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Questions on moderation...

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Hare Krishna! Recently I have relocated permanently to our Ashram in Bhadrak, Orissa so that I can participate regularly in the food relief programs and also to oversee construction of two temple projects which will begin shortly (one in Randiya - 10 km from Bhadrak, and another in Betada - 40 km from Bhadrak). Due to this I haven't been able to participate in the forums nor take part in the moderation. The inconsistency of the phone lines and internet connection here also makes it difficult for me to participate regularly.


Presently a group of several volunteers are assisting by acting as moderators for the forums, collectively under the name Admin5. If anyone has reasonable questions as to why a post is removed, or similar questions, they can contact one of the moderators by sending an email to forums@indiadivine.com. Please remember that they are volunteers assisting in their free time, so do not expect an instant response. If anyone feels the need to write me regarding moderation policies, you can send an email to bvashram@, but it may take a while to receive a reply. Questions regarding moderation should always be sent by email, not posted to the board, as they only clutter the real discussions that are occuring. It is now a policy here to remove any moderation questions or requests that are posted directly to the forums. Please send them to the moderators or myself by email.


Raga had previously asked why two sites he had worked on were having their names filtered out. I inquired about it and the following is the information I received.



1) One site was originally billed as a place where individuals could go and fight amongst themselves. In fact, some time back, a registered user posing as a guest had originally posted the link rq.*.com on the forums with a message that specifically said something along the lines of "Here is a site where devotees can come to fight and insult one another." At that time we put in place a filter on the website name.


2) The other site, when first being developed, was frequented by individuals who have in the past shown no problems discussing various insulting and controversial topics. In fact most of them had left another forum that they made so bad that no one wanted to stay there

anymore. At this fresh site they were then referencing back to past discussions on the site they ruined. We do not want new individuals entering our forums to be exposed to these situations.



Please note that it is not a matter of filtering opposing opinions or "competing" sites. It is only in connection with sites that contain very critical and political material that may disturb newcomers. Other sites such as raganuga forums have never been banned and have been advertised frequently here.



If anyone ever gets a message that they are banned and they don't know why, they should send an email to myself or the moderators to find out if it is a mistake. Many times legitimate users accidentally get banned because their IP address is similar to some other trouble maker who was banned. Unless you send us an email we probably wont find out about the problem, so please write us if this happens to you and we can fix it quickly.


If there are any other questions you can send me an email at bvashram@. Since I may not be able to read the forums regularly, please send replies by email.

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