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Who's Michael Moore?

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Some things about Michael Moore:


1) He is a troll-like, pasty, pyotic bloat-bag.


2) Usually, attacking one's physical appearance is not my style; but when the individual has an ugly personality to go along with the looks, then I take notice. Moore is nasty.


3) I suspect Charlton Heston has never done anything to Michael Moore. (I suspect Charlton Heston has never done anything to anyone.)


4) Michael Moore does not take Michael Moore seriously.


5) Only the adulating, Socialist fan base of Michael Moore takes Michael Moore seriously. He receives record-long standing ovations in Cannes for Bowling, but cannot earnestly defend the deception and inaccuracies of Stupid White Men to someone who questions its truth. "I can't comment on that, the book is just comedy."


6) When it is all said and done, Bush's top adviser could walk up to the President and say, "Mr. Bush, Michael Moore is at it again I see; last night, sir."


And Bush would respond, "Who is Michael Moore?"

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Heston played Moses who dismissed Sanhedrin nonsense. Y not now?


***Bush Family Values Photo Album

(to see fotos between text go to www.hereinreality.com/familyvalues.html)

For more than a half century, members of the Bush family have been setting policy and making decisions for all Americans. Let's look at the family that has had such an impact on the lives of human beings worldwide


It all started with Prescott Bush, George W. Bush's grandfather. In 1918 it is said that he robbed the grave and stole the skull of the Native American warrior Geronimo as part of an initiation into Yale's Skull and Bones Society. The Skull and Bones society has been important to the Bush Family. George Bush Sr. and George W. Bush were also members of this secret society.

Prescott Bush got into a little bit of trouble back in the 1940s. While American soldiers were fighting the Nazis in WWII, a few of the companies Prescott managed were seized under the Trading with the Enemy Act because they were selling fuel to and laundering money for Hitler's Nazis.

Here are more pictures of Bush family and friends


This is GW's Uncle Prescott, Jr. During the embargo on China, his company was the only US firm allowed to do business there, exporting communications satellites.

Now he's the president of the USA-China Chamber of Commerce, which might be one reason China isn't part of the Axis of Evil. (more on China) He also has ties to Manuel Noriega (below).

For many years, the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs (now DEA) wanted to have Manuel Noriega arrested for drug trafficking, but George Bush, Sr. kept him on the CIA payroll. For more than a decade, thousands of tons of cocaine poured onto the streets of America through the Panama Canal while the US government looked the other way. This destroyed the stability of millions of American families, and the repercussions to our society are still being felt today.

Here's GW when he was in the National Guard, which he joined to get out of serving in Vietnam. He was a pilot in Texas until his flight status was revoked for refusing to take medical exams. For at least six months, he didn't even show up for duty. Click here for full details

This is Jeb


This is Jeb's friend Orlando Bosch.

This is Jeb's wife, Columba Bush

He's a terrorist who blew up an airplane killing 76 people, but George Bush, Sr. thought so much of him that he gave him a Presidential Pardon.

She was embarrassed after she got caught smuggling almost $20,000 worth of clothes and jewelery into America.

This is Jeb's brother Neil Bush. He cost American taxpayers $1 billion after some shady loans he made caused the Silverado Savings and Loan to go under in 1988. Now he's making millions selling software to Florida schools.

When George Bush, Sr. was the Vice President, he was involved in secretly selling weapons to our enemy Iran. The money from the weapons sales went to build a secret army that was trying to overthrow the Nicaraguan government. This resulted in years of violence and slaughter for many thousands of Central Americans, and it allowed thousands of tons of drugs to be dumped on the streets of America. When he was president, George Bush, Sr. gave a presidential pardon to the people involved in it.

Besides their last names, George W and Jeb Bush have this in common: all of their children have been in trouble with the law. Unlike most Americans who commit crimes ranging from sexual misconduct to felony prescription fraud, the Bush Kids never go to prison.

Now George Bush, Sr. works for The Carlyle Group. They invest in defense companies, medical laboratories, and the telecommunications industry. The Carlyle Group is one of the government's biggest contractors. George Bush, Sr. and The Carlyle Group stand to make billions of dollars from the War on Terror. On September 11, The Carlyle Group was having a conference at the Ritz Carlton hotel in Washington, DC with members of the Bin Laden family, one of their investors.


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The modern Democratic party has increasingly failed in its duty to acknowledge both the average American citizen and the ideals in which this mighty nation was defined, long ago, in its quest for greatness. As it panders to the special interests and the fringe left wing, and having finally degraded into a confused, self-loathing animal-- a veritable pit of snakes-- it has become trapped in an unending cycle of melodrama, denial and self-destruction.


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I believe that was last nights Oreilly report(or maybe it was fox news or the new republic). This country has been governed by moneyed interest from the start. Our forefathers founded this nation so as to have their own aristocracy. Any liberalism they might have shown was due to a high minded, charitable elitism. We still live in a corporate oligarchy were only money buys justice. To say the US is a liberal country is not correct. There are many liberals here, at least 50% percent of the population, but they are kind and willing to turn the other cheek while your standard wealthy industrialist can do as he pleases due to his fortune. I consider myself a liberal because I believe in leaving people to their own devices unless they are directly hurting others. Republicans don't seem to mind hurting, or even killing others as long as there is profit in it. Current actions only further prove my point.

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At least 50% liberals where? Not in the US. This country is not defined by liberals, nor is it defined by conservatives.


The liberal/Democrats are sinking fast in a quagmire of fatalism and ignorance. They are clueless. Even Kerry, who leads all Democrats in the pre-polls, can't avoid the war angle. Go on Kerry, you big dumb liberal idiot, keep bashing Bush and the administration's foreign policies in general. You and your entire reckless party will be going nowhere--- again.


How incredibly stupid can they get?


Terry McAuliffe? Wow, what a chairman to have for your party. Why don't they just get Dennis Rodman or John Rocker? How about Bobby Knight or Eminem? Please.


Then there is the incredibly irresponsible behavior of Daschle, Moran, and Conyers. And what about that senator for Michigan that died in a plane, Wellstone?


They turned his "memorial" into a cheesy fund-raising event.


And when the Dems keep aligning themselves with the Libs more and more, participating in votes and bill-making that favors higher taxes, environmental zealotry, government intervention, 1st and 2nd amendment rights infringements, etc., they increasingly isolate the everyday man. They don't represent the little guy; they keep shutting down factories which chokes the little guys' incomes.


The represent special interests and little groups. People are getting tired of being told what to do, what to think, what to say, etc. And they are voting appropriately.


That is why the Democratic party can't muster a single convincing frontrunner, or legal mouthpiece, or media pundit anywhere in the country.


Just get used to another 4 years of Bush.



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