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Women are Less Intelligent... says FOX

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By now you should know that IQ tests are fairly meaningless, as they only consider one aspect of the intelligence. There are other kinds of intelligence, such as emotional, etc., that are equally if not more important. To think that one kind of intelligence is all in all is not very intelligent.

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As a matter of fact, surveys are very unreliable, due to the fact that the surveys are dependent upon who you ask the question...


for example, if you ask 20 dumb females and 20 smart males from the population, then the outcome would be simple...males are smarter than females..


If you conduct the survey with 20 dumb males and 20 smart females then the outcome would be that females are smarter than males.


To conduct the experiments or surveys according to the strict interpretation of the scientific method however, would prove to be impossible because human brain is so complex that it is impossible to say one group is intelligent over another unless, one group contains bunch of einsteins and the other contains bunch of hillibillies.


In truth, By the researchers at the international society of neuroscience, it is said that Intelligence is an entertained notion, because, there is intelligence dependent upon many factors.

however, they do agree that overall, there are two types of intelligences: one based on spatial memory, which also deals with mathematics as well as distance, and another type of intelligence called verbal intelligence, which is facility in dealing with words.



According to the anatomy of the human brain, the male and female brains function differently.


The male brain is much more intelligent than a female brain when it comes to mathematics and spatial differentiation(takes place in hippocampus of the brain).

The female brain however, is much more complex when it deals with verbal skills or the communication skills of the brain, which are parts of the limbic system as well as the anterior prefrontal cortex. They are said to be more enhanced in females, thus making the females much more intelligent when it deals with verbal skills.


So! we can conclude that the survey conducted by fox is an attraction to attract more viewers... /images/graemlins/grin.gif


The same survey would be a joke for the people who work in the SFn or the society of neuroscience. www.sfn.org


thank you /images/graemlins/smile.gif

For vbprasad: Itilanti loyallalo manamu padavaddhandi! avanni thappule!!

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Men have an avg IQ of 113 and Women have an avg IQ of 111.

PS: No offense to any Woman seeing this thread.



That's OK - I have too much other stuff to occupy myself with these days so this type of thing does not offend me.


Besides, my IQ is higher than either number you have posted as the average.


I decided a long time ago that IQ tests are meaningless when I worked at a home for the mentally challenged. Some of the clients were way smarter than any of us so called "Normal People."

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Harvard psychologist Howard Gardner proposed a theory of multiple intelligences about 20 years ago. His ideas, which he has continued to refine over the years, have been very widely accepted. If you want more information, you may find it easily by searching for "muntiple intelligences." Here's a digest of his theory as presented in his 1983 book, Frames of Mind":


Arguing that "reason, intelligence, logic, knowledge are not synonymous...," Howard Gardner proposed a new view of intelligence that is rapidly being incorporated in school curricula. In his Theory of Multiple Intelligences, Gardner expanded the concept of intelligence to also include such areas as music, spacial relations, and interpersonal knowledge in addition to mathematical and linguistic ability.


This digest discusses the origins of Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences, his definition of intelligence, the incorporation of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences into the classroom, and its role in alternative assessment practices.



Gardner defines intelligence as "the capacity to solve problems or to fashion products that are valued in one or more cultural setting" (Gardner & Hatch, 1989). Using biological as well as cultural research, he formulated a list of seven intelligences. This new outlook on intelligence differs greatly from the traditional view which usually recognizes only two intelligences, verbal and computational. The seven intelligences Gardner defines are:


Logical-Mathematical Intelligence--consists of the ability to detect patterns, reason deductively and think logically. This intelligence is most often associated with scientific and mathematical thinking.


Linguistic Intelligence--involves having a mastery of language. This intelligence includes the ability to effectively manipulate language to express oneself rhetorically or poetically. It also allows one to use language as a means to remember information.


Spatial Intelligence--gives one the ability to manipulate and create mental images in order to solve problems. This intelligence is not limited to visual domains--Gardner notes that spatial intelligence is also formed in blind children.


