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OMGosh! This is disgusting! Offensive, and downright wrong! I am going to put it in my newsletter, tho it may not come out for another week or two. (It takes time.) But it will go out. I have over 200 rs. Hope that helps, cuz this has to be stopped! They are just making money off of Prabhupada's name. Thanks for the tip. I will pass it on.



Prtha dd

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I want to find out the address to this hotel so I can write a letter to them and request that others do the same. So if anyone comes up with the address - please post it here. I am also wondering how much it would cost to fax the letter to them from the U.S.


I went back and read the article again and am more upset by this disregard and offense to Srila Prabhupada than ever!! I wonder if they ever even pay attention to Him sitting there in the lobby!!


If I were there I would stage a protest right in front of their door and hand out literature of Prabhupada and also vegetarianism!


Is anyone here close to the area of the hotel? If so perhaps we could email our letters of protest and disgust to you for delivery to the hotel and restaurant.


I am very grateful to the author of the article for alerting us to these offenses and thank her for her alertness to her surroundings enabling her to see these things.

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hasn't his group built some guest facilities or something in the area?



I went back and read the article again and am more upset by this disregard and offense to Srila Prabhupada than ever!! I wonder if they ever even pay attention to Him sitting there in the lobby!!



I get the impression they want him to be their Ronald McDonald figure. Kind of a 3d logo for the hotel.




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It would be simple enough to locate the closest center and ask if they could deliver the letters. Most centers, temples etc have email addresses!


Obviously, the "life memember" who "owns" this hotel/restaruant has never read any of Srila Prabhupada's books!


As if McDonald's in the Holy Land were not enough!

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What is so wrong with eating meat?

Most of my friends eat meat. Most of Ancient indians used to eat meat. Most of kshatriyas ate meat and i am sure krishna ate meat too, because he was a kshatriya. You cannot say, eating meat is horrible, because it would be like saying to TIME: "TIME DON"T EAT KILL PEOPLE". It is the very way of life that there are predators and prey. Predators eat prey and they keep the balance in nature.

then what is wrong with that? I think it is just your ignorance which makes it so that eating meat is very bad. WEll, I don't think krishna likes such an attachment to such an idea as to not eating meat. Krishna is never attached to anything, he is never even hurt by people eating meat because he understands the delicate balance and nature of life. Don't discriminate people by thinking they are horrible just because they sell or eat meat, because a person who is discriminating against others is surely attached to this material world.



Sudhamshu *Sri krishna's humble friend* /images/graemlins/blush.gif /images/graemlins/grin.gif /images/graemlins/shocked.gif /images/graemlins/wink.gif /images/graemlins/blush.gif

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Guest guest

Don't discriminate people by thinking they are horrible just because they sell or eat meat, because a person who is discriminating against others is surely attached to this material world.



/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /images/graemlins/grin.gif /images/graemlins/blush.gif

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Please show us the vedic evidence that this is so:

"i am sure krishna ate meat too."




This is speculation.

"I don't think krishna likes such an attachment to such an idea as to not eating meat."




Once again, please show us the vedic evidence that this is so.

"he is never even hurt by people eating meat because he understands the delicate balance and nature of life."



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Thou Shalt Not Kill


Srila Prabhupada: We have to accept all the injunctions of the scripture as they are given, not only those that suit us. If you do not follow the first order, "Thou shalt not kill," then where is the question of love of God?


Visitor: Christians take this commandment to be applicable to human beings, not to animals.


Srila Prabhupada: That would mean that Christ was not intelligent enough to use the right word: murder. There is killing, and there is murder. Murder refers to human beings. So you think Jesus was not intelligent enough to use the right word - murder - instead of the word killing? Killing means any kind of killing and especially animal killing. If Jesus had meant simply the killing of humans, he would have used the word murder... If you want to interpret these words, that is something else. We understand the direct meaning. "Thou shalt not kill" means "The Christians should not kill."


Father Emmanuel: Isn't the eating of plants also killing?


Srila Prabhupada: The Vaisnava philosophy teaches that we should not even kill plants unnecessarily. In the Bhagavad-gita [9.26] Krishna says: "If someone offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, a fruit, or a little water, I will accept it." We offer Krishna only the kind of food He demands, and then we eat the remnants. If offering vegetarian food to Krishna were sinful, then it would be Krishna's sin, not ours. But God is apapa-viddha - sinful reactions are not applicable to Him... Eating food first offered to the Lord is also something like a soldier's killing during wartime. In a war, when the commander orders a man to attack, the obedient soldier who kills the enemy will get a medal. But if the same soldier kills someone on his own, he will be punished.


