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Genetic Engineering


Serious investigation into genetic engineering began with the Nazi scientists in 1930's Germany. The Rosicrucian and Theosophy inspired beliefs of the Nazis stipulated that a human being's potential, or lack of it, lay in their hereditary blood.


Today, this racist belief is still held to be true by many prominant and influencial people. It is this cynical view of Humankind - that specific races are different not only physically, but mentally and behaviorally - that leads to injustice, social inequality, and genocide.


At the turn of the last century, the middle and upper classes were strongly supporting the Eugenics movement, as they saw their financial and social position being threatened by an increasingly militant, educated, and organized working class both in Europe and America. Eugenicists claimed that as the working classes bred more rapidly than the middle classes, they would by force of sheer numbers eventually take over. The father of the Eugenics movement, Thomas Malthus, recommended the culling of non-white peoples and white people of lesser stock. By the 1930's intellectuals such as Bertrand Russell and Aldous Huxley in their early works were strong supporters of Eugenics. Although after the application of these beliefs resulted in the horrors of the Holocaust, these and other intellectuals quickly reversed their theories.


The Nazi scientists who began genetic engineering as we see it today escaped trial for their inhumane experiments and promptly were offered employment within the growing military-industrial complex. The CIA's "Operation Paperclip" of which Henry Kissinger was involved, helped Nazis find positions not only in military research but also within the commercial pharmaceutical industry. American pharmaceutical giant Merck & Co. had been running the US military's biological weapons program since the start of war, and many Nazis and the results of their Death Camp experiments were eagerly harnessed. Worse still, not a single Japanese scientist was prosecuted for war crimes, even though their victims numbered ten times those of the Germans, and included American and British POWs. The entire Japanese medical research from "Unit 731", which opened in 1935 to intensify work started since WWI involving horrific experiments that included vivisection, were handed over to the CIA in return for immunity.


As the Cold War raged genetic scientists were instructed to create new biological weapons for overt and covert use. As secret science advanced at supersonic speed, genetic engineering became the cutting edge arena. Today, one of the leading laboratories in genetic engineering is the "Roslin Institute" in Roslin near Edinburgh. They are solely responsible for the major advances including the first interspecies hybrid of a goat and sheep, the "geep", and are leaders in the field of cloning techniques. Their early studies concentrated on chickens and pigs, now known to be a key reservoir of many retroviruses, which were previously unknown to science until the discovery of the human leukemia virus (HTLV) and HIV/AIDS.


Strangely, the small town of Roslin contains another little heard of building "Roslyn Chapel". This church is the actual "Mecca" of the Rosicrucian/Freemason world, and was built by the occultist Knights Templar in the 15th Century.


It is still owned today by one of the leading Holy Grail bloodline families, the Sinclairs, and was often pilgrimaged to by leading Nazis prior to World War II. Perhaps it's no coincidence that the occultist, Hitler's deputy Fuehrer Rudolf Hess, flew to Scotland in the failed coup against Winston Churchill and George VI during the war, and that the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry published literature by Germany's Dr. Franz Kallmann that "rationalized" the killing of "defective persons", sparking Racial Purity laws and the Holocaust.


The modern genetic engineering community, backed by some of the biggest corporations of all time including Du Pont, Bayer, and Monsanto, are apparently continuing in the direction of their feudal system advocating forefathers, the Nazis. As geneticists scour the world patenting newly discovered genes, they claim an "invention" of one of Nature's resources. Indigenous peoples bizarrely find that they are breaking international trade laws when they continue to create their age-old natural medicines for use in their communities. Under World Trade Organization (WTO) laws sanctions could be brought against the countries that do not stop the illegal use of these patents. The genetic colonialization of the Earth's natural resources by transnational corporations, owned by the same historical power players, is the not-so-unexpected echo of feudalism that permeates the consciousness of the Western world.


As conflict rages against ownership of the human gene sequence, those who control the genes will control the world. And those who control the scientific community and its opinions repeatedly block any criticism and voices of dissent.


Announcements from the scientific community that HIV/AIDS is a naturally occurring disease that resulted from simian "consumption or husbandry" have come under attack from many quarters. The first to ring alarm bells was Dr. John Seale at the start of the epidemic, who saw the pattern of the initial spread of AIDS paralleling that of an earlier epidemic of "Parvo II", a previously unknown dog virus that similarly exploded out of no-where simultaneously on three continents, just as AIDS was doing. This dog virus was later proven to have been spread through contaminated dog vaccines. Any opposition to the official party line, no matter how convincing or esteemed the source may be, is immediately shot down as heresy by the AIDS scientific establishment.


