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Yeah He definately is fulfilling my desires but to be straight up honest with you the only desire I have left is to see Krishna. This material world is really quite boring to be honest. I stick around to help my dad out. He is an old man thouroughly overly attached to his home and He is probably a demon considering how he ran out on my Mom but I was reading in a Joseph Campbell book how it is the duty of the son to save the father from all types of abominable conditions. So I keep trying to preach Krishna Consciousness to him but he is usually very resistant so I guess I have to take it slow.

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All the girlfriends I had just simply plundered my my sanity. I used to love to play sports now I find them to be completely boring. The only thing I enjoy anymore is sitting around thinking about Krishna. All I can think about is Krishna. I even try to play video games every now and then and they seem like a phantasmagorical pleasure that leave me with an empty void.

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but Krsna is not taking care of the yard or changing the weather.I thought you were kidding. Your perception of beauty may be becoming more acute. But if the weather gets bad don't blame the chanting that's my point. As Krsna begins to intervene in His devotees lives He will sometimes make material circumstances a bit more uncomfortable.


Your efforts to help your father are exemplary. That is a nice service. As a child my parents neglected me and I in turn neglected them. I wish I had gotten past my resentment while I still had a chance to help them more.


Hare Krsna

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am envious. My chanting is really at low tide presently and I waste a lot of time. I have always been a fair weather practioner. When things get tough I tend to slack off. I should increase at that point but I don't, keeping the same pattern of mistakes.


Hare Krsna

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