Similarly, when we eat only prasadam [the remnants of food offered to Krishna], we do not commit any sin. This is confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita [3.13]: "The devotees of the Lord are released from all kinds of sins because they eat food that is first offered for sacrifice. Others, who prepare food for personal sense enjoyment, verily eat only sin."


Father Emmanuel: Krishna cannot give permission to eat animals?


Srila Prabhupada: Yes - in the animal kingdom. But the civilized human being, the religious human being, is not meant to kill and eat animals. If you stop killing animals and chant the holy name of Christ, everything will be perfect... I think the Christian priests should cooperate with the Krishna consciousness movement. They should chant the name Christ or Christos and should stop condoning the slaughter of animals. This program follows the teachings of the Bible; it is not my philosophy. Please act accordingly and you will see how the world situation will change.


Science of Self-Realization (pp. 129-33



Do Animals Have Souls?

Srila Prabhupada: Some people say, "We believe that animals have no soul." That is not correct. They believe animals have no soul because they want to eat the animals, but actually animals do have a soul.


Reporter: How do you know that the animal has a soul?


Srila Prabhupada: You can know, also. Here is the scientific proof... the animal is eating, you are eating; the animal is sleeping, you are sleeping; the animal is defending, you are defending; the animal is having sex, you are having sex; the animals have children, you have children; they have a living place, you have a living place. If the animal's body is cut, there is blood; if your body is cut, there is blood. So, all these similarities are there. Now, why do you deny this one similarity, the presence of the soul? That is not logical. You have studied logic? In logic there is something called analogy. Analogy means drawing a conclusion by finding many points of similarity. If there are so many points of similarity between human beings and animals, why deny one similarity? That is not logic. That is not science.


Science of Self-Realization (pp. 35-36)


Killers of Animals Are Stone-hearted


Some rascals put forward the theory that an animal has no soul or is something like dead stone. In this way they rationalize that there is no sin in animal killing. Actually animals are not dead stone, but the killers of animals are stone-hearted. Consequently no reason or philosophy appeals to them. They continue keeping slaughterhouses and killing animals in the forest.


Srimad-Bhagavatam (4.26.9)


Whether in the Name

of Religion or for Food,

Animal Slaughter Is Condemned


Animal sacrifice in the name of religion is current practically all over the world in every established religion. It is said that Lord Jesus Christ, when twelve years old, was shocked to see the Jews sacrificing birds and animals in the synagogues and that he therefore rejected the Jewish system of religion and started the religious system of Christianity, adhering to the Old Testament commandment "Thou shalt not kill."


At the present day, however, not only are animals killed in the name of sacrifice, but the killing of animals has increased enormously because of the increasing number of slaughterhouses. Slaughtering animals, either for religion or for food, is most abominable and is condemned.


Srimad-Bhagavatam (7.15.10)


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Vegetarianism: A Means to a Higher End


From the book "The Hare Krishna Book of Vegetarian Cooking"

By Adiraja Dasa


© 1989 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International

Used with permission



Beyond Vegetarianism


Beyond concerns of health, economics, ethics, religion, and even karma,

vegetarianism has a higher, spiritual dimension that can help us develop

our natural appreciation and love of God. Srila Prabhupada tells us in his

explanations of Srimad-Bhagavatam, "The human being is meant for

self-realization, and for that purpose he is not to eat anything that is not

first offered to the Lord. The Lord accepts from His devotee all kinds of

food preparations made from vegatables, fruits, milk products, and grains.

Different varieties of fruits, vegetables, and milk products can be offered

to the Lord, and after the Lord accepts the foodstuffs, the devotee can

partake of the prasada, by which all suffering in the struggle for existence

will be gradually mitigated.


Krishna Himself confirmed the divinity of prasada when He appeared in

this world as Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, 500 years ago: "Everyone has

tasted these material substances before, but now, these same ingredients

have taken on extraordinary flavors and uncommon fragrances. Just taste

them and see the difference. Not to mention the taste, the fragrance alone

pleases the mind and makes one forget all other sweetnesses. It is to be

understood therefore, that these ordinary ingredients have been touched

by the transcendental nectar of Krishna's lips and imbued with all of

Krishna's qualities."


Offered food, traditionally called prasada, "the mercy of God," offers not

only the healthy life of a vegetarian, but also God realization; not just food

for the starving masses, but spiritual nourishment for everyone. When

Krishna accepts an offering, He infuses His own divine nature into it.

Prasada, therefore, is not different from Krishna Himself. Out of His

unbounded compassion for the souls entrapped in the material world,

Krishna comes in the form of prasada, so that simply by eating, we can

come to know Him.