Musical Intelligence--encompasses the capability to recognize and compose musical pitches, tones, and rhythms. (Auditory functions are required for a person to develop this intelligence in relation to pitch and tone, but it is not needed for the knowledge of rhythm.)


Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence--is the ability to use one's mental abilities to coordinate one's own bodily movements. This intelligence challenges the popular belief that mental and physical activity are unrelated.


The Personal Intelligences--includes interpersonal feelings and intentions of others--and intrapersonal intelligence--the ability to understand one's own feelings and motivations. These two intelligences are separate from each other. Nevertheless, because of their close association in most cultures, they are often linked together.


Although the intelligences are anatomically separated from each other, Gardner claims that the seven intelligences very rarely operate independently. Rather, the intelligences are used concurrently and typically complement each other as individuals develop skills or solve problems. For example, a dancer can excel in his art only if he has 1) strong musical intelligence to understand the rhythm and variations of the music, 2) interpersonal intelligence to understand how he can inspire or emotionally move his audience through his movements, as well as 3) bodily-kinesthetic intelligence to provide him with the agility and coordination to complete the movements successfully.



Gardner argues that there is both a biological and cultural basis for the multiple intelligences. Neurobiological research indicates that learning is an outcome of the modifications in the synaptic connections between cells. Primary elements of different types of learning are found in particular areas of the brain where corresponding transformations have occurred. Thus, various types of learning results in synaptic connections in different areas of the brain. For example, injury to the Broca's area of the brain will result in the loss of one's ability to verbally communicate using proper syntax. Nevertheless,this injury will not remove the patient's understanding of correct grammar and word usage.


In addition to biology, Gardner argues that culture also plays a large role in the development of the intelligences. All societies value different types of intelligences. The cultural value placed upon the ability to perform certain tasks provides the motivation to become skilled in those areas. Thus, while particular intelligences might be highly evolved in many people of one culture, those same intelligences might not be as developed in the individuals of another.


More of this, and its possible application to education may be found at http://www.ericfacility.net/ericdigests/ed410226.html

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The male brain is much more intelligent than a female brain when it comes to mathematics and spatial differentiation(takes place in hippocampus of the brain).

The female brain however, is much more complex when it deals with verbal skills and communication skills and the verbal areas of the brain, which are parts of the limbic system as well as the anterior prefrontal cortex, are said to be more enhanced, thus making the females much more intelligent when it deals with verbal skills.



Ok. I'd contradict this by taking some examples. I've seen many women who are mathematically intelligent than men (take the example of shakuntala devi) and there are many males who are verbally more intelligent than females (Eg. take the case of Mr. Sai who recently won the Spelling bee championship). So, based on these one would say males have more developed verbal brain and females have more developed mathematical brain. So what'd you conclude, enlightened?

Would you say the society of neuroscience that made the conclusion you quoted is misleading people by using some scientific lingo about brain.


For enlightened: munduvenuka anni loyale!



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You see, you are not contradicting anything... and I was simply getting to the truth.


The brain is very flexible and it adapts to change, so, if a girl tries to focus on mathematics all her life then she will far exceed all the males as well as females.


Same goes to men too, if a boy finds his niche in a subject like english and works hard, then he will definitely exceed all females as well as males.


Due to the differences in male and female brain according to anatomy, it has been proven that males are more spatially inclined, thus doing well in things that require skills like mathematics and figuring out the basic distance.


That does not mean, that women are just dumb in the area.



Our brains have the power to deal with change, thats why our species have survived all these years.


More over, the survey conducted by the fox channel is an attempt to attract people, because when intelligence between genders comes up then all the males and females tend to pay extra attention to the issue. /images/graemlins/grin.gif


but come on! , all they are doing is just playing with peoples heads! /images/graemlins/smile.gif




so now you know, thank you.


Loyallu kanipinchallante manaki jyana prakashamu kavali, appudu sunglasses vesukovacchu /images/graemlins/cool.gif

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This seems to be a perennial subject, this war of the sexes. It has been recurred 2 or 3 times already on this board.


