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Narayana of Mine

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“Hrudaya kamala maddhye` nirvishesham niriham

Harihara vidhivedyam yogibhidhyarna gamyam

Janana marana bheeti bhrashisachit swaroopam

Sakala bhuvana beejam brahmachaitanyameede`”


There, right in my inner heart, my Lord sits in

He, who is the Seed of all, the Cause and its Effect

The Primordial One, Immutable and Immaculate.


My Lord is the Lord of thine and mine

And of the swine, the snake and the swans

He rules the Aswattha tree and the tiny grass

Nay, he sparkles in everything that is abstract or concrete.


To my Lord nothing is dear nor a thing he dislikes

He created no Brahmin nor Sudra

Holy or unholy is not to Him

He sees his beings with an equal eye.


My Lord does not and need not incarnate Himself

Nor He sends in prophets and pastors

He did not create a veda nor dictate a koran

The Omniscient One controls at Will.


He cannot be appeased or enraged

Never gets elated or perturbed

Unruffled, unconcerned and serene

The primordial One, Sat-Chit-Ananda He is.


Oh, Lord of fire and death, wind, moon and waters

Creator, Grandsire and Great Grandsire of the world

Hail, hail to Thee, a thousand salutations

We bow before Thee, prostrate at Thy feet (11:39)


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