Eating prasada nourishes the body spiritually. By eating prasada not only

are past sinful reactions in the body vanquished, but the body becomes

immunized to the contamination of materialism. Just as a antiseptic

vaccine can protect us against a epidemic, eating prasada protects us from

the illusion and influence of the materialistic conception of life. Threfore,

a person who eats only food offered to Krishna, can counteract all the

reactions of one's past material activities, and readily progress in

self-realization. Because Krishna frees us from the reactions of karma, or

material activities, we can easily transcend illusion and serve Him in

devotion. One who acts without karma can dovetail his consciousness with

God's and become constantly aware of His personal presence. This is the

true benifit of prasada.


One who eats prasada is actually rendering devotional service to the Lord

and is sure to receive His blessings. Srila Prabhupada often said that by

eating prasada even once we can escape from the cycle of birth and death,

and by eating only prasada even the most sinful person can become a

saint. The Vedic scriptures speak of many people whose lives were

transformed by eating prasada, and any Hare Krishna devotee will vouch

for the spiritual potency of prasada and the effect it has had on his life.


Eating only food offered to Krishna is the ultimate perfection of the

vegetarian diet. After all, pigeons and monkeys are also vegetarian, so

becoming a vegetarian is not in itself the greatest of accomplishments. The

Vedas inform us that the purpose of human life is to reawaken the soul to

its relationship with God, and only when we go beyond vegetarianism to

prasada can our eating be helpful in achieving this goal.

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In the perspective of krishna, there is no difference between me, you or any meat eater/ non meat eater on the face of this universe. Therefore, when the supreme lord himself sees no reason to subjugate them to discrimination, why do so?. If you wish to know by which authority i make the statement that i do, then i will clearly say that I make this with the bhagavath geeta in mind. Where krishna himself explains :


the unconditionality of his love by saying "i am the unconditional brahman who is not touched by any thing in this world. He alone is the most intelligent, unconditional, supreme being, then if such a being has no problem with various types of people, then why discriminate.


So, i rest my case, and once again, I just love that icon of yours please tell me how to put that on here /images/graemlins/grin.gif /images/graemlins/smirk.gif /images/graemlins/crazy.gif /images/graemlins/ooo.gif /images/graemlins/cool.gif /images/graemlins/shocked.gif /images/graemlins/cool.gif /images/graemlins/grin.gif /images/graemlins/wink.gif

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my questions. Where does it say that it is ok to murder and chow down on your victims? You said several things in your past posts that are questionable and I asked you to please show me where is the authoritative source that says these things are so - can you please do that? Please answer each of my questions with vedic evidence (book, chapter, verse) that shows point blank that the things you say are true. That is all I ask - it is a very simple request.


If you can not do this then it is all dangerous speculation and a waste of time.




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The truth again my dear collegue, is simple. but first, let me ask you who wrote the vedas? on what authority ? and why? I also want you to tell me who wrote the ten commandments , on what authority and why?.


If you can answer these two questions with accuracy, i will assure you I will definitely answer your question.


Note : Open your eyes and see the truth. Don't blindly believe something to be the word of the supreme just because it has been written in a book by some one. I believe that god wants us to use both logic and the vedas, thats why we are told to have both: the mind and the vedas.


and yes, i will reply to your question about where did i get the idea that krishna knows the delicate balance of nature.


Answer : LOOK AROUND! surely the natural state of the wildlife today is dependent on the laws such as the survival of the fittest. It is by that very law that we have survived this world.


If you solely believe in scriptures rather than your own understanding, this might interest you my friend, please take this as evidence that supports my point:


This quote is from Yoga vasistha: Valmiki narrates : "vasistha continued: O Rama, he sees the truth who sees the body as a product of deluded understanding and as the fountain source of misfortune and who knows that the body is not the supreme soul" -story of sukra IV:22.


Iv"Calmly and in an unfaltering voice , TIME thus addressed bhrgu: O sage , how is it that such a wise sage as you are comptemplates such unworthy conduct? Wise men are not upset even when they are offended.; yet you have lost your balance of mind even when no one has offended you! You are indeed an adorable person, and i am one of those who strictly adhere to the appropriate mode of behavior, hence I sature you- not with any other motive.

Do not waste your merit in useless exhibition of your power to curse! know that i am unaffected even by the first of cosmic dissolution... Do not give away to anger Osage: that is surely the path to disaster. For, what will be will be. Realise this truth. We are not swayed by vanity; we are naturally inclined to the fulfilment of our natural functions. Such indeed is the nature of wise ones. what has to be done has to be done by wise men here., remaining egoless and unselfish as if in deep sleep; do not let this be violated. Where is your wisdom ..."


and this is from IV:11. check it out if you want.


