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The sermon is internal energy. It is Radha. Lord Caitanya He preached continuously, an embodiment Radha. THIS mood Radha. It is fidelity Radha. If who that at a level bhava he will not sit, he will go to preach. " Hey the people listen to the message Lord Caitanya! - Hare Krisna hare Krisna Krisna Krisna Hare hare! " It is raganuga. /images/graemlins/smile.gif:)


Lord Caitanya prema, Haridasa Thakura - prema. Lord Caitanya - Radha, all devotee Lord Caitanya all - expansion Radha. It is a secret Gaura lila. In Krisna lila only gopi, manjari are connected with Radha directly, in Gaura lila all devotee Lord Caitanya are connected with Radha. Lord Caitanya expansions in everyone devotee as Radha. Therefore among them there are no maximum and lowest because all of them madhurya of a maximum degree. Therefore among them there are no distinctions. There is no gradation gopis like in Krisna lila.


You know who you is? Now it is necessary will learn to work as soul. Go in the material world to preach. In the material world, it will be rolled in a hell, engage in it. You were present at all these crimes - you they are guilty as well as.


You are released? Now you should release all others. Your spiritual body will not get to anywhere, it is eternal. Moreover, helping anothers at THEIR level you will find knowledge at the YOUR level. Preach sankhya, develops your prema. Not? Yes. The spiritual science is absolute, it not relative knowledge.


If heart is not clean, that it will prompt yours. Yours WANT to be deceived, therefore you deceive. My heart prompts me where I best I shall be deceived.


Movement SP will develop. SP also has occupied GM-babaji. If they will not do that has established SP they simply will disappear. They should be followed for SP, all the same big realization they and have not received, what sense that they do?


The sermon is spiritually attractively, boundless dialogue, boundless sermon. You want boundless spiritual dialogue? It is the sermon. Infinite happiness, infinite realization. It is eternal activity of an eternal alive essence, it is not necessary so worries about clearing-spiritual body, sermon is the best way to clearing.


Follow for SP there all is - sraddha-prema, top prema bhakti. Great devotees - uttama adhikari will enjoy nectar of the books SP. Prabhupada is pure devotee Lord Caitanya with blessings Lord Advaita Acarya and Nityananda Prabhu. He is mood Lord Caitanya, power Nityananda Prabhu and anger Lord Siva. He is soft as Srivasa, is strong as Nityananda Prabhu and scientist as Advaita Acarya. People Vaikuntha see Srila Prabhupada like Lord Narayana ( according to their rasa ). And essence of His sermon it mahabhava, adi-rasa. He preaches one mood, maximum mood, therefore it is difficult for understanding because it is too high. We shall not see SP by material sight. Worshipping SP we shall receive the boon. But on the present we can understand SP only serving Him under His instructions.


The moon Lord Caitanya shines very brightly! Accept guru and follow for guru-Prabhupada. There are no contradictions - Rupa Goswami- Srila Bhaktivinoda - Narottama dasa Thakur - Srila Prabhupada - there are no contradictions. Only without Prabhupada hardly who that will understand all up to the end.


Now Lord Сaitanya has opened last lock. Lord Caitanya would not come what to test happiness rasa dance with gopis. Krisna did not begin Radha in rasa dance. Because in rasa dance KRISNA enjoys more or equally with Radha, only in separation Radha surpasses Him. Krisna does not suffer in separation, He is independent, He the God. In Krisna lila sambhoga - madhurya replace each other. In gaura lila vipralambha madhurya - eternal emotion.


Krisna lila it is internal energy Lord Caitanya. Therefore only He can distribute knowledge of the God not doing distinctions. Goswamis have described all science of devoted service, but essence of all devoted service has described Itself Lord Caitanya. That we would not mix, more He in general nothing wrote.


Therefore reading Prabhupada as He is it is possible all to understand. Do not experience, all most important moments are not changed in the books.


The sermon is best sannyas, sermon this best service, the sermon is a way to reason, cleanliness, humility, spiritual body. Best guru are the people in the street. They very quickly will understand who you is, therefore we are afraid to go there. Anybody will not learn us so to preach as the people in the street. Anybody. All our realization is shown there in the true form.


In the other case you and will be engaged tama guna - " we best - these bad ". Has not bothered? Open the books Prabhupada and follow them, all will come - rasa, do not worry. Radha in grief. Radha searches Krisna. If the God will really be shown in your sermon, then Prabhupada will be pleased. For me it is possible to not show Krisna, show Krisna to this world. Radha may will be pleased. But then she becomes again sad. This spiritual "misfortune", it never comes to an end. Therefore sermon all becomes stronger and more best it is mood Prabhupada. Therefore this sermon has immense force and she never comes to an end, it uttama adhikari Lord Caitanya.


This emotions Lord Caitanya. Uttama adhikari does not see distinctions between the material world and spiritual world. It is love. With Prabhupda yours "never" will achieve perfection, but will rise on top prema - bhakti.

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***2 long 'a's = A A => RAdhA


Yes - radhA


***Kailasji, u wrote: "My heart prompts me where I best I shall be deceived."

Please clarify.


Supersoul it directs there, where our desires will be carried out.


therefore it is not possible to say that the voice of heart it is absolute.


As a rule we want material life and spiritual life simultaneously.


Therefore the indication of shastry is higher than the "voice of heart".


"voice of heart" indicates the gradual process as a rule, not on the straight line.


this is a complex question. Therefore entire formula is such




not only guru

not only sastra

not only sadhu


this is not correct




take diksa guru, many siksa guru, sastra, all reason too. Like as hristianity - "all hard, all reason."


Not only hard, reason too.


You will excuse for my English. This can be again understandably not written.


not "clean heart will not give good advice". /images/graemlins/smile.gif


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