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"Many there be who come! from fear set free,

From anger, from desire; keeping their hearts

Fixed upon me -- my Faithful -- purified

By sacred flame of Knowledge."


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I guess I am not that "purified" 'cause I've an exam and I am a bit nervous. I know that it is not really "me" who acts and that the consequence is in God's hands alone, yet I'd appreciate if you thought of me a little bit. May Krishna bless you all, yours, Sirona

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i will think of you if you stop a minute and chant one japa round!










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We have missed you here of late, Sirona.


Thank you for the blessing and pleasant thoughts of Krsna. And indeed thank you for the beautiful picture of young Balarama and Krsna. I really liked it.


Your exam will go well if you have prepared. These skills Krsna teaches you now you will use in His service later in life. When you see everything in relation to Krsna like this, then even studying, even Mathematics can be enjoyable.


Constantly remembering Krsna gives us knowledge of the self and of Krsna, but also it teaches us to focus our attention and intelligence. This can be very beneficial when trying to learn anything, even our school lessons.


If you are nervous about an exam, here is a good exercise if there is time. Review the subject matter and determine as intelligently as possible: what are the main ideas, the important concepts to be understood. Then create an exam to measure your understanding of these most important aspects of the subject. Then write your exam, and grade it yourself objectively. Very often if you have selected the real essence of the subject, many of your questions will indeed appear on the teacher's exam. In any case, you will know what the subject is really about and be better able to see how it will be used in the future to help Krsna.


Indeed, back to Krsna. I know He loves you dearly. Come what may, He will always love you. I am sure your best will be just fine with Him.



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