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You can refer to Srimad Bhagavatam as http://srimadbhagavatam.com/canto/chapter/verse

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<font color="blue">You can now refer to verses of Srimad Bhagavatam in the following way:




for example,




Since more books are coming, you can also refer to the same site as:




They are coming in the following order:


Bhagavad Gita will be placed at http://vedabase.net/bg


Nectar of Devotion will be placed at http://vedabase.net/nod


Sri Caitanya Caritamrta will be placed at http://vedabase.net/cc


Brahma Samhita will be placed at http://vedabase.net/bs


Sri Isopanisad will be placed at http://vedabase.net/si


Teachings of Lord Kapila will be placed at http://vedabase.net/tlk


Teachings of Queen Kunti will be placed at http://vedabase.net/tqk


maybe other books, but these are the ones that are definitely coming built identical to the http://SrimadBhagavatam.com


If anyone has any suggestions, they are welcome. I also want to know how I can link discussions relevant to certain verses to the verses on my web site?</font color>

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How about an arrow type links at the bottom of each page leading to the next verse or back to the previous, for eacy manoeuvring between verses? Possibly a double arrow to go to the end or beginning of the chapter. And of course, back to menu.

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Haribol, PAMHO, AGTSP!

This is amazing - now all we need is WIFI and Laptops for all preachers and teachers and we are set! All Glories to the Transcendental Internet Distribution of the Name, Fame and Qualities of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna by his Unalloyed Devotees! All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!


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<font color="blue">thank you for your suggestions! i'll see what i can do. but for now:


clicking on the name of the chapter takes you back to that chapter's index, clicking on the name of the canto takes you back to that canto's index, clicking on the name of the book takes you back to that book's index. when there are more boos, there will be also a link to the main page with the list of books (http://vedabase.net).


i'll try to make chapter and canto index links more convenient but i can't add next/previous links at the moment because my software is not specific enough for that. i wrote it so that it could be applied to all the other books with minor modifications, so it actually doesn't know the chapter structure. it doesn't even know if it's the last verse or not until it hits the next chapter while reading the book. it has read srimad bhagavatam so many times by now, and i'm still struggling with the second canto... *sigh*


the entire srimad bhagavatam and other books zipped are already available from other sites. they are also available in the form of a serchable vedabase (imho: buy it, support the devotees working on it - http://vedabase.com). hence there will be no downloadable copies [which also imho possibly violate copyright laws], only HTML pages as a different kind of a product. sooner or later also with forums attached to them. well, hopefully sooner than later... no one to work on the PHP scripts and the user/post database yet.


PS: i would much rather hear complaints, suggestions and bug/typo reports than your expressions of appreciation. thank you for your appreciation, but it doesn't help the site grow. /images/graemlins/frown.gif


Also: since i can't have those pages created automatically and my HTML skills are limited by what you already see there, if there are any good web designers or artists keen to create and/or maintain the front pages for the root vedabase web site and for all the books, they are very welcome. they will be renumerated only in virtual thank-yous by me and maybe by some real vaisnavas, yes, especially those preaching around the world armed with notebooks, PDAs and slow indian links...</font color>

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  • 3 months later...

Hare Krsna!

Prabhu i am trying to get hold of all the verses of the Srimad Bhagavatam without word for word translation and purports, not the original sanskrit but the english translation of the original sanskrit.


I would be gratefull if u can help me for this.


Thankyou very much



Ps great website,



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Although I strongly disagree with your approach to studying Srimad Bhagavatam and believe that the only value we have are Prabhupada's purports, you can get all the translations off the VedaBase.Net site without any hassle. If you desperately need it urgently for some weird purpose and can't download it off the site, I can try to compile it for you.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Thankyou for your replay to my message regarding wanting the verses of the Srimad Bhagavatam, Thankyou for your help, but when i go into vedabase.net i still get the purports and translations comming up.


Now to explain myself to u alittle, firstly when i read Srila Prabhupadas books i always do it with purports and all, and wouldent dream of doing it any other way.

You may wounder way i need the verses only then, the reason is because at present i am taking a course to study the Srimad Bhagavatam, and our teacher who is a Prabhupade disciple has explained how important the verses are and how much time Srila Prabhupada spent on doing the verses, he did not expect us to simply skip over them. I have been asked to compile a book with all of the verses from the Srimad Bhagavatam inorder to help our study the Srimad Bhagavatam further.


Hare Krsna!

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