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If I die will i ever come back?

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when a soul goes to god's kingdom,

then there is no force of past karmas that can drag him down to the materiel world.


however, if god recommeds the soul to go to the material world for a certain mission,

then the soul happily would go.


this is the is the why the world

gets highly spiritul people godly people

like shankara, ramanuj, madhva, etc,

including prabhupada.


also, if a soul again wants to go to the material world

for any good or bad reason, he can go.


but the unliberated souls are forced to stay in the material world by their karma.



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The death implied in the guest's question was that of the material body and definitely not of the 'soul'. And to answer guest's question, certainly he would take birth again and again, till the end of Kalpa, where the whole universe goes back to the Brahma. The rebirths are obviously due to unfulfilled desires, good as well as bad Karma (Sanchit Karma), so guest would take several births, as it is not easy to over the six 'doshas'.

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Guest guest

You cannot die as you were never born there is nothing but brahman and you are that so to say you live or die is to label the infinite brahman and to fall from the bliss of knowledge wich is brahman itself do not attach to those things that are temporary.When all is realized as self there is no living and no dieing just the infinite self that is all be what you are forget the duplicity of imagination i am brahman know this and be at peace


atma jnani

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Guest guest

with that atma gyan,

you would be fighting fiercely and fearlessly with the asuras or the people like terrorists.

you now you do not die.


so, have you had any such fight?




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Dear Friend,

I could understand your anxiety and eagerness about your coming back. I was waiting for the learned men of this forum to reply your question, understanding fully well your anxiety. But no answers came upto the mark.


Hence I went to my close friend, Shri Chitragupta, the Accountant General and Head of Statistics at the Office of the Yama Raj. Though the super-computerised accounts are kept strictly private and confidential, Chitragupta allowed me a peep at your account number. And the statement of your accounts till the Great Explosion( A nuke Xplosion

is clearly marked for the earthlings and noted as the equivalent of the opening of the Third Eye of the Head of the Department of Destruction) is roughly as follows:


This is your 84th birth, but the first in the manushya yoni.

Next you are to be born in as a varaham for the human sins you committed.

And for the sins you committed as a varaham, you will be born as a krumi and live in the human rectum

For the serious sins you have committed in the rectum, you have to take birth as a donkey in the desert lands of Rajasthan

As a donkey you will do some punya(because nothing is there in your donkey head, I mean the 'intelligence', carry loads day and night in the desert and for these sufferings you will be rewarded in the next birth handsomely.


In the birth next you were to marry the daughter of the Great Emperor of America ( by that time One Country, One Emperor) but alas! A nuke fight takes place between your would-be father-in-law and the Saddam Hussain 4th ...

and the earth becomes a place without earthlings for some time.




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Merely saying "I am Brahma" is different and actually experiencing the same is quite different. Your reply is OK only for the sake of furthering the argument, but not really satisfactory. Since, the minds of the true saints are attuned to the Supreme and there are absolutely no desires (for any materialistic happiness) left for them. Such saints do not take birth again. All others, with innumerable desires left unfulfilled, must take births again and again. Since we cannot remain 'actionless' even for a single moment, we continuously engage in 'action' i.e. Karma, good or bad, which is bound to give its fruits. Some of the Karmic reactions, can fructify after a very long period (beyond this birth), hence this Karma comes back to us as Prarabdha Karma in some other birth. All these factors force us to take repeated births. Since, Lord Krishna Himself told Arjuna that, the Theory of Karma is very involved and even Yogis find it difficult to fully comprehend, what to speak of people like us. In essence, you will get several births, until your single-minded and true devotion to the Lord, takes you out of the cycles of birth and death.

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Guest guest

this is ludicrouse who teaches worship of krisna as liberation to be attached to anything is to be limited and divided krisna and i this is a lie you are krisnas very self all can reach the enlightenment of krisna it is not just for one or two but for all but the many shun wisdom in thier ignorance and so they suffer seek not division but know that i am infinite undivided perfect unity

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