My view is consistent with everything above, including the claim the men "are more intelligent."


Fact: Men have approx. 1/4 to 1/3 denser brain mass.


Fact: Women process information about seven times faster.


Did Prabhupada say? ... I probably got my view from Prabhupada indirectly if not directly. (I don't mean I met him).


Men are more intelligent. Women are more cunning.


I think most women mistake their ability to control and bewilder to be superior to men's abilities or prowess. After all, whatever fame and accomplishments men attain, a woman just wiggles by and controls him through sex.


But this cunnning is not the same as intelligence. It is smoke and mirrors. It is maya.


Gotta go! My better half is coming.


Guess Guest

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In reply to :


Men have approx. 1/4 to 1/3 denser brain mass.




but Elephants have bigger brains and brain masses but are they more intelligent than humans?


In reply to :


Women process information about seven times faster.




Are you sure? I was told that it was a myth.


Guest: "Men are more intelligent. Women are more cunning."


that is so not true... do you really believe all the working women like grace hopper (she is dead though, but she is famous ,so i picked her) . Do you really believe she made the language Cobal and also joined the army just because she was a charmer? and more cunning?


I don't think so!


And the fame and prowess that you extol men about are nothing but pure propaganda. There were both great men and women, but women were oppressed and men got the chance to take over. Its like one living entity being taken over by the other, no one has the right to boss other living entity unless the right is given by krishna or it is krishnas!


He never gave men to rule women, the so called biological superiority of men is just a notion, conjured up to upheld the stupid fame of the male patriarchial society that existed in the past.


Still, mysogonistic people try to feel better about themselves by bashing women and trying to make up new beliefs, thus lowering the self esteem and honor of the younger generation.



Men aren't all bad and the men exist today do not have to carry the guilt etc. but still it is disgusting to see some of the "jivas" extolling themselves for their so called biologically superior bodies, which are just thought formations conjured up by absolute brain wash from the patriarchial society.


The bodies don't belong to them, even they don't belong to themselves!


In case of science, it has been proven to be true that male and female brains function in a different manner, but no sex functions better than the other on the overall perspective.



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  • 1 month later...
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If men's IQ is only 113, then I'm more intelligent than them, and I am a woman! I always thought men are less intelligent than I am.


Cynthia Michele Vincent

Yorba Linda, CA

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One of the strongest and least intelligent belief of kali yuga men is that women are less intelligent. LOL (Sorry, couldn't help myself.)


However, it is the best way for a woman to gain control over a man. The minute he thinks she's not so bright, she's got him right where she wants him! And it's why I have in the past, preached so strongly against this point. Not for any women's libber reasoning, but because such a belief will first, make a mockery out of any genuine spirutal life, and secondly, it actually puts men in the less intelligent position to be utterly controlled and seriously manipulated. What a game! Of illusion and back-scratching of male false ego to puff men up by women so they can get whatever it is they want. A waste of time and would not be necessary if we would get over this 'who is smarter than whom competition.'


This is not to say all women are controlling. Mattter of fact, most are not. However, when the freedom of religious women, and intelligence, is stolen away from them, therefore leaving the only way to get their needs met to be through the vehicle of control, well anyone would turn to that under such circumstances. Men incluced.


As far as this belief originating from Prabhupada, it may have originated from his disciples, but if one reads ALL of his books, lectures, etc., they will see otherwise. Various disciples quoted him 'conveniently.' I can show plenty of verses that discuss the less intelligent qualities of men. Not that I want to, I dont. But I do wish to clear Prabhupada's name in this. Let those who wish to continue believing in this way take it on their own shoulders, but no longer should Prabhupada be blamed for it.


However, I really am tired of this topic and rather not get into it. I did my share explaining it in the past. ha Take it or leave it. :-)



Prtha dd

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If men's IQ is only 113, then I'm more intelligent than them, and I am a woman! I always thought men are less intelligent than I am.


