eggs in the potato chips? We don't have that problem, so far, here in the United States. But I have noticed, that more and more, it is very difficult to get any unadulterated foodstuffs, even from the health-food stores. Hopefully, devotees will get involved in the mass-produced food industry. Wouldn't it be great to go to the supermarket and get prasadam in the form of samosas, chapatis, subjis, etc?

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You are in the UK so potato chips might mean something different to us in the US.


Do you mean the very very very thin and very very crispy crunchy potatoes that are bought in a bag or do you mean the fried sliced potatoes?


Either way, why in the world would there be eggs in potato chips?


Don't buy any - make your own.

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Hare Krishna


The above, contains eggs products (egg whites,etc), but its members of my family who buy this stuff, its you know spicy chips/fries, and when I say you should'nt eat food like that, there answer is well you used to and we didn't read the label, or we won't do it again!, or this is the best one "so what?".. /images/graemlins/mad.gif /images/graemlins/crazy.gif


the best candidate for stupidity is walkers cheese & onion crisps which contains animal rennet, WHY??


/images/graemlins/mad.gif<< i think this forum needs a simili for when you really angry /images/graemlins/wink.gif

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One of the sickest things that they sell here in the United States, is ice cream that contains raw eggs. This is found in some of the brands of vanilla ice cream. Why anyone would want to put raw eggs in ice cream, I have absolutely no idea. Just the thought of raw eggs, turns my stomach.


However, there are weightlifters and bodybuilders who will crack raw eggs into a glass and then drink them. When people ask me why I do not eat eggs, I'm thinking to myself, "Why in the world do 'you' eat eggs?" In the animal world, eggs are the food of animals that steal those eggs from other animals.


Even as a child, being raised as a non-devotee, I found eggs to be repulsive. On several occasions, my mother had cracked eggs and there would be spots of blood in them. Ugh!!! Krishna, please save us!

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I was allergic to them as a kid and never developed a taste for the them. The very thought of eating one makes my throat want to close up and I just to gag. Actually, even meat did that to me as a kid.


Labels must be very carefully scrutinized and we have to learn the different terms that manufacturers use to hide animal products. They can be very very sneaky sometimes and get past us if not alert.


The best thing to do is to avoid pre-fab foods and make our own items such as breads etc. if and when possible. Care must be taken even in "health food" stores. The "health food" label does not always mean suitable for vegetarians.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Over the years It has just gone harder and harder till I thought to myself 'There's actualy not a lot of food left for Veggies to eat!'


Why do they have to bloody use animal products in food?what is the purpose of it?eh?! If 'Quorn' and 'Linda Mcartney's' can do it, then what is the main reason for everyone else to use animals, and treat them like they do.


In this world there are cold hearted, sick people!!


But, the question is, how can we change this?? any ideas?

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Hare Krishna


The reason these foods contain animal products is, they have nothing better to do with them, 'they' are non-vegetarians so they could't care less for us vegi's, they are selfish people* who are only out to make money, thats all, I really peeved at this whole subject, God knows what foods contain what nowadays, I mean look at McDonalds noone knew for years! that they put beef flavouring in thier fries, and in the case of Walkers crisps with contain animal, yes thats ANIMAL RENNET in CRISPS, WHY???, kids eat these crisps, how much Karma do they take on, and soft drinks like something delight whatever contains animal products, ice-creams contains animal products, i not just angry for me, but all people who are trying to be Krishna Bhaktas who want to avoid, meat, fish and eggs, and people who are innocently eating this . everyday.


* i use that word loosly.



<font color="red"> HARE </font color> <font color="orange"> KRISHNA </font color> <font color="red"> HARE </font color> <font color="orange"> KRISHNA KRISHNA KRISHNA </font color> <font color="red"> HARE HARE

</font color> <font color="red"> HARE </font color> <font color="blue">RAMA </font color> <font color="red"> HARE </font color> <font color="blue"> RAMA RAMA RAMA </font color> <font color="red"> HARE HARE </font color>





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