Their official version is the equivalent of pointing the finger of blame at the Polynesians for the environmental damage caused by nuclear testing in the South Pacific, or indeed, any future devastation caused by a nuclear war.


An article in Britain's "The Guardian" newspaper (Sept 23, 2000) revealed how American anthropologist James Neel introduced a virulent strain of measles into the Yanomani Indians of Venezuela in the mid-60's on behalf of the Atomic Energy Commission, who previously ran the "Manhatten Project" and according to released archives, field-tested numerous biological weapons on American cities, which caused wide-spread illness, and several fatalities. Leading anthropogists also believe that Prof. Neel was conducting research to isolate a "leadership" gene, which would survive "natural" disaster by the process of natural selection. According to Neel's own memos, the Yanomani Project was "an outgrowth and continuation of the Atomic Energy Commission's secret programme of experiments on human subjects". Prof. Neel believed that in modern societies "superior leadership genes would be swamped by mass genetic mediocrity".


The scientific community continually attempt to avoid suspicion and accusation for any negative consequences of scientific progress. The American biological weapons program was equal to its nuclear counterpart in size, cost and secrecy. Just as the threat of thermo-nuclear destruction is the consequence of such projects, AIDS, Ebola and more, are equally the result of a century's research and development of biological weaponry. To not reach this conclusion would be to deny the archival facts of history. To suggest that biological weaponry concentrated solely on bacterial-based applications such as Anthrax, which was already developed and in use by the end of World War One, and not push forward into the understanding and use of viruses, cancers and genetic hybrids is to suggest that science has not moved forward. Fantastic developments in aeronautics, space travel, and indeed all the sciences, do have their equals in biological science and genetic engineering.


It may be no coincidence that the deadly Ebola virus emerged simultaneously with the HIV/AIDS virus. While confronting the first Ebola outbreak in Yambuku, Zaire in 1976, CDC "virus hunter" Dr. Joe McCormick later analyzed these blood samples, and discovered the earliest evidence of HIV infection (0.7 percent of the samples). The second major outbreak of Ebola 19 years later and 600 miles away in Kitwit, Zaire, involved a virus "virtually identical" to the Yambuku strain. The lack of mutation suggests the exact same virus had "re-emerged". Puzzlement was shared by numerous experts who "had expected greater differences because viral strains from different locales tend to vary" said the CDC's Dr. Brian Mahy. To date the source and origin of Ebola remains unknown, despite extensive research and gathering of animal/insect specimens. However, it has been revealed by former deputy head of the Soviet biological weapons program Ken Alibeck in his book "Biohazard", that the Ebola virus quickly appeared in the American and Soviet biological weapons arsenal.


Israeli scientists (Kalinkovich et al) at the International AIDS conference in South Africa disclosed that their latest research indicates the possibility that HIV is race-specific to black Africans. A certain protein in African DNA appears to make them more susceptible to the virus, which they believe may be a factor in the rapid spread of AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa.


Intriguingly, neo-Nazi white supremacist David Duke posted an article on his website several weeks prior to this startling revelation by the Israelis. Duke claimed that genetic research being carried out by Israeli scientists would allow them to develop race-specific biological weaponry that could be used against the Arabs. Clearly this is an attempt to discredit the Israeli scientists' findings about HIV/AIDS, and point a finger of accusation at the Jewish people for developing race-specific lethal viruses. A common Nazi propaganda tactic was simply to reverse the truth, which creates a counter-belief, or at the very least, doubt. The Western world's beliefs about the HIV virus may just as well have been shaped by the racist propaganda and lies of the Nazi Third Reich.


AIDS is currently devastating Africa, whose population is decreasing for the first time in 500 years, and who have not seen such horror since the holocaust of Slavery. Life expectancy is dropping from 70 to 26, and the recent achievement of freedom in South Africa, now sees the Black majority become the dependent minority. Attempts by Africa to produce inexpensive generic AIDS drugs have been aggressively opposed by the West, and trade sanctions that would bring further suffering, poverty and hunger have been threatened.


The head of UNICEF declared at the Durban conference "The response by the West towards AIDS in Africa has been almost unbelievable".






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I haven't read anything on this thread so I have no opinion. But certainly there should be no surprise as to the motives behind whoever is getting together to 'run' it. This is the field of exploitation afterall. It's why we came here. Turns out bigger demons were just ahead of us and more skillfull.


