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IF against war, write ur Senator - read this.

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Some are sending these free faxes to their Senators and you can too. Here's the story:




Reckless Wartime Budget Will Hurt Kids

For Decades to Come


Tell Senate We Can't Afford to Enrich the Rich

While Paying for War in Iraq


Click this link to send your free faxes:




Shock and awe have taken on a whole new meaning as we watch the carnage in

Iraq. The images can be overwhelming. And it is exactly that fog of war

that the folks in Washington are using for cover to further their

destructive agenda. This week the Senate will face President Bush's first

request for money to pay for his war. Early media reports tell us that the

figure will top $75 billion. At the same time the Senate is being asked to

approve enormous tax cuts, mainly for the millionaire class. Because the

cost of guns is so great, the United States government has never cut taxes

during wartime fearing too great a sacrifice of butter. But that is just

what the Senate is poised to do quickly and with little public debate

because they can't defend it in the light of day


Two years ago when America enjoyed record surpluses the folks in Washington

told us that even then we didn't have enough money to give every kid health

insurance, fully fund Head Start or get serious about the poverty of

children around the world. Now, as we face record deficits and a huge war

bill they are telling us we still don't have money for those things, but

they have found more than twice that sum to use for tax cuts for

millionaires. Well, I know a whole bunch of millionaires and trust me, they

don't need the money half as badly as a kid who can't afford to see a doctor

when he's sick.


Millions of us came together in historic opposition to this war, now let's

stay together to limit the damage it will cause. Click Reply and we'll send

a fax to your Senators asking them not to pass the first budget in American

history to cut taxes during wartime. If you want to customize the fax, or

if a friend forwarded this email to you, just click this link to send your

free fax:





Ben Cohen

President, TrueMajority

Co-Founder, Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream

I am writing this email on my own and not on behalf of Ben & Jerry's, which

is not associated with the TrueMajority campaign.


Here is a copy of the letter we'll send to your Senators:


Dear Senator,


I am constituent of yours and am very frightened by the Bush

administration's plans for large tax cuts for millionaires while trying to

pay for the war in Iraq. If these cuts pass, it will be the first time in

history that our government has cut taxes during wartime, an idea that has

always been viewed as reckless.


The children of Iraq are already suffering because of this war. Financing

it with borrowed money and cutting already inadequate kids' programs will

only ensure that our children suffer too. Please vote against Bush's

proposed permanent tax cuts. As his latest request for money shows, our

children can't afford it.


Thank you for your attention.



(We'll put your name and address here)


For more information, and to take action on this issue, please visit:


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