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i read in dipika that kusakratha has throat cancer,

is that the same kusakratha who is a sanskrit scholar ?


anyway, if you know him, send him some reishi mushroom,

the extract with mycelium is the best known

cancer fighter, and has had remarkable success,

many people who have been told they have incurable cancer have defeated it with reishi !


in traditional chinese medicine, they rank their herbs in

order of potency, reishi is number 1, and called

the elixer of immortality !

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Please provide exact details of what to purchase and how to use for by older male. Finances very limited, but I live in Chinatown if that helps. Specify brand names, quantities, etc. and whether it's sold in bulk by Chinese herbal stores, if so what to look for and expect to pay as well as how to prepare/consume. Thank you.

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i dont know if chinese brands have quality

control if they are made in China, so i would

stay away from those brands.


there are many U.S. made brands that are grown and processed

correctly, a good dose is provided by pills

with an extract combination mushroom body and root(mycelium which is the most potent part),

1000 mgs a day is enough, and will vary in cost where you buy it, at your health food store maybe 25$ per month,

maybe cheaper online ordered, it is not a food mushroom,

it is a woody fibrous mushroom with the texture

of cardboard,and and should be taken as an extract

for the most benefit.


it is also very effective for immune disease, arthritis,

and liver disaese, and more, there are many websites where you can find out if it is recommended for whatever

ails you.

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Thank you, Shiva. Don't think I can afford the health store version. By extract do you mean a liquid in capsules? I fill my own with herbal powders I get wholesale in bulk. Would that be possible in this case? That is to say, is it available as a powder? Do you mean 1000mg concentrated extract? Is there a particular internet site you can direct me to for info? Thanks again.

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all herbs when exposed to oxygen start to deteriorate

in potency quickly, so buying bulk dried herbs

is the worst way to take any herb.


there are lots of herb sites that you can order from,

i think 'oregon naturals or organics' is what a good source is called,iv'e never had to order,a good health food store will be stocked.

avoid asian websites,like chinese ones, they do not have the

quality control by government like the west does.


yes the 1000 mgs extract, liquid is usually more expensive

then the pill form.


you can by the herb in powder form, although it

will not be as effective.

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Tarun, he used to show up at Krsna Balarama four or five days a week. He would buy a load of maha-prasad and sit by the side of the temple and honor it.


I'm thinking that if you sent a message to someone at Krsna Balarama mandir, they could give it to him. That is if he is well enough to be mobile these days.

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I saw him myself but that was up to March 2002, one year ago. He kinda stayed to himself at least around there. There is an information booth that has a billboard and something could be posted. You know the folks that handle the tours and travel arrangements. Sorry I can't be more specific.


Also he sells books thriugh Biharilal & Sons and they have an email. But who knows how reliable that would be.


Good luck.

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  • 1 month later...
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One godbrother just came back from Mayapura festival. I sent a small donation to be given to Kusakrata prabhu in Vrndavan. It has been received. I also saw a request for money to be used for a biopsy. That request may have been posted on Dipika.org


Mahashakti dasa

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!


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  • 1 month later...
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here we go again! will you people please stop recommending things for diseases like cancer, when

1. you do not know the sufferer.

2. you have no medical qualifications.

3. you prescribe a co-called cancer cure.


to reiterate, there is no single cure for cancer, since cancer can take many forms. those that think they have found the cure for cancer live in Lala-land, where the energy is generated by the perpetual motion machine. alas, the universal panacea does not exist.

you all run after a disease to be cured, while in reality it is Kusakrata who needs to be cured. wake up, for Krsna's sake!

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