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Where are the Vedic Scriptures on why the Cow is sacred??

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Hare krishna,


I have been battleing on the faithfreedom.org website trying to explain things to pple defaming Hinduism and all theologies that come under it.


One question was about why the cow is sacred? Now I can answer that from my own background knowledge, much of it from Srila Prabhupad's writings, but I cannot find Vedic scripture explaining why the cow is sacred?


All I have found in the Sri Bhagavad Gita is mention of the duties of vaisyas, one of which being cow-protection.


Can anyone help?


There are various other matters which i cannot fully explain. You might say I should not bother replying to these people, but then should they be allowed to carryon and influence other pple, without us ? (or me) attempting to educate them?


Oh I have so many questions, can I just asked another:


When i read about caste - the varnashrama system it seems to be to refer to a person displaying qualities according to his/ her nature. Therefore caste is determined by ones nature and not birth? Is that not right? The reason being that so many so -called Brahmins do not at all display or live by the qualities described in scripture.

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It is not clear why you need "Vedic scriptures" to support your position on cows. If you are debating with non-Hindu people, no amount of "Vedic" evidence will convince them. Anyway, there are some references in the Rig vedas samhita on cows. A translation is available on sacred-texts.com.





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I am a Hindu proud to be one as I ,with my limited understanding or awareness of things around me, feel this is one philosopy which does not impose any shackles on me in the name of conformance.


I am a beef eater , I love beef and I definitely do feel that this philosophy which does not require its followers to tom tom the artifical superiority is being hijacked by mis-guided elitists groups in the name of cow slaughter.


Well, the yagas accepted cow sacrifice and there is mention of beef being served in the myths.


Let us not degenerate to the absymal depths of regimented religions which were meant to address people of lesser intelligence, nomads and warring tribals.


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Well, the yagas accepted cow sacrifice and there is mention of beef being served in the myths.


Let us not degenerate to the absymal depths of regimented religions which were meant to address people of lesser intelligence, nomads and warring tribals.


Are you saying that the yagnas were meant to address people of lesser intelligence, nomads and warring tribals? Or, is it something else that you are trying to convey?

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"...feel this is one philosopy which does not impose any shackles on me in the name of conformance.


I am a beef eater , I love beef .."


The above statement is like:

"I am a proud space traveller,

and I spend my time and life in diving sea,

or roaming in caves only."


Such person is a space traveller only in name.


Hinduism tells the spiritual truths.

One who accepts and lives by it is a true hindu,

amd he advances spiritually.

one who eats cow will suffer his/her karma.


he/she can say he/she is a hindu,

but hindus know the reality about him/her.


rather than saying "I love beef and will keep on eating,

and still am a hindu,"

it is better to sincerely say,

"i am a hindu. i eat beef but am trying to give it up,

as i know it is sinful to eat meat and perticularly cow."


one who does no know jesus is not a christian.

one who does not know that eating cow is grave sin is not a hindu. he just has illusion that he is a hindu.


jai sri prabhupada!


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