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Water retention and Odema

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Three years ago I moved to a country, Sth Korea which has very high humidity in the summers. When I first arrived a had, for the first time, a big problem with odema, water retention.


Since then I have tried to cut out salt, meat and excess alcohol, added a general B vitamin with added B12 as well as evening primrose. Last summer I found that regular, everyday for atleast 1 - 1 1/2 hrs, exercise helped.


I have recently, over the past two months, started practising yoga, a combination of hatha and iyengar. Once again, with the onset of summer, I am beginning to get the telltale symptoms of odema, swelling feet, legs, hands, general puffiness.


Are there any other suggestions or recommendations?

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  • 3 months later...

I have suffered the same problem in the heat and humidity of Asia. The following treatment helps in the short term - in the long term a change of location to a cool climate!


Cut a strip of cotton cloth 2 or 3 inches wide, and about 15 inches long, wet it in cool water, squeeze out excess, and wrap firmly around your ankles and slightly up the leg, then wrap a towelling face cloth around the wet wraps and secure with a safety pin. You will find that your swellling ankles are much better in the mornings. Do this every night. Excercise also helps a lot as does diet.


Hope this helps you as it has me.

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If your Edema is related to humidity, I strongly suggest you both check out allergies, possibly to mold or mildew which can be in the air and swished around by rain but even just by humidity.



Prtha dd

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  • 3 weeks later...

Safest and by far the most effective cure is Anthocyanins


Simply eat some of these (order of most importance):

a)bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus)



d)sweet cherries

e)rasberries:- hull, thornless, and jewel.

f)Early black cranberries (or just ordinary cranberry juice)

g)Elliot blueberries

h)red cabbage anthocyanins protect animals against oxidative stress from the toxin paraquat

i)Eggplant contains a derivative of the anthocyanidin delphinidin called nasunin, which interferes with the dangerous hydroxyl radical-generating system—a major source of oxidants in the body.

j)Red grapes

k)Hawthorne berries

see www.florahealth.com/flora/home/USA/HealthInformation/encyclopedias/Anthocyanins.asp



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