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peace treaty "part two"

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Read and Study Matthew 21:10-15

Here we see Jesus comes into Jerusalem.

And Jesus went into the temple of God and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple.

And said it is written my house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.


The point is: Of all the temples and churches or synagogues the only one he called the temple of God was here in Jerusalem.



Well his temple was in his city, JERUSALEM. which belongs to Israel, his land.


Here is the other meaning of midst that we looked at in part one

1 Thessalionians 5:3

For when they say, peace and safety then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.


The day they sign this PEACE TREATY is when you see the beginning of the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel.


And it gets worse every day for the next 3 1/2 years.

As a woman in travail with child.

This will not be peace for 3 1/2 years and then be broken.

The treaty itself is what starts destruction; it angers God.

Many false prophets of today have made temples, churches and synagogues a den of thieves.


But here they take his city, Jerusalem, and divide it between men.


Mark 3:25 If a house be divided against itself, that house can not stand.

John 4:21 The hour cometh when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor at Jerusalem worship the father.


How sad this city now belongs to flesh.

But not for long; only for one thousand three hundred and thirty five days.


Study the bible with us at the chapel web. Seek God for his wisdom. There is alot more on this peace treaty. But for now all with the chapel web loves Israel as our father which is in heaven does.

May all come to relize that we are ALL his children regardless of race or nationality.

God (Kirsna)be with you.

In love and compassion,




Dated: March 2003

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do you believe in the "God gave israel to

the jews" dogma ?


if so,and if the jews are God's chosen people,like

so may christians like to think, why israel ?


Why not France,or Italy,or California,or Hawaii ?


Why some piece of land, mostly dry, without much

in the way of natural resources ?


If the Bible were true on this, why did God give

Israel,instead of somewhere much nicer ?


Why would God give the non chosen people,all the best

places, and the chosen people the worst ?



It all goes back to politics, in 2 thousand years

there may be a religion based upon Hitler as an Abrahamic prophet, the dogma will be that Hitler was told by God to Kill and steal land, for eternity,for the chosen

people, the nazis, they may have it all done up to make

reality come out looking like the opposite of what it was.


the torah was originally written down as a history

of the jewish people, events described long after they took place, it was politicaly expedient to have God

justify what the hebrew tribesmen did to the Caananite

society, they raped,burned,killed, but all done

at God's bidding.


history is written by the victors,this is the torah,

a history book written by the winners in a genocidal

war, later taken as a religious document, but orginally

handed down orally as a history,not a religion.

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