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I am confused

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If there is a point to what I am about to say, Please reply. If not, do not.


If the most powerful being whom i have known all my life, that is sri krishna is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient supreme entity, Then my friends, the theory of us being subject to suffering does not rise. If that is so, why do we suffer at all? I am just a 16 year old kid, so i don't know much. However, the basic idea for people all around me is that krishna is all powerful and transcendental. Then the lives of the blessed ones like us who experience the being every moment of our lives shall be the ones which are of pure bliss. Yet, that is not so in my life. This bugs me alot. Kindly answer my question only if you think it is reasonable to do so. If not, I am sorry to waste your time, Thank you.



Sudszy. /images/graemlins/confused.gif

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Love is the basis. Love cannot be forced. We have our free will to freely give love.


But because we have free will, we can also do something else. The result of misusing our independence and self-indulgent pursuits are the cause of ours suffering. We are responsible for our bad choices.


God's policy is not to interfere with our minute independence. He does not want us to suffer, but we are allowed to taste the result of our determination so that we may exhaust our foolish ideas.


The suffering diminishes and even stops in proportion to your realationship with God.


Guess Guest.

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"If the most powerful being whom i have known all my life, that is sri krishna is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient supreme entity, Then my friends, the theory of us being subject to suffering does not rise. "


it is good that you know krishna is god.

He has said that this material world is duhkhalaya, an bode of misery. so, as long as we are here, we would get some troubles, and we may need to take some trouble to fight asuras also.


a devotee, knowing krishna, can pass through these troubles easily than a non devotee. a devotee usually gets less troubles.



"why do we suffer at all?"


because we are in the material world, not spiritual.

birth, death, desease, and old age cannot be avoided completely here. this place is not free from asuras.

that means wars will happen among the asuras, and between suras and asuras. in this world every one wants to conrol others and the material energy and things. even a street bum has an opinion how bush should behave. every one wants to get maximum happiness at minimum self effort. so, things do happen that we may not like.



"krishna is all powerful and transcendental."



" Then the lives of the blessed ones like us who experience the being every moment of our lives shall be the ones which are of pure bliss. Yet, that is not so in my life. "


Krishna teaches how to experience bliss.

The process is there, the followers are many ( but still less) and everyone is advanced to the level according to his/her karma. Only few reach the bliss level.


When others remain in the company of blissfuls, then they also experienc some bliss. that is the benfit of satsanga.


hope this hepls.


jai sri prabhupada!



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It is still hard to believe though that only a few reach such a state of bliss and get away from the cruel things of this world. The sufferings of the body are not the problem, for we are not the body. What i want to know is about the problems of the heart. The very selfishness that is seen in people including me. The very arrogance that destroys one of the most intelligent of all minds, such things really make this world an abode of unhappiness. so, where exactly is bliss? you say it is only found temporarily for most and permanently for only a chosen few. That is just sad, I guess we are subjected to such suffering until the end of our time upon this earth.

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In this material world we r all more or less confused. Confused means rajoguN influence.

Right now Amerikans r confused about our Iraqi Invasion.

Was it the right thing to do? Should we withdraw? How many civilians r we murdering?

Should we really be so addicted to petroleum products that we have to commit atrocities to secure gasoline for our miserably inefficient dinosaurik automobiles?

The more we become sattvik, the less we become confused.

Yes, as u pointed out, kaler-doSa nidhe... this Kaliyuga is an Fault Ocean.

U'v swum in the salt ocean; what is it's characteristic?

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Why do we suffer ?


The doctrine of karma. There are 3 factors in suffering ;

a) the person who is suffering

b) an agent of suffering - e.g a person, thing or condition

c) the degree of suffering.


Once we understand the nature of the self, and understand its dynamic of actions and consequences, then the agent of suffering becomes incidental and secondary.


We no longer bear any anger or resentment towards the person/thing that is seen causing the suffering because they are merely the agents of our own karma. It is on this basis that we can love our "enemy" and return love for hurt, compassion for thoughtlessness.


When the experience of suffering is thus understood it becomes an opportunity for self development/transformation and the intensity of the suffering diminished


Achieving Bliss (or Happiness) ?


This requires the identification and elimination of negative states of the mind, such as ;


a) Desires - which are self centred

b) Anger - resulting from unfulfilled desires and failed expectations. This leads to causing injury and hurt to others.

c) Delusion - the notion one is unique and separate to all others


and cultivate/train the mind with postive states such as ;


a) mindfulness

b) compassion

c) kindness

d) self restraint

d) contentment/satisfaction etc etc ..


(refer to Bhagavad Gita, chpt 12 - on the qualities of a devotee)




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the same question was by maharaj parikshit gave to sri suka rishi.he answerd:

only because wrong thinking the living entities think they are this bodies whos material and under control of 3 gunas.the absoluth truth is that we are transcendental souls.so how we can sufer.this is illusion like the dream,after you wake up you see the dream is ilusion.this is the truth of this material life.

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