Anyway, the fact is simple, we are all inclined to carry out the necessary functions that we need to carry out. We need the protein for our bodies and one way to gain that protein is through eating meat. Now if you say it is killing animals, killing plants and killing natural beings!, it shall not be done, then my friend, you can stop BREATHING, EATING OTHEr FOOD STUFFS, because in reality when you breathe you are killing millions of air born jivas in the form of bacteria! and the same applies when you eat other food stuffs. OH no what a disaster. hhahahahaha /images/graemlins/cool.gif. Just kidding, chill.

So come on, don't discriminate against people who eat meat, because they are just being themselves and carrying out the necessary activities which are basically hardwired into them by birth. /images/graemlins/smirk.gif thanks for reading this stuff.


/images/graemlins/ooo.gifI am though , impressed by how much you know about vedas. I admire you " O great vedantin". /images/graemlins/laugh.gif i do that in a sincere but yet corny way , that i do.

Oh yeah, don't go on telling me the verses from so on so book(s) and prove this or that. I am a simple being /images/graemlins/confused.gif don't confuse me. /images/graemlins/grin.gif


thanks for your time man.


A humble friend of my love my god sri krishna,


Sudszy *sudhamshu*


case closed.

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anything about Krishna "knowing the delicate balance" of nature. It is not up to us to decide what He does or does not know. He knows all.


My questions to you were and still are just this:


Where does it say that Krishna eats meat and authorizes us to do the same? Where does it say that He does not approve of our being so against eating meat? Where does it say that it is our ignorance that keeps us from eating meat?


You continue to avoid those questions and sidetrack the issue with your speculations of what I am thinking. You made these statements (go up and read the past posts) so I figure you have the answers to where this can be found because I for one have never seen these statements anywhere.


As for the Vedas - in a nutshell - They come directly to us through disciplic succession from Lord Krsna. The first living being to receive this knowledge from the Lord was Brahma who in turn passed Them down to Narada, other disciples and sons.


Vyasadeva put the Vedas in writing for the people of Kali yuga because our lifes and memories are limited. He also divided the vedas for understanding.


The vedas are perfect knowledge coming directly from Lord Krsna. It is not for us to interpret the vedas to suit our own needs and desires.


You obviously are not able to back up your statements of meat eating being authorized etc. So you change the subject and questions to something altogether different.


Thank you for your time but you are wasting mine and this conversation is now closed.



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You see, i never said that krishna authorized you to do something like eat meat. However, i did say, that for krishna nothing touches him, even if you eat meat, even if you don't, he doesn't care, so why discriminate.



And Don't reply to this message. Its ok that you have a strong sense of "NOt eating meat issue" but you see for a simple person like me, eating meat and not eating meat is basically one and the same.


I hope it is the same thing for srila prabhupada, if not, i surely am depressed with the ignorance that i see in this world.

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If you are trying to ask me, where did you get the idea that krishna doesn't care if we eat meat or not?. we see this in bhagavath gita where he clearly exemplifies, that is the unconditional supreme brahman. The meat is him , the eater is he, the non eater is he, and also the act of eating and non eating is he, for he is the only and one and only brahman.




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Actually, I am thankful to Babru for his repeated replies to these posts so I don't have to. (Others may feel that way too, even if they are quiet.)


I know without a doubt the iniatiated (or similar) devotees are in total agreement, tho I sympathize with Enlightened, having started on the path and not understanding the severity of murder of animals.


While nothing touches Krishna (as it was never about HIS contamination but our own), to hurt any God's creature is what we are against. You can choose that eating or not eating meat is the same, or whatever belief system you want to make yours, and that is your right. However, Bhagavad-gita and all the revealed Vedic literature state otherwise.


Anyway, this is a Hare Krishna message board where all are welcome, just to know that we are all in agreement on this topic. But I wish Enlightened well.




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If you are trying to ask me, where did you get the idea that krishna doesn't care if we eat meat or not?. we see this in bhagavath gita where he clearly exemplifies, that is the unconditional supreme brahman. The meat is him , the eater is he, the non eater is he, and also the act of eating and non eating is he, for he is the only and one and only brahman.






I don't know what version you are reading, but unless the Gita is translated by the pure devotee, than the countless and therefore contradictory translations out there, don't explain it properly. So I am not trying to hassle you or anything. Just, if you want to see where we are coming from, check out:





Prtha dd

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