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Everything posted by Saxifrage

  1. I believe that was last nights Oreilly report(or maybe it was fox news or the new republic). This country has been governed by moneyed interest from the start. Our forefathers founded this nation so as to have their own aristocracy. Any liberalism they might have shown was due to a high minded, charitable elitism. We still live in a corporate oligarchy were only money buys justice. To say the US is a liberal country is not correct. There are many liberals here, at least 50% percent of the population, but they are kind and willing to turn the other cheek while your standard wealthy industrialist can do as he pleases due to his fortune. I consider myself a liberal because I believe in leaving people to their own devices unless they are directly hurting others. Republicans don't seem to mind hurting, or even killing others as long as there is profit in it. Current actions only further prove my point.
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