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What`s Up in Iraq?

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with guest 9:01.A very good analysis. I don't know how to deal with Iran but I don't believe anyone in that region needs oil for energy. The world does not need a radical muslim state with the bomb.


What makes Korea tough is that they can demolish Seoul in a day with conventional weapons. To attack them is a quaruntee that South korea will suffer greatly.


When the Soviet Union fell apart the world thought "peace at last". Just a kali-yuga joke on us.

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George Bush can do something about Iraq which is a threat. They do have nuclear ambitions as has been testified by those who have escaped from that regime.



The real threat to the world peace and stability now is the so-called "World Policeman" US and it's president Bush who wants to wage war with a country crippled by sanctions for 10 years.


Who does not listen to anyone. I am really surprised that the devotees like Theist ji and the Guest 9.01 are supporting Bush and Co. who are clearly on the wrong side!!!


There's a saying in Sanskrit - "Vinasha kaale vipareeta buddhi" meaning that when your end is near your intelligence works wrongly or opposite. Ravana was the best example for that and Now Bush is another example. I am not saying that Saddam is not Ravana.


But, to kill one Ravan you need not become another Ravana, which is exactly the case now.

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If Bush does not takes action now and Sadam acquires atomic weapons...what will happen in future?All this is really very confusing.Let's see what happens.Nothing will happen but God's plan will work out overtime.



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The defeat of Saddam is a defeat to all muslim dictators. Hail to Pres. Bush and UK Prime Minister Blair. We hope these great leaders teach Osama Bin Ladin and his Al Qaeda network that 911 was a bitter lesson for the Muslim extremists and tyrants, Omar and Saddam.

Long live Pres. Bush and UK Prime Minister Blair.

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Many of the readers of this board consider themselves Vaishnavas (or aspiring Vaishnavas). They should not forget the countless atrocities the Muslims committed against Hindus and specifically Vaishnavas in the history of Bharat. Many arca vigrahas were broken and many devotees were murdered. And as you all know, the deities established in Vrindaban by the Goswamis had to be moved to Jaipur because of the Muslims.


But this is not just an item of history. The fanatic, fundamentalist Muslims of the present day have this same anti-Vaishnava (as well as anti-Christian and anti-Jew) fervor. If you are a devotee, know that the fundamentalsit Muslim wants you to either convert or die, and wants to defile everything you cherish as holy.


Sadaam himself is not known to be a strict Muslim, but in his case he finds it expedient to finance and support fundamentalist Muslims for his own purposes.


Finally, from a neutral, moral perspective, Sadaam is well known to be a mass murderer who has committed unspeakable atrocities: mass murder of Kurds in the thousands through poison gas, rape squads to torment the families of those who may have contemplated dissent, intimidation of fathers by blinding their children, and on and on.


An enlightened Vaishnava may very well welcome reasonably minded Muslims with the understanding that we are all spirit souls and that Lord Krishna is the God of all. But the same neutrality should not be maintained towards the virulent, violent, very widespread, and very influential Muslim fanatics. They are, to put it simply, DEMONS.

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tattvadarshi. These terrorists have openly listed India as a target along with the US and UK. People say Saddam is not a fanatical Muslim so he is not really a threat. True he is not a follower of Islam in any real sense. His stated idol is Joseph Stalin. Now does that make anyone feel better? That is why Bin Laden refers to Saddam as a communist, although he is certainly not a real communist either. His personal net worth is over two billion US dollars while the common citizen of Iraq lives on handouts. And in the south they don't even receive their share of those.


But back to international terrorism. Iraq's production of chemical and biological weapons may not seem like an immediate threat to India. The US sure because we kicked him out of Kuwait, but not India right? Wrong, for the reasons tattvadarshi alluded to. The Islamic terrorists do see it as God's work to elimate all Deity worship and those who engage in it. Now Saddam is making small pox. The terrorist want it but are not yet capable of its production. So they will buy it from Saddam, rather they like him or not.


Recently in the US it came out that one of the terrorists contemplations was to directly infect a number of people(suicide martyrs) and have them just mingle with large crowds in many different populated areas spreading the disease. This would cause an epidemic that would be untracable and by the time it was discovered the damage would be done. How does this affect India? Well what if they did this at a Kumbha-Mela? Those pilgims would take that infection back to every area of India. This is how they are thinking. Now how do you feel about the Bush and Blair idea of pre-emptive strikes to stop this sort of thing before it happens? Still think Bush is the greater threat?


India better wake up and start cooperating with the pre-emptive doctrine. Kashmir is nothing to what these DEMONS have planned.



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OLE' DUBYA is going to win his illegal war.

Any super power that squanders $400 billion a year on its armies must prevail over an impoverished country that spends only 1 billion.

Then everyone's favourite gunslinging Texas cowboy can join hands with Saddam Hussein to do a little dance to celebrate

the first power politics triumph of the 21st century, singing "look at us, folks- between us we have split the world and destroyed the United Nations.

Bush's war has annihilated the principle that consensus

based on international law brings about and preserves peace.

America has lost Europes friendship.

The North Atlantic alliance itself is threatened.

As bush said at the start, "those who are not with us are

against us" This is a huge geopolitical change, with

consequences we can only begin to guess at.

He has endangered all our lives.

Bush has wanted war all along. He can't see the enormous

risks of invading and occupying an Arab country in the

worlds most explosive region, the foolishness of trying to

impose western values and his deep-rooted white Anglo Saxon

Protestant ethic.

He has confirmed the world's worst fears about America

under his command.

He has shown he will simply pull the trigger himself when the UN will not do his bidding, When allies show they know

there is no room in the UN charter for what he grandiloquently calls "anticipatory self-defence".


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The UN is a simple debating society. They may be of some use in humanitarian efforts but that's it, or enviromental planning for poorer countries, they can help there. Some smaller diplomatic efforts also may prove fruitfull through them. Not much else.


Where were they concerning Bosnia,Kosovo or Rwanda? In New York writing position papers and having expensive lunches.Bon Appetit.


The UN has not been destroyed by Bush, rather it has been exposed by Bush.


Actually even as a debating society they are not world class. Better efforts can be seen at Oxford.

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  • 3 months later...
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Krishna didnot raise attack on Bhisma, to protect Arjuna. He did so to protect Dharma( preached in Gita), when he saw that Arjuna was hesitating to strike Bhisma.


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