Cynthia Michele Vincent

Yorba Linda, CA



113 is not a single man's IQ but its the average (higher than that of women's avg IQ). So if you are above 113 means you definitely have higher IQ than SOME men, but not all. anyway, my congratulations to you!

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Even if we accept these averages of 113 for males and 111 for females it does not tell us much. For instance the averages may reflect different ranges of IQ.


There actually may be more genius women than men but the overall average could be lower because the low IQ women may be lower than the low IQ for men.


Lets say the average is of 5 persons of each sex.

To get 113 for males may be an average of 120, 125, 110, 112 and 98

whereas to get the women's 111 may be an average of 140, 130, 120, 85 and 80.


This is an example only to show the importance of range.



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Also the above post was a response to the first post and not to Jagat. I dont know why that happened.


The other point I would make is that brain size does not denote intelligence. It is not the size but the NUMBER of connections within the brain. I heard this recentlt an ABC (Australian Broadcasting Commission) Science radio program recently where brain specialists were discussing this issue. IT was pointed out that Albert Einstein's brain was more consistent in size to a female brain. The radio program was about someone called Eccles who was an Australian pioneer in this field.



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Intelligence is just a notion entertained by various cultures and different groups of people with different view points and perspectives.


The intelligence is so abstract that the so called "intelligent" individual may think he/she is intelligent due to his/her mathematical skills, but then again he/she may fail in mastering skills needed to understand physics.


The fact is, intelligence is just a notion that gives hope to the hopeless these days.


One may be very intelligent and quick in verbal and mathematical skills but then lose horribly in a chess game... does that mean he/she is not intelligent?


The whole idea of intelligence is very abstract.


Also, to argue that one sex is more intelligent than the other by polls and similar methods would be an unintelligent argument.


because, the polls and surveys are very unreliable... and the answers depend on time and circumstance in a given situation.

They also depend on who one asks and what type of questions one may ask.


So, intelligence should not be considered real... if it is considered to be real ... then that would be very unintelligent thing to do.


Speak to the neurologists if you want more proof.

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Is a difference of 2 IQ points even statistically significant? I don't know, but I somehow doubt it.


In any case, when Srila Prabhupada speaks of women as being "less intelligent," I don't think he was referring to any type of intelligence that can be measured by an IQ test.




- K


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My 23 year old son is way more intelligent than I am; he notices things that I don't, he has an excellent memory for facts, figures, dates of historical events and can site word for word a conversation or scenes from a movie, as well as get honours in his school grades, but he can't pull one over on me when he's telling a fib about something.


Also, if he starts getting too puffed up with his ability to retain knowledge and gets condescending (especially towards his Mom)then I know Krishna is going to set him up to make a mistake to humble him and sure enough, it happens.



Isn't wisdom (that is supposed to come with age and experience)more important than intelligence, not that being intelligent is a defect as it can help one greatly in (hopefully) avoiding certain pitfalls due to ignorance but in the long haul it's kindness and being in a state of Grace that attracts Krishna and not just being a smarty pants (as I sometimes remind my son).


And then there's misused intelligence...



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Prabhupada talked of two kinds of intelligence, one from the brain the other from the Supersoul.


To perceive the difference between matter and spirit must be a sign of intelligence.


Like this big scientist, Francis Crick. Material intelligence very high. Helped discover DNA etc. He has spent almost his whole adult life trying to find the self in the brain. Even understanding something on how the brain works takes some intelligence. But since he couldn't find himself in the brain he has concluded that he himself doesn't exist. Nor anyone else. Such a big discovery he feels he has to tell everyone else /images/graemlins/smile.gif so he travels around lecturing on the illusion of the self. Highly educated fool. Any common ricksaw walla in India has more real intelligence, even though he may never have gone past grade 3, then this big big scientist.


So within the aspiring devotee community let's go past this silly controversy. If you are in a woman's body and feel slighted because someone says males are more intelligent then you must not be intelligent because you are not a female. Anyone in a male body who feels superior because he is a male is also foolish because he is not the body.


Superiority in devotional life is measured in genuine humility before the Lord. The intelligent gravitate to the lower position.


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