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One of my closest friend is distressed because he and his wife both have been infected with the Herpes Virus. He wants to know if there exists a cure for this disease in Ayurveda, and if yes, where should he go. He stays in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh.

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First of all, do not underestimate the knowledge and experience of the modern health food movement. Ayurveda is good but there is much important contribution to natural medicine from western herbology and natural medicine.


Herpes is a virus closely akin the the virus that causes fever blisters on the lips, sometimes called cold sores.

This virus will always be in the blood once it is contracted. Flare-ups are caused when the immune system is weak or an acidic condition exists in the stomach/gastro-intestinal system thereby affecting the blood and immune system.

Herpes can be suppressed by keeping the PH of the gastro-intestinal system in proper balance. When the system becomes too much acidic and the alkalinity of the system and blood is too low the outbreaks will occur. This can be avoided by watching the diet closely and avoiding certain acidic food like tomatoes, watermelon, cucumber, cantalope etc. Raw tomatoes are the most acidic food you can eat and should be avoided altogether. Cooked tomatoes can be taken in small amounts, but raw tomatoes should be avoided. Best to avoid tomatoes altogether.

For immune system support the best thing I have ever found is "myrrh" in a combination with goldenseal and cayenne. You can find this combination at a good health food store. I think "nature's way" has the proprietary rights to this combination and therefore only that company sells this particular blend. I have used it for years and it is a really outstanding immune system support formula.


Oil of Oregano is also very powerful in immune system support. You can get it from puritan.com. Used in combination with the myrrh/goldenseal/cayenne you have a very powerful support for immune system. Combine these two with Noni Juice and you have an amazing formula for immune system success. Combine these three things in a regular regimen and your immune system will be almost invincible.


Noni juice (available from Puritan.com) is also a very potent immune sytstem support as it contains a very rare alkaloid for balancing the PH. Noni juice sells for $39.95 if you get it from the MLM company that sells it or you can get it from Puritan.com for $8.95 a bottle.(just as good)


Grape juice (purple) contains important alkaloids as well.


Tomatoes orginally came from the nightshade family and nightshade is a deadly poison. Certain acids in tomatoes are toxic to the system and should be avoided strictly by person with herpes and cold sores.


You can get the test stips to check your PH and then determine if your system is too acidic. Basically, if you avoid tomatoes, melons, cucumbers etc. you will not have a problem with acidity in the system. Take some purple grape juice regularly along with the myrrh/goldenseal/cayenne and noni-juice and your system will maintain a good alkaline balance which will prohibit outbreaks of the herpes virus.


It' all about the immune system and the PH balance in the system. Alfalfa and Coral Calcium are also good supplements to boost the immune sytstem. You can get these supplements from puritan.com much cheaper than anywhere else. puritan.com is an outstanding supplier of all herbal formulas and nutritional supplements. I get all my herbal medicines, noni-juice and supplements from them.

I have no interest, stock or ownership in the company. My endorsement is based solely on my own personal testimonial about their amazing prices and quality products.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 year later...
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Herpes is a nasty disease and there are as many cures as there are herpes types - at least in homoeopathy. depending on the individual symptoms, treatment must take place. thus, what for one may be a cure, may not help for the other. I have extensive experience in this field (25-plus years) and may be able to help you. write me your symptoms in an email and i will tell you what works for each individual case.


Yours, VdK.

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  • 2 months later...
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of herpes - or any other disease - is foolish. It will lead to metastasis or spread and increase. Herpes is the sign your body wants to get rid of it. suppression will only build up to a really heavy attack, for the body NEEDS to eliminate it to the outside.

first one needs to know the location, then the type - burning, itching ot both; oozing sticky stuff or not; etc. only then can a proper prescription be made.

those that recommend things in these forums, do so without knowing exactly where and what it is, making comparisons with what they think they know and then blatantly prescribing things. You look very much like the regular doctors, who also do not listen to the patient and begin to speculate and imagine they already know. I would never put my health in the hands of any of you - so sorry.

Being a professional homoeopath myself, with almost thirty years experience of which eight in India, I recommend you all seek professional instruction first and similar professional help with your problems. these forums are not the vehicle for this.

Homoeopathy comse from the Srimad Bhagavatam 1/5/33. that is proper cure and all else is bhogus, except ayurveda, which is also vedic.



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