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Does anyone know the real reason that the Chinese government is so mean to the Tibetan people? They are such a Godfearing and peaceloving civilization who would harm no one. Why such brutality and inhumanity? Is Tibet such an important stategic country or is there a wealth of natural resources there to exploit? I'm just appalled and heartbroken to see this kind of sustained inhumanity to a Godly population.


Padmapani das

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tibet was independent till around '60s.


china took it over and made it a nuclear waste dump,

also making it a communist country.

it originally was buddhist and some hindu.


india should not have allowed it to happen.


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I think the Chinese view Tibet like they view Taiwan – as an historical part of China. Borders are always changing between countries over time. Is it true they are dumping nuclear waste in Tibet?


The program I was watching was concerning the reconstruction of a Buddhist temple in a province called Mustang. It was fairly interesting. There was a big debate on whether to accept outside financing to rebuild or just to do it on their own.


As a side note, I think the country of Bhutan seems like it would be very nice to visit. Its on the border between China and India. All the programs I’ve seen on it paint it as a real life Shangrila. Of course the grass is always greener on the other side, but it did look very peaceful and beautiful.

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