We have to change our motives from one of exploitation to service, then Krsna will personally protect us.

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Transforming the American republic into a theocracy

One of the sticking points in crafting the just-signed "interim constitution" of the Pentagon cash-cow formerly known as Iraq was the question of acknowledging Islam as the fundamental source of law. After much wrangling, a fudge was worked out that cites the Koran as a fundamental source of legal authority, with the proviso that no law can be passed that conflicts with Islam.


We "enlightened western Vaishnavas" smile at such theocratic quibbling, of course: Imagine, national leaders insisting that a modern state be governed solely by divine authority! Governments guaranteeing the right of religious extremists to impose their views on society! What next -- debates about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin? Oh, those poor, ignorant barbarians in Babylon!


Well, wipe that smile off your face. For even now, the ignorant barbarians in Washington are pushing a law through Congress that would "acknowledge God as the sovereign source of law, liberty [and] government" in the United States. What's more, it would forbid all legal challenges to government officials who use the power of the state to enforce their own view of "God's sovereign authority." Any judge who dared even hear such a challenge could be removed from office.


The "Constitution Restoration Act of 2004" is no joke; it was introduced last month by some of the Bush Regime's most powerful Congressional sycophants. If enacted, it will effectively transform the American republic into a theocracy, where the arbitrary dictates of a "higher power" -- as interpreted by a judge, policeman, Vaishnava or president -- can override the rule of law.


The Act -- drafted by a minion of television evangelist Pat Robertson -- is the fruit of decades of work by a group of extremists known broadly as "Dominionists." Their openly expressed aim is to establish "biblical rule" over every aspect of society -- placing "the state, the school, the arts and sciences, law, economics, and every other sphere under Christ the King." Or as Attorney General John Ashcroft -- the nation's chief law enforcement officer -- has often proclaimed: "America has no king but Jesus!"

According to Dominionist literature, "biblical rule" means execution -- preferably by stoning -- of homosexuals and other "revelers in licentiousness"; massive tax cuts for the rich (because "wealth is a mark of God's favor"); the elimination of government programs to alleviate poverty and sickness (because these depend on "confiscation of wealth"); and enslavement for debtors. No legal challenges to "God's order" will be allowed. And because this order is divinely ordained, the "elect" can use any means necessary to establish it, including deception, subversion, even violence. As Robertson himself adjures the faithful: "Zealous men force their way in."

Again, this is no tiny band of cranks meeting in some basement in Alabama, as recent reports by investigators Karen Yurica and David Neiwert make clear. The Dominionists are bankrolled and directed by deep-pocketed, well-connected business moguls and political operatives who have engineered a takeover of the Republican Party and are now at the heart of the U.S. government. They've made common cause with the "American Empire" faction -- Cheney, Rumsfeld, the neo-conservatives -- who seek "full-spectrum dominance" over the globe. The Dominionists provide money and domestic political muscle for the Dominators' imperial ambitions; in return, the Dominators provide a practical vehicle -- overwhelming military might and state power -- for making the Dominionists' dreams a reality.


One of the chief moneybags behind the rise of Dominionism was tycoon Harold Ahmanson, Rushdoony's protege and fellow CNP member. In addition to establishing theocracy in America, Ahmanson has another abiding interest: computerized voting machines. Ahmanson, a fervent Bush backer, was instrumental in establishing two of the Republican-controlled companies now rushing to install their highly hackable machines -- with untraceable, unrecountable electronic ballots -- across the country in time for the November election.


The Dominionists also have strong backing on the Supreme Court. Justice Antonin Scalia, author of the unconstitutional ruling that gave Bush the presidency, declared in the theological journal First Things that the state derives its moral authority from God, not the "consent of the governed," as that old licentious reveler Thomas Jefferson held in the Declaration of Independence. No, government "is the 'minister of God' with powers to 'revenge,' to 'execute wrath,' including even wrath by the sword," Scalia wrote. He railed against the "tendency of democracy to obscure the divine authority behind government."

Meanwhile, the tools of dominion keep expanding. Just days after the Congressional Bushists launched their theocratic missile, General Ralph Eberhart, head of America's first domestic military command, said the Regime must now bring the experience learned on foreign battlefields to the "Homeland" itself, including the integration of police, military and intelligence forces, "wide-area surveillance of the United States" and "urban warfare tactics," GovExec.com reports.

