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Magnetic Poles Reversal?

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Are the magentic poles about to reverse.


Turbulent Vortices


A report in the Sunday Times of London (12 th January 2003) says that research carried out by Nils Olsen of the Center for Planetary Science in Denmark warns of vast changes now occurring deep in the Earth’s core. It is here that our mysterious magnetic field is thought to be controlled from. Swirling vortices of molten matter affect the level of the magnetic field above the surface of the Earth. Once in awhile these vortices become so turbulent they trigger a complete reversal in the magnetic field. On average this usually occurs once every 750,000 years. Scientists say the next such reversal is now long overdue.


Certain consequences


When it comes to the consequences of such an event we have little idea what to expect. The last reversal over three quarters of a million years ago left us no eye witness accounts and we can only speculate what the effects might be. However certain consequences are beyond doubt. All electrically operated equipment would find it difficult to function. Vast storms would bring spectacular if highly terrifying displays of thunder and lightning. Seismic and volcanic activity would also increase quite dramatically


Harmful radiation


One of the greatest fears however is that during a polar reversal the strength of the Earth’s magnetic field would fall to such an extent that it would allow harmful solar rays to penetrate to the surface. This would have a profound effect on all living matter. While the Earth’s atmosphere might shield out some of this harmful radiation, the consequences of a diminished magnetic field are very grave indeed. Unprotected from the suns radiation crops would fail, animals would die, and humans fall prone to deadly cancers.


How to prepare.


Perhaps the most worrying thing of all is that there is literally nothing we can do to avoid a polar reversal. All we can do is to prepare ourselves for the likely consequences. On a personal level this might involve stock piling long lasting food supplies, since if the worst came to the worst venturing outside could result in absorbing fatal amounts of solar radiation. On a national level nations must develop a strategy for dealing with mass disruption likely to result from the malfunction of all types of electrical equipment and the failure of crops.

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