Put this juggernaut at the service of democracy-hating extremists with no legal restraints on their enforcement of "God's sovereign authority" -- plus a proven track record of subverting the law to gain political power -- and what would you have? A mullah state? A military theocracy? Time for Vaishnava scholars to attract public attention how to effectively transform the American republic into a theocracy!



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first off that is an article floating around the internet

that had a few words added to it,the vaisnava part was

added and is not part of the original article

"Pin Heads" By Chris Floyd .


secondly the idea that a theocracy based on tyrannical

rule over the masses by priests is clearly not the vedic

dharma viewpoint, the vedic vision is that of a libertarian

society,the governments main job is to provide for the people who need it, after that it is to protect them from



the ideals of a theocracy based on a particular sects religious dogma

will always be fought by those who do not to that dogma.


so the vedic idea of dharma raja is not based on a particular theocratic vision,it is based on dharma,

which is not a dogmatic based concept of enforced

religious concepts,rather it is based on the human condition,elevating the human society to peace

and prosperity,it has nothing to do with enforcing

any particular dogmatic theory or sects beliefs,

it is solely about serving the people not getting

the people to submit to some official religion.

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this is from a debate i had with another devotee

on the dominion artcile.


first the other devotee


"Fanning the flames of conspiracy. It becomes clear at the example of Iraq, while the mob is fighting against each on the basis of different religious believes a third party is having a good time. A very good time. While opposing religious fanatics starting to kill each other the new usury based Iraqi currency was installed by the Rothschilds who also hold the monopoly of the same usury based US Dollar currency system. Baron Rothschild: "When controlling the currency of a nation I dont care who makes the laws in that nation." Good point, Satanists, Atheists, Christians, Islam, Hindus, all are customers and pay usury. Even better when people are in fight against each other and dont ask stupide questions, like: Who owns our currency, telephone-, energy- or TV- companies? Who is the winner when Vaishnavism breaks into many different groups who fight against each other? Again the bankers. Nothing is more expensive than splitting and fighting. Just consider what it costs to worship 70 gurus, instead of worshipping one Guru, Srila Prabhupada."


then my reply


get the facts straight, the modern banking system was not created by

the rothschilds, they started out as managers for the richest crown prince

in europe,the banking system of usury had been in place for over 600

years by then,it was started by the venetian oligarchs and their allies

the knights templars, by the time of the rothschilds the vatican had been

trying to break the power of the banking industry for 500 years,

first by destroying the knights templar then by making usury a sin,

what happened is that the banking industry simply changed its tactics,

they hired jews who were not beholden to catholic decrees of excommunication for usury,it wasn't that one day the rothschilds

went from rags to world power, they were hired as one of many jewish

families as front men for the aristocratic banking dynasties that had been

around for a long time, even the vatican itself used the rothschilds

as their front men as well,this is all documented history.


if you want to learn the real history,its much more complex then you think,


and the link at the bottom of the page.


they still own the banks ,and the rothschilds are still just the front.


then another reply to my words


"Srila Prabhupada often spoke of the secular state, having a constitution in a country without god.

The European union is presently talking about changing the constitution into a theocracy, accepting the existence of a Supreme Personality of Godhead as part of the constitution. In US this change is just resently being done, what is great achievemnet for KC. The States constitution is no more godless but is founded upon accepting God as Supreme Being. The relevancy for the Movement is that in a state with a god accepting constitution there will be a stronger acceptance and atheistic politician are having a hard time."



then my reply


where are these ideas coming from ?


the EU is cotemplating a theocracy ? based on the supreme personality

of godhead ?


say whaaaat ??


this is not true,nor even close,the EU is controlled by the

european aristocracy which believes in the theory of rex mundi,

it is a blood line based ideology based on the divine right of the

kings through their bloodline back to jesus to rule,

this is their scheme,it has nothing to do with dharma,

it has to do with fascism, as does the so called theocrats

who are their kin in america,it is about rule by the aristocrats

who have the divine right to rule based on their

supposed bloodline,they have a plan to gradually install

these concepts,your idea that the so called theo centric

voices in these political milieus are a victory for vaishnavas

is very wrong,they are a fascist cabal of oligarchs who wish to use

religion for their consolidation of fascist rule utilizing

religion to control governments,it is the extreme opposite

of dharma and they are demons.period.


when prabhupada said that a bunch of great demons had taken birth

these are who he was refering to,dont be fooled by their rhetoric,

these people control the world economy,cow killing,genocide in africa,

asia,etc,etc etc. religion is a tool they plan on using much like the republicans use religious rhetoric to get votes then go on campaigns

of terror and abuse of human rights ,and their ever present goal

is to keep the rich getting richer and more powerful and the rest

to become serfs in their feudal fascist dreams.





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Yes,this is going on..





when prabhupada said that a bunch of great demons had taken birth

these are who he was refering to,dont be fooled by their rhetoric,

these people control the world economy,cow killing,genocide in africa,

asia,etc,etc etc. religion is a tool they plan on using much like the republicans use religious rhetoric to get votes then go on campaigns

of terror and abuse of human rights ,and their ever present goal

is to keep the rich getting richer and more powerful and the rest

to become serfs in their feudal fascist dreams.


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Are the elite and powerful individual's any better off than the poor and defenseless individual's that are preyed upon within society.


Spiritualy no, the elite could be compared to a cheetah within the jungle, stealth, quick, unnoticed, hidden, merciless and the powerful a lion, strong, powerful, overpowering, dominant, out in the open for the world to see and fear with no equal and the terrorists could be a band of jackals mischevious, destructive, wicked and disturbing.


The poor and defenseless could be the antelope disadvantaged but still sometimes escapes, through agility, luck or because of help.


So the elite and powerfull are worse off spiritualy because the more one has the more one identifies with himself as the material body and has less chance of freeing himself from the shackles that bind us to the material energy and thus suffer the threefold miseries, birth, death, old age and disease life after life, unless one is already advanced in knowledge and knows it isn't really his and uses it for the service to the real owner the supreme personality of godhead.


Society has lost it's culture and has become as the saying goes a "Dog eat Dog world" what do you think?


Don't worry Yamaraja let's nothing go without supreme judgement at death, the universal law nobody can escape.


Jaya Srila Prabhupada


[srila Prabhupada. Morning Walk, May 28, 1974, Rome]


Yogesvara: One problem that seems to be occurring more and more frequently is the appearance of terrorists, that is to say, men who are motivated for some political, mostly political reasons.


Prabhupada: Yes the whole basic principle I have already explained. Because they are animals, so sometimes ferocious animal. That's all. Animal, there are different types of animals. Tigers and lions, they are ferocious animal. But you live in the animal society. So animal society, some, another animal comes as very ferocious, that is not very astonishing. After all, you are living in animal society. So you become human being, ideal. This is the only solution. We have already declared, this is animal society. If some ferocious animal comes out, so where is the astonishment? After all, it is animal society. Either a tiger comes or elephant comes, they are all animals. That's all. But you don't become animal. Counteract. That is required. Then after... A human being is called rational animal. If you come to the rationality, that is required. If you remain also another animal, another type of animal, that will not help you. You have to become actually human being. But durlabham manusam janma tad apy adhruvam arthadam. You have to... These people they have no aim of life. What is the aim of human..., they do not know. So their animal propensities are being adjusted this way, that way, this way, that way. Just like they go to see naked dance. The animal propensity--he is seeing his wife daily naked, and still he is going to see naked dance, and paying some fees. Because they have no engagement except this animalism. Is it not? So what is the use of going to see another woman naked? You are seeing every day, every night, your wife naked. Why you are... Because they have no other engagement. The animals. Punah punas carvita-carvananam. That a dog, it does not know what is the taste. He is simply chewing the, one bone, this way, that way, this way, that way. Because he is animal. He has no other engagement. So this whole society is animal. Especially the westerners. And they have developed a civilization on that animal propensities, means "I am this body, and the best use of my life is to gratify senses." This is animal. "I am this body." Body means the senses. "And to satisfy the senses is the highest perfection." This is their civilization. So you have to introduce real human civilization. You should not be surprised, an animal, in different shapes, in different capacity, comes out. After all, he is an animal. The basic principle is animalism. Because he is thinking, "I am this body..." As the dog is thinking, "I am dog, very stout and strong dog," so another man is thinking, "I am big nation." But what is the basic principle? A dog is also thinking on the basis of his body, and this big nation is also thinking on the basis of body. So there is no difference between this dog and this big nation. The only difference is that human being, by nature's gift, he got better senses. So... And he has no power, or there is no education to utilize the better senses, how to advance spiritually and get out of this material world. That he has no sense. He is simply using that better intelligence for animalism. This is the meaning. He has no education how to utilize the better intelligence. Therefore he is utilizing only in animalism. And people all over the world, when they see the westerners, "They are advanced." What is that? Advancing in animalism. Basic principle remains the animalism. They become surprised. They also imitate. So they are expanding animalism, animal civilization. Now we have to counteract for the benefit of the human civilization.


Satsvarupa: They are so ignorant that...


Prabhupada: An animal is always ignorant.


Satsvarupa: When we stress on this point, they become very shocked that we talk like this.


Prabhupada: Yes. Murkhayopadeso hi prakopayati na...(?)


Satsvarupa: "You are calling us animals?"


Prabhupada: Yes, they are animals. Yes. If they are sensible, they can understand, now, what is the difference. A dog is thinking, "I am very stout and strong dog." He has, on the basis of his body. And another man, a big American, thinks, "We are very big nation, powerful nation." So what is the difference between these? The basic principle is there, the bodily consciousness. Therefore it is animalism. Is it not? The basic principle has not changed. Suppose a pickpocket... The same story, Alexander the Great and the thief. He was arrested, and when he convinced him that "What is the difference between you and me? You have got good military strength. You are conquering. And I have got my knife and another thing. I am just going and plundering. So you are also plundering, I am plundering. Why you have caught me? What right you have got to punish me? Because we are the same. You are doing in a larger scale, I am doing in a small scale. That is the difference." So he was set free, "Yes." Alexander the Great, he was sensible man, "Yes, what I am doing? The same thing in a bigger scale that's all." So these rascal, actually, they are animals, but they are declaring advancement. What advancement? The same thing: eating, sleeping, sex and defending. That is animal... The dogs also do like that. They also eat, they also sleep, they have sex life. Now they are coming to the dog's life. A dog, just like street, they have sex life. They are coming, advance. This is advancement, that "We have become now pure dog. So long it was hidden, now we are open." This is the civilization, animal civilization.


Yogesvara: So many social reformers will agree with you...


Prabhupada: What social? He is animal. How he can reform? First of all, let him become man. What reform? What is the meaning of his reform? He is animal also. That's all. You cannot expect any reformation by the same animal. That is explained. Sva-vid-varahostra-kharaih samstutah purusah pasuh. The so-called leader he is also animal, and he is eulogized by another animal. This is going on. And another animal, one animal, big animal is being elected as the president. Therefore you are suffering. Nixon. What is Nixon? He is also another animal. And the animals have elected him president. Just see. This is going on. Where is the human being?


Dhananjaya: Just like in the forest. The animals, they select the lion to be the king.


Prabhupada: Yes. So this is going on. That is condemned. One who is not God-conscious, one who does not know that he is not body, he is animal. That's all. Maybe in different dress, in different... So you have to set up real human society in a small scale so people will see, "Yes." Because man has got intelligence. Just like, although I am condemning the western mode of life, still, so many western young boys, they have come. I never came to speak to flatter you, that "Your western civilization is very nice." I never said that. Why you are coming? I never came to flatter you, neither I never came to say, "Yes, there is no God." I am speaking just opposite, everything opposite. "You are drunkard; no drink. You are illicit sex hunters; no illicit sex." So I am just speaking opposite, from the beginning of my preaching. So why you are coming? So if you stick to your position, real human civilization, people will come, gradually. Because they have got the sense. When we say others are animals, demons, we don't say whimsically, capriciously, no. On the basis of sound knowledge. Therefore our declaration is completely right. We are not mental speculators, that I say some gentleman, "You are animal." No. I see, I know, that he is animal. Therefore I say. A man is running his motorcar, (makes sound) rarararara, and a dog is running. We don't see any difference, although he is on the motorcar. We don't find any difference. He is as good as the dog. Unnecessarily he is running. What is the meaning of running of the dog?


Dhananjaya: Actually the man is making more noise than the dog.


Prabhupada: That's all. So we say another dog is running in a different way. That's all. These are very strong words. People will be angry. But this is a fact.


Yogesvara: So here's a practical problem. People would be interested to know our position on divorce. Here in Rome they just passed a divorce law.


Prabhupada: That is also animalism. Just like a dog having sex intercourse with another female dog, and another, another, another. It is also animalism. So that is your decision. They are animals, and different way they are coming to be naked animal, that's all. The divorce is also dog's business. Dog is having sex intercourse with this female dog and another, another, another, another. It is animalism, That's all.


Yogesvara: But people are objecting that: If we cannot get divorced, then we are forced to live with each other even if we hate each other."


Prabhupada: But hate each other, that's all right. We say what is the use of your sexual intercourse? That is animalism. You avoid it. Our Vedic civilization is to avoid it.


Posted